Now Available: Aberrant Comic and Scarred Lands Kickstarter Warning!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruComics: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – You Are Not Alone! Gillian Jericho is a young blogger with the interview of a lifetime: the mysterious Antaeus of Team Tomorrow. He’s a nova, one of the superpowered beings that started to appear in the world ten years ago. But the interview … Read more

Release Roundup: July 2019

Lots of great material this month: Scarred Lands: Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss for 5e (print) Scion: A Light Extinguished: A Scion 2e Jumpstart (PDF/print) Changeling: The Dreaming: C20 Player’s Guide (PDF/print) Exalted: The Realm (print) Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade: Sky Titan and Storm Serpent (PDF) Exalted: Dreams of the Second Age: An Exalted … Read more

Now Available: Blood Sea in print, plus Scion Jumpstart!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: A Light Extinguished: A Scion 2nd Edition Jumpstart! Someone has killed Bai Amari, the Luminary, a well-respected and beloved Scion of Ra. Who would want such a thing? Who could muster enough power to end the immortal life of a demigod? Is this a declaration of war? … Read more

Now Available: The Realm in print!

Now available in print from DriveThruRPG: The Realm for Exalted 3rd Edition! From the chaos of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate’s collapse arose the Scarlet Empress, hero-tyrant and founder of the Realm. In the centuries since her ascendancy, the Scarlet Realm has become Creation’s foremost imperial power. Kingdoms and city-states across Creation look toward the Blessed Isle … Read more

Now Available: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon

Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon for Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition! You’ve got it into your head that there can’t be much worse than you. You’re a monster, a feral animal, barely controlled and just snapping at unfortunate bastards who cross your path. Well, newsflash, buster: there’s … Read more

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter launched!

In the early years of the 21st century, the Galatea space station unexpectedly exploded. People across the globe began manifesting the ability to control quantum forces. Scientists hail them as Homo sapiens novus, a new evolution of humanity. The media dubs them novas, the superheroes for a new age. Of course, heroism isn’t for everyone. What would you do … Read more

The Surprise: A Reveal

The full cover has now been revealed: You Are Not Alone: An introductory story for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant. Our story begins tomorrow. New comic pages will be posted Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Won’t you join us?