Release Roundup: November 2015

Over the course of the last month we’ve released quite a bit of merchandise: Shirts! Scion Pantheon: Allied Shirt Scion Pantheon: Yankee Shirt Sgt. Jonathan Steele: Yankee Scion of John Henry Shirt Lt. Samuel Washington: Yankee Scion of Uncle Sam Shirt Lost Fera: Apis Lost Fera: Camazotz Lost Fera: Grondr Changing Breeds 1: With and … Read more

Now Available: Scion Swag and Mage20 Merch

Now available from DriveThruRPG and our RedBubble store: Scion Pantheon: Allied Shirt Scion Pantheon: Yankee Shirt Sgt. Jonathan Steele: Yankee Scion of John Henry Shirt Lt. Samuel Washington: Yankee Scion of Uncle Sam Shirt Scion: Hero Poster Scion: Demigod Poster Scion: God Poster Scion Companion Poster Scion: Ragnarok Poster M20 Dreamspeakers Poster M20 Ascend Poster

Day 21: Terra Incognita

Onyx Path’s Month of Nightmares features games, stories, and more to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Count down the days with us by reading our excerpts, participating in the discussion, or by taking advantage of our special offers leading up to a haunted Halloween. Off the coast of Ireland are four city-islands: Murias, Falias, Gorias … Read more