New Release: Trinity Continuum Poster!

The Trinity Continuum poster is now available on DriveThruRPG, completing the trinity (heh) of Gen Con posters! This poster is Onyx Path’s first release for the Trinity setting. The Trinity Continuum An amazing montage of the beautiful Trinity art of Glenn Fabry, Mark Chiarello, Thomas Fleming, and Grzegorz Pedrycz. Originally released at Gen Con 2014 … Read more

Trinity Continuum: What’s in a name?

Hi, everyone. I’m Ian Watson, and I’m overseeing development on the upcoming Trinity Continuum books. I’m what Rich is calling the “uber-developer.” Currently I’m working with Æon developer John Snead and the writing crew he’s beginning to assemble. So what’s with the new name? Long-time fans are doubtless familiar with the troubles we’ve had with … Read more