Creating Pugmire Poster #1 [Pugmire]

At last January’s MidWinter Convention, I was amazed at how quickly the Pugmire playtesters gravitated to the small bits of setting info available for the playtest. Specifically, the first tenet of the Code of Man: “By a good dog.” During the course of several hours, the playtesters uttered, snarled, shouted, and whispered that phrase as … Read more

Is This A Joke? [Pugmire]

First off, check out the new Pugmire image that Rich put together for the website. It really sells both the sense of exploration and of mourning that I love about Pugmire. Wait, mourning? Yes. But I’ll get to that in a bit. One question I get regularly is whether Pugmire is a joke. Given that … Read more

The Rules of Being a Dog [Pugmire]

I recently passed another milestone on Pugmire. I took the material I cobbled together for the Midwinter playtests and started rewriting it all from scratch in Scrivener. After a few weeks of sneaking time over nights and weekends to write, rewrite, and redesign furiously, I have enough in place that I can hand the material over to other … Read more

Playing With Dogs: Playtest Notes [Pugmire]

I’m trying to keep Pugmire posts to once a month or less, but since Rich mentioned that I just passed a milestone in development, I wanted to share my thoughts. For those that don’t know, last weekend I ran the first playtests of Pugmire. This was the first time I’ve ever played the game with people that aren’t me, … Read more

Not Just Pugs [Pugmire]

The past few weeks, in between a variety of other projects, I’ve written up what I call a “vertical slice” of Pugmire. It’s a document in which all of the key systems are fleshed out just enough to test them. That’s led to a number of revision passes as things break when I try to use them, … Read more

The Code of Man [Pugmire]

Today I want to talk a little more about Pugmire. But first I want to talk about the dog in this picture. This is Sanford. He is a rescue pug that we are fostering while we help him get to his forever home, and as I type this he’s playing with a squeaky toy behind me in … Read more

A Cautious Sniff [Pugmire]

(The image attached to the post is what I got when I searched for “dog armor” on Wikipedia Commons, as there isn’t any art for Pugmire yet. Consider it “inspirational” rather than an actual art direction.) Waaaaaay back in August, Rich and I announced Pugmire for the first time at GenCon. It’s a new creator-owned fantasy game (specifically, owned by my … Read more