Flying Out to Indy…

Just a quick Monday Meeting Notes to say that everything anybody is talking about this week is Gen Con in Indy. There are plenty of our Onyx Path gang not able to attend, and we’ll miss all you folks and hope you’re working hard while we’re “playing” at the con. Was that mean? Only on the surface, because this Gen Con we are going to be working our butts off.

Already in preparation, we have all new booth signage, official Onyx Path camp shirts so fans will be able to recognize us in the booth and around Indy, snazzy Mirthful Mike Chaney-designed business cards, an Onyx Path brochure (with our plans through to next August in it) to hand out, and Demon: The Descent Ouickstarter samples for folks to check out at the booth. Plus I just put the last parts of our “What’s Up with WW/OP” presentation together (hopefully our AV system can show it well this year), and we’ll have some printed samples of the Strix Anthology and Hunters Hunted 2 at the booth as well. Getting all that stuff ready while still pushing all our projects forward was quite a task! We’ll be in Booth #1201, with DriveThruRPG and Monte Cook (so it might be crowded over there).

And then, while we’re there, we have these panels that I’ll be at with as many of our gang as can attend (since everybody besides me is a freelancer, some folks have their own cool projects and companies to push, if you can imagine that!):

FRIDAY – 11:00 a.m.
Q&A With Onyx path
Crowne Plaza :: Victoria Stn A/B

FRIDAY – 1pm-2pm
Portfolio Review w/Mike Chaney
Booth #1201

FRIDAY – 3:00 p.m.
New World of Darkness
Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm C

SATURDAY – 11am-12pm
Portfolio Review w/Mike Chaney
Booth #1201

SATURDAY – 1:00 p.m.
What’s Up With White Wolf/Onyx Path?
Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm C

SATURDAY – 4:00 p.m.
Classic World of Darkness
Crowne Plaza : Victoria Stn A/B

Also, we’ll have signing times as listed at the booth.

Also, also, I’ll be there as an Industry Guest of Honor again this year and am on these panels that you should stop in and catch if they sound interesting:

THURSDAY – 3:00 p.m.
Being a Professional RPG Artist
ICC : 210

FRIDAY – 1:00 p.m.
Gender Issues in RPG Art
ICC : 211

SATURDAY – 2:00 p.m.
Creating Art for IPs
ICC : 211

SUNDAY – 10:00 a.m.
RPGs Aren’t Textbooks
ICC: 211

SUNDAY – 11:00 a.m.
Running a Successful Kickstarter Q&A
ICC: 210

Also, also, also- we have our two Gen Con meals with Holden, John, and myself, with the Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition backers who pledged for that somewhat dubious reward.

So what I’m saying is that we are going to be running constantly while we’re there. But it’s going to be worth it. I know that our gang is really looking forward to getting to talk face to face with as many of you folks as we can- no, seriously! 😉 Because that’s really something that all the internet communication that we do just doesn’t provide- the human to human moment. Isn’t that really the telling point of our hobby, the difference between playing around a table vs into a screen?

Philosofizin’ aside, we really are looking forward to talking with everybody who drops by, and by we, I mean: myself, Mirthful Mike Chaney, Evil Ian Watson, Rockin’ Rose Bailey, Madcap Matt McElroy, Eddy (he can write his own damn nick-name) Webb, and a host of writers and developers who will be dropping in like Black Hat Matt McFarland, Holden Shearer, C.A. Suleiman, John “Put a slash through the O” Morke, David Hill, Monica Valentinelli and many more.

OK, gotta run- here are the Updates:

– Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) The PDF and electronic format versions are on sale now at DTRPG/DTFiction: Samples of the printed versions will be at the GenCon booth #1201.

– Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Final dev pass.

– Mummy the Curse – Deluxe book and  Screen are at press- book being re-covered. The MtC Ready Made Characters Pack is in art direction/layout. Cursed Necropolis DC being written and its cover has been approved.

– Exalted 3rd Edition:  A couple of EX3 chapters continue to be finalized by the Devs and thence for Editing. The EX3 Quickstart is being written. EX3 novel contracts are being created and need a tad bit of discussion at GenCon this week with the freelance creators.

– V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  Deluxe is printing. The PDF is live on DTRPG and samples of the printed books will be at our booth (#1201) at GenCon. Justin is bogged down on real life issues for a presentation at his day job, but will send the HH2 Fiction Anthology to editing ASAP.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it.

– Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: At binding. Mike Lee went back and revised a fair number of chapter in the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel prior to submitting to Bill for dev review.  The Storyteller Screen files are done and ready for W20. Bill has theW20 Anthology stories done and they are in editing.  Jess Hartley continues writing the White Howlers Tribe Book  and the W20 Cookbook is almost done in editing

Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil Brucato writing like a maniac and developing his writers, also like a maniac. Very early sketches for the fulls from Michael William Kaluta look awesome. A good number of finals pieces were approved. Going to try to get up an art blog- OK, when Mike and I get a week where we can assemble some pieces, this will start.

– W20 Changing Breeds  Kickstarter expanded material being written, and the Changing Breeds Fiction Anthology is being discussed.

– W20 Rage Across the World: All the art is in, approved, and going into the book.

– Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is into editing and art is coming in.

– Conventionbook: Syndicate (cMtA) PDF version is live and we are incorporating changes pointed out by you, our community.

– Conventionbook: Void Engineers (cMtA) is in editing. Art is all in.

– W20 Book of the Wyrm is almost ready for editing.

– V20 Rites of the Blood: is being written and red-lined and is in Open Dev on the blogs: Eddy is preparing art notes.

– Under the Darkening Sky (classic Dark Ages): Writers are writing. David is sending Mirthful Mike art notes for the cover.

– Trinity Continuum:   We now have a whopping big Aeon outline and a Trinity Continuum Core Book outline. Ian and John Snead are gathering their writers. There will be some talk at Gen Con, oh yes there will.

 Scion: Joe’s team is hammering systems, but Joe himself has been stricken with chronic back pain. Measures to relieve this are being taken and they seem to be working, and we must look at other measures to ensure that Scion isn’t delayed while Joe recuperates. Again, we will be talking about this at Gen Con, but without Joe unfortunately.

– Demon: The Descent: The text is now in editing! Art has been assigned. Demon Quickstart samples will be at Gen Con for folks to check out and give us their thoughts about before we post it on DTRPG after the con.

– Hunter: The Something About Monsters: Writers are writing.

Reason to Drink: G. E. N. C. O. N.

27 thoughts on “Flying Out to Indy…”

  1. It never existed before, but was listed as an upcoming DA book years ago. Now we’re actually doing it. It’s a DA supplement detailing the effect of an eclipse on each of the DA “splats”: vampires, werewolves, mages (magi), Inquisition, and the fae.

    • It’s probably way too late for that, but adding something for Demons would be awesome… 🙂 Such a big DtF fan, and really enjoyed Devil’s Due too.

  2. To clarify regarding Exalted; the devs have only a few more chapters to finish or they have only finished a few chapters?

    I’m really excited about gencon, even though I can’t go. Every year I watch the news from afar and await the exciting things that will come. Are you going to be posting your seminars on youtube again?

    • It’s a bit unlike our normal process where chapters are finished and moved forward in stages, they are continually forced by the interconnected nature of rehabbing the rules and setting info to go back into text considered finished to make a consistency tweak. So- a few chapters are almost ready for editing.

      And yep- we’ll post recordings after the panels- thanks!

      • Here’s a for-example:

        Up until about a month ago, we still had both lethal soak and bashing soak as separate things. Then we decided it would make everyone’s life easier to just revert to one unified soak (Lethal and Bashing remain as damage types, but they only matter to your Health Track, not your armor). This necessitated combing through everything we’d already written to tweak it into compliance, redefining how Stamina interacted with soak, etc.

        Other common occurrences are things like “we figured out that we want 3e Sidereal Charms to do THIS– so we really want a Solar Charm doing THAT to contrast styles and give them a hard counter.”

  3. coolness, have fun over there, Ive alway wanted to join in with that party. Id like to ask a couple of questions
    – whats up with W20, it seems to be very slow moving forwards?
    – what is Hunter: The Something, a NWoD or OWoD project?

    • Slow is relative- the gilding process took longer than anyone realized due to the hand-crafted nature of getting the copper gilding on there, and I rejected several cover embosses until we got one that was cool enough. Those are extra parts to what would be the normal book making process, and took longer on top of it. But the results will be worth it.

      For Hunter the Vigil.

      • Excellent,thanks Rich, I am not complaining, I know it will be worth every second and dime! After reading through V20 I know it just means more time to build up the muscle power to be able to read the thing!
        Have a great time at Gencon 2013 all of ye!

  4. I hope you all have a blast. 🙂 I’m sad I won’t be coming this year, you’ve got a lot of cool stuff to show off.

  5. Hi Rich, for the Kickstarter books, I’m guessing that they fill quite a few boxes as they are sent from the printer to the place doing the gilding and then repacked and sent to the next place where the binding take place. I was thinking that if you could have someone at any of those companies that is involved with these books take pictures of just how many boxes they have to work through and you could pass those pictures along in the updates. Maybe some of the people that are complaining about the time it takes to get the books ready will be able to understand a little better why it does take so long to get the books out to everyone. It’s just a thought, but I’ve seen some other Kickstarter projects doing similar things on Facebook.

  6. Hey guys,

    have fun at the con. Too bad that germany is a bit too far away for that ;-).
    I actually got a question: Are there any update about a convertion of Werewolf to the nWoD
    2.0(aka: God Machine WoD)?

  7. Exciting stuff!!! So curious to know what the panel line-up will be for Los Angeles By Night?? Who’ll be there? Any signings??

    Im part of the Dead Gamers Society contingent who will be running table-top events along with the Wrecking Crew, btw.


  8. As we’re in the middle of August, I’m hoping HH2 Deluxe and W20 finally ship before the end of the month. Hope. Hope. Hope.

    • I’d suppose they would arrive at early September if they done and shipped at the end of August.

      It usually takes anything between 3 days and three weeks for mail packages to arrive from US to Europe depending on shipping method and items shipped.

  9. Hey Onyx Path. Wish you guys have a blast at the con. I’ll try to go next year. Would make for a great trip I think. 🙂

  10. Hey Guys, I hope everything is going great for you at GenCon. I had an idea of how to lessen the complaints of backers from Kickstarters like W20 or Mummy: The Cursed and I wanted to run it by you guys. It’s similar to how you have the schedule setup on your website. On there you said that the percentages were based on eight stages. What I thought you could do for the kickstarter folks is make a list of stages that a product has to go thought, example: Editing Stage, Binding Stage. This way people will be able to see generally how long it will take for the products to finish.

  11. Oh yeah! Wraith 20! As in all I wanted to know but never could get my hands on in one neat and awesome package! Oh! I’m in!


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