Essentially…This Week! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Exalted Essence Player’s Guide is coming, essentially, on BackerKit crowdfunding this Thursday the 27th at 2pm EDT!

The Essence PG is where the devs are able to provide more details for all ten Exalted types – details that will add to the basic Essence experience presented in the main book. Everything in there has been given the same rigorous attention as the info in the main book to insure that while there’s more fun info, it never becomes too much more.

As always, you can check out that claim yourself by backing for whatever amount makes sense to you, and reading through the book’s text as it is delivered to backers throughout the month-long campaign!

Here’s Eddy with more details:

My first Exalted project (in a decade, at least). I’m excited for this to come out into the world! Here’s a bit about Exalted Essence Player’s Guide: 

The Exalted Essence Player’s Guide is a supplement for Exalted: Essence, greatly expanding on the ten Exalt types presented. Unlike other Exalted books, this does not contain any new setting material. It’s all about your character and your campaigns. Most books also speak directly to the Storyteller, assuming they’re the person who does most of the reading. Not so here! If you’re a player in a game of Exalted, this is your book. Mark it up. Highlight it. Leave comments in the margins. After all, a campaign of a tabletop roleplaying game is a deeply personal thing. Make it yours, and help us print a gorgeous version of this book that you’ll treasure for years to come.
Within the pages of the Exalted Essence Player’s Guide, you’ll find:
• Ten chapters each dedicated entirely to one Exalt type, packed with roleplaying advice, all-new Exalt milestones and dozens of new Charms.
• Two brand-new Exigents, each with a complete Charm set.
• And expanded Exalt-specific rules for unique features such as Sidereal destinies and Lunar shapeshifting.

Pillars of Creation art by Digital Art Chefs

You can also hear Eddy narrate these very words and more in the video on the campaign page on BackerKit once we go live on Thursday! 

So if you want to be notified when it goes live Thursday, here’s the Sign Up page:

With Great Power art by Digital Art Chefs

I’ve stolen their metropoli.

Sometimes our MMN Blog subheader is unrelated to work, really, just something we say. In this case it’s a comment relating to a standardization it seems we sorely needed. Apparently there just ain’t no word metropoli, and so we’re not using it. Now you know – and knowing is half the battle.

The other half of knowing might just be the process of gathering info outside your experience and incorporating it. I mean, maybe. And if so, here’s another one you might not know: just because you don’t get a report on it on social media, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Like, these notes each Monday aren’t just what happened last week or even just at today’s meeting. We’re doing stuff constantly so that we’re able to keep creating these many amazing game lines.

Because I chose to fill y’all in on some of what we’ve been dealing with in terms of the current chaotic environment for printing and shipping, that doesn’t mean that we only just started to get quotes for print jobs from different printers, shippers, and other suppliers. Mirthful Mike and I have been doing that since Onyx Path started! We work to get the best deals so we can get the best quality printing for prices that won’t push us over into unprofitability and so can keep creating the game lines you love. And it’s a constantly moving target because printers deal with paper increases, ink increases, labor issues, their government upheavals, shipping problems, etc – and those all effect what they wind up charging us.

So, anyway, I want to be sure y’all understand that what we do has a lot of parts that are constantly being tweaked – and I usually don’t go to far into it because frankly, it’s not what most of our community are into.

With Great Power art by Lee O’Connor

Onto the stuff we’re working on:

We used part of the meeting to set up panels for the Onyx Path Virtual Convention in June, and while we want to keep some surprises to reveal later, we did realize that last year we really couldn’t get deep into the details for Curseborne since we were pushing that slow reveal culminating in the Kickstarter.

So this year, how about three separate Curseborne panels where we can really delve into what went into its creation, what the Lineages and Families are all about and how to create characters, and what’s coming up for the game line? Add some Q&A time, and I think we’re gonna have a great con for Curseborne!

Here’s Travis with an update on the Scarred Lands Savage Worlds license:

This week Aegis Studios is closing errata on the Gauntlet of Spiragos (SWADE) Advance PDF, which spent 2 weeks as the top selling Savage Worlds release on DriveThruRPG and has gotten two awesome 5-star reviews! I’ll be going over errata, finalizing the PDF and getting the POD process started! Those who’ve picked up Gauntlet of Spiragos (SWADE) in PDF at the time the POD goes live will receive coupons for discounted POD copies via DriveThruRPG. 

Tomorrow we’ll be releasing our third Creature Profile, the Narleth, and we’re proud to announce that the full text of Dagger of Spiragos (SWADE) has been approved, so we are moving on to layout on that project! Dagger of Spiragos will contain not only the continuation of the Spiragos Saga, but deeper information on the Fangsfall Peninsula and an expanded bestiary containing over 60 creatures and NPCs!

Head’s-up that this is the last week of the big IPR sale on physical accessories like Screens and dice and stuff!

And another head’s-up that these are the LAST DAYS to buy our DTRPG PoDs at the current prices before we have to raise ours due to the PoD printer raising their prices! Take advantage of current pricing before they go up at the end of the month!

Next week, we miss April 1 by one day, which is really for the best, all things considered! No foolin’, we love being able to give you all so many…

Many Worlds, One Path!




Exalted Essence Players Guide

on BackerKit March 27th!

* A book full of player options for Exalted: Essence

* Each of the ten Exalt type gets their own chapter

* Lots of new Charms for your game

Sign up here to get notified when it launches!

Onyx Path Media!

Check out our attached media schedule for the videos on our Twitch channel this week!

On this week’s Onyx Path News Matthew discusses The World Below merchandise! Check it out right here:

On The Gentleman Gamer’s YouTube channel, we have a new Gentleman’s Guide to the Accursed with his video focusing on the Wardens family! Check out this official lore drop here:

Virtual Tabletop!

They Came From Beneath the Sea! on Roll20 VTT!

The Scion: Origin and Scion Hero Compendiums are now available on Roll20!

Scion is just the start! They Came From Beneath the Sea! and other
Onyx Path RPGs are in development for Roll20 virtual tabletop!

The first of our official Scion sheets designed for Foundry VTT are
now available!

Looking for more virtual tabletop resources? We have a selection of
Tokens, Encounters, and more available now at DriveThruRPG!

Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Select Chronicles of Darkness Screens and Monarchies of Mau books,
screens, and dice 50% off at Studio 2:

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link!

FINAL WEEK! The Excessive Accessories Sale is on now at IPR:
75% off Dice, Screens, and more.

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at!

The first part of the print shopping experiment is live on DTRPG:

This is limited to the USA only at first, but will expand later after
data crunching and review.

Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

On Sale This Week!

This month’s Curseborne Tasty Bit PDF: The Living Epoch, is going to tempt you to partake in its sale this Weds on DTRPG!


Here’s where you can find out more info on physical and virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!

This year’s Onyx Path Virtual Game Con will be happening on June 6-8! Mark your calendars!

Envoy will be running multiple demos of Curseborne at Gen Con, Thu, Jul 31, 2025 – Sun, Aug 3, 2025 in Indy, so sign up and get to actually play the game if you’re curious (but do it as soon as you can because Curseborn has been getting a lot of attention and is sure to sell out like happened at PAXunplugged), and we’ll have books and screens for sale at the Studio 2 booth.

Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at StartPlaying is this Friday the 28th! Come play some Curseborne that night! (But any of our game lines are welcome all day long!)

Here’s a link to give anyone $10 credit to play games on Start.Playing:

Please spread the word about GMing games as much as possible! Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in the FAQ:

Project Status Updates!

Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out February’s full list report here:


Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:


Realms of Pugmire – Pugmire and Beyond (was Expansion of the Realms)

  • I ended up chasing my tail a bit, but now I can start doing the redlines on the next Pugmire book! It used to be titled Expansion of the Realms, but now it’s called PUGMIRE AND BEYOND!


Curseborne – Tangled Webs

  • Some bizarre worlds and strange phenomena show up in this book, that I strongly hope form the centrepieces for all kinds of Curseborne games.

Earthbane – Monster Kingdoms

  • Moving into development now so Eddy and I can finish our writing and get the whole book lined up! It’s looking monstrous…


Scion – Mythic Shards

  • All the additional chapters have been written and now it’s over to editing!


In Art Direction

  • Ex3 Miracles of the Divine Flame – gathering up art for approvals – almost ready for Paradox.
  • Curseborne – Contracting and meeting with Maria today about it.
  • SCION Wild Hunt – More finals coming in.
  • SCION Demigod Companion – Sifting through some color roughs.
  • Curious Cats – Going to HIVE.
  • Branch Riders – Getting pieces approved.
  • Ex Essence PG (BK) – wrapping up the Add On and Pledge Thumbnails today.


  • Scion Tasty Bit Combo
  • TC Aether Screen
  • SCION God Storyguide Screen
  • Pugmire 2e Screen
  • SCION God Storyguide Screen
  • World Below Screen
  • Ex3 Abyssals – Probably getting started on this later in the week… if nothing blocks me.
  • TCF the Lost City of the Oracle’s Amulet


  • SCION Titans Rising – 2nd Proof.


At Press

  • Reprints:
  • Scion Origin – Starting shipping to backers.
  • TC Core – Starting shipping to backers. PoD files uploaded.
  • Ex 3 Exigents – Quoting.
  • Ex 3 Exigents Screen – At Studio 2
  • Ex 3 Sidereals – Quoting.
  • TC Aether – Fixing some stuff printer spotted.
  • Scion: God – Fixing some stuff printer spotted.
  • TC Aeon Reprint – PoD proof ordered.
  • Pugmire Conversion Doc – files uploaded to DTRPG.
  • With Great Power – Advance PDF almost ready to go on sale in April.
  • Ex Essence Pillars of Creation – Awaiting Errata.
  • Curseborne Tasty Bit 3: The Living Epoch – PDF available Weds on DTRPG!

Today’s Reason to Celebrate!

Happy National Cheesesteak Day! And in Philly, home of the cheesesteak, it’s Cheesesteak Week! Or at least, so I’m told by local media. In any event, for those that don’t know, cheesesteaks are sandwiches on a long roll (and the roll quality is very important) filled with chipped steak and cheese as a base. If you order one in Philly and say “wit” that means they add fried onions. If you say “wiz”, they use Cheese-whiz as the cheese, although American, Provolone, or a sharp cheddar are also reasonable choices for cheese. Mushrooms, peppers, and pizza sauce, are also standard options to add. Everyone who cares has their favorite places to go for their favorite version…and A LOT of people in Philly care A LOT about their favs. You get a chance: enjoy!

8 thoughts on “Essentially…This Week! [Monday Meeting Notes]”

  1. Given you’ve got the Essence backerkit starting now, does this mean that With Great Power won’t be out until April 30th?

    • What’s your logic that leads to that date? A crowdfunding campaign doesn’t impact our Wednesday releases, normally. Questioningly…

      • Oh, I was just wondering if its release was being delayed until after the Essence Player’s Guide KS, and the 30th is the first Wednesday after that window. I’d be happy with it sooner, I just wondered if it was strategic, given the rising value of USD and the general… Uh… Economic situation right now, shall we say. The mention of “April” rather than “next week” or “in two weeks”, etc., made me think that might be the case.

        • No, those two efforts are really not connected, with With Great Power being a regular, non-KS, release in particular. And there’s no economic weirdness with PDFs right now. Let’s hope never. There’s every chance that With Great Power’s Advance PDF will be good to go on sale next week, but I didn’t want to assume it was the best thing for next week until the team could discuss, so I just used “April” – no deeper meaning.

    • In the “big name” category I still like Jim’s on South Street best, but I’ve had some really good ones at local places over the years. Lee’s Hoagies also does decent steaks with their famous pepper mix spread. Now I’m trying to find a decent gluten-free cheesesteak, which is not easy as the roll is such an integral part, IMHO.

  2. Super hyped for the Curseborne Tasty Bit, I liked the others a lot 🙂

    I do have a (unrelated) question: Scion runs on Storypath, Curseborne is going to run on Storypath Ultra, which is related but distinctly different. Is some kind of Translation Guide planned (maybe even in the Storypath Ultra Corebook) in cause someone wants to port over?

    Thank you for your time 🙂

    • The Storypath Ultra Core Manual does have a small appendix that helps with high-level conversion, yes. However, since we haven’t planned out new Ultra versions of all our games, we can’t give a detailed breakdown. Still, between the detailed design advice in SPU and the appendix, I think you have enough to do a lot of the work, and maybe make a few rulings here and there as you need to.


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