For God’s Sake, John: SIT DOWN! [Monday Meeting Notes]

That line is from 1776: The Musical, an annual favorite here at Onyx Path headquarters, and is referring to the attitude of much of the 2nd Continental Congress towards the delegate from Massachusetts colony, John Adams. It’s hot. They’re stuck in Philadelphia, they’re arguing whether or not to go full-out into rebellion against England, and he just won’t stop nagging them about voting yes for independence!

It’s not strictly historically accurate, but then it’s not trying to be. It does stick with you; so much that Lin-Manuel Miranda included a reference to Sit Down John in Hamilton: The Musical.

All of which I mention because tomorrow is the 4th of July, our US holiday celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was our official notice to the English crown and government that we were going it alone.

Sometimes our Monday Meeting is much like that Continental Congress, at least in terms of arguing all over a subject and exploring the different viewpoints our Monday Meeting crew have towards the things that come up – whether business, creative, ethical, etc.

Not today though! Today we burned through our meeting and the project updates: so this is gonna be a short one. So short, in fact, that I padded it out with that whole 1776 thing, above.


Legacies of Earth art by Pat McEvoy

Here We Go, Don’t Blink!

From our Operations Update, we have this note:

Steam Summer Sale on our Scarred Lands (on Fantasy Grounds) titles:

HtV Tending the Flame art by Alex Sheikman

Some points from our Projects Update, (Matthew Edition):

Thanks everybody who picked up The World Below Ashcan! We were #1 in the under $5 Category on DTRPG for most of the last week, and thanks to all of you – over 20 of you – who took the time to give us ratings and/or reviews! That’s really so very, very helpful as we try and spread the word about this brand-new fantasy roleplaying game!

We’ll be getting a physical PoD version up there ASAP, for anybody who wants to hold the Ashcan in their hands/close to their heart. Well, The World Below Provides.

Apparently, it also provides more questions from readers, so Matthew put up another blog answering those questions last Thursday. I’ll pull just a couple of them here, but here’s also the link:

Will the Range Band table in the full version list VTT squares?

Yes! This is something we’re definitely keen to do and simply couldn’t justify the space for the Ashcan. There will be a sidebar dedicated to translating range bands to VTT squares.

What kinds of tags can the Spark Synthesis enable?

In the Ashcan we listed Electrified, Flaming, Ice, Poison, and Shadow, but as this is an introductory book we only provided Electrified in the list of tags. You’ll be pleased to know that Shadow will also be an option once the errata is in. We’ll reserve Flaming, Ice, and Poison for the full version.

What kinds of basic minion can Call Animal summon?

Good question! In the full game, you’ll have a template you can apply to any number of basic minions (small mammals, reptiles, large bugs, etc.) but for the purposes of the Ashcan, it enables you to summon a pest level arachniida (which is detailed in the book). I’m amending the text to clarify!

Will all the peoples in The World Below receive their own art?

That’s the intention, yes! It’s always useful to show players what their characters might look like. We’ve received some interesting questions about how the makiru might appear, with some going for full-blown skaven ratfolk and others (such as Victoria in our actual play during Onyx Path Con) having their character more human but with elongated rodent ears. We’ll provide artistic reference for the full version, but your characters are your own and you can deviate from what we present!

What is the Fade?

The Fade goes by many other names (the Dream, the Pale, the Miasma, the Mist) and is a place of enlightenment, nightmare, and access to other worlds. In theory, it’s a vast, all-encapsulating Kaos Portal that might drop you anywhere if you don’t know how to navigate it. Dream spirits are very much at home there. Most humanoids are not.

HtV Tending the Flame art by Alex Sheikman

From our Actual Play Updates:

On this Thursday, July 6th, on our Onyx Path Twitch channel, you can watch The World Below Ashcan Edition Actual Play and get a taste for exactly how the Ashcan plays!

From our Crowdfunding Update from James, our Crowdfunding Concierge):

“Here’s the link to the TC: Aegis landing page, if you want to include in in the MMN or share around”:

So there you go!

And here I go, spending the rest of the week reading through The World Below text and jotting down ideas for different pieces of art and symbols, coins, all sorts of things to get us pre-prepped for the inevitable The World Below crowdfunding effort later this year! Doing it old-school with a print-out of the chapters so I can jot ideas and even more importantly doodles for visuals in the margins.

Hope everybody who celebrates enjoys the 4th, and please do be extra mindful of how the big booms from the celebrations can affect your pets. (I suggested a scary holiday for Realms of Pugmire based on myths the Pugmire dogs have of a terrifying night of explosions). It’s a real thing, so do be careful for them.

See you next week in amongst our:




Coming up on crowdfunding next: Trinity Continuum: Aegis on BackerKit!

Here a link to the BackerKit campaign landing page!

Onyx Path Media!

This week:

D, Matthew, and Dixie talk about Exalted Essence and do a review of Onyx Path Con!

As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue!

Onyx Path Media now has its own blog on Tuesdays! We’ll continue posting our highlight of the week here, but Tuesday will be the day to visit if you want to catch up on actual plays, interviews, deep dives, and other assorted Onyx Path media!

Please check out our attached media schedule for the videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!


A new series continues on the subject of the Scion roleplaying game! This show, run by the talented Asterinomous, is all about Scion stories, and now moves on to The Musical Episode. Watch the video and take some inspiration!: 

The Onyx Path News discusses recent and upcoming releases! You can find it on our YouTube channel (click the bell to be informed when we go live!) but if you missed the last episode, here it is:

Virtual Tabletop!

They Came From Beneath the Sea! on Roll20 VTT!

Here are some more shots from the They Came From Beneath the Sea! Compendium!

And there’s also the Scion Jumpstart, all ready for Roll20 VTT fun!

More news and links when we have them!

The Scion: Origin and Scion Hero Compendiums are now available on Roll20!

Scion is just the start! They Came From Beneath the Sea! and other
Onyx Path RPGs are in development for Roll20 virtual tabletop!

The first of our official Scion sheets designed for Foundry VTT are
now available!

Direct Link:

Looking for more virtual tabletop resources? We have a selection of
Tokens, Encounters, and more available now at DriveThruRPG!

Get ’em here:

Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link!

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at!

Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

five fiction books

Check out Melody Through the Mirrorshade Lens and Facets of Truth , as well as Trinity Continuum: Terat and The Hollow Courts on Kindle in the Kindle store!

On Sale This Week!

The greatly anticipated Exalted Dragon Blooded novella Surface Truths is in the palace! PDF/PoD/eBook versions available this Weds on DTRPG!


As we are slowly returning to attending conventions in person after the current COVID-19 outbreak, keep an eye out here for more physical and virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!

Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at Start.Playing is the last Friday of the month! Come play some Trinity Continuum in celebration of the upcoming Trinity Continuum: Aegis crowdfunding! (But any of our game lines are welcome all day long!)

Please spread the word about GMing games as much as
possible. Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in
the FAQ:

And now, the new project status updates!

Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out June’s full list report here:


Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:


Tasty Bit – Scion: Dragon: Library

  • Eddy: Back from vacation, and the first of two Tasty Bits is already on my desk! This one is for redlining, and I look forward to reading about manipulative Dragons in a weird library….


    They Came From! – Heroes of Action and Wonder!

    • Matthew: We leap into development with these Heroes of Action and Wonder! Expect some excellent crossover guidance in this book. Finally you’ll be able to play a Cyborg in Beyond the Grave!

    Tasty Bit – They Came from CLASSIFIED!: Hotel Lobby

    • Eddy: The second of the two Tasty Bits has also come back, this time for development! The first pass of superspies meeting (and maybe doing other things) in a posh hotel was really fun, so I can’t wait to see how much it’s improved!

    Scion: God Jumpstart

    • Matthew: We want the easiest on ramp for Scion: God (some people actually start their game there!) and this adventure looks like a fantastic way to do it.

    Manuscript Approval

    They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave! – They Came from Witchford Academy!

    • Matthew: Witchford Academy is in my hands to review and it looks like Michele’s team have done fantastic work on it!

    Post-Editing Development

    Exalted – What Lies Forgotten novella

    • Danielle: Lauren’s novella came back from editing, and I have the pleasure of reading through it once again to get it into ship shape before it goes on to layout. Can’t wait for you all to read this romp.


    In Art Direction

    • Ex3 Eight Directions – All the non map art is in. So… I’m getting that over for Paradox approvals.
    • TCF Cyclops Cave/Classified – Classified notes out… officially. I’m getting Leblanc going on Cyclops this week.
    • TC Aegis (KS) – Prepping for Backer Kit.
    • TC Adventure Addendum – I got DeSiati’s pcs in… and I signed off on Durwin’s sketches last week… so moving along.

    In Layout

    • M20 Lore of the Traditions – Getting that a goin…
    • Legacies of Earth – Wrapping up.
    • Ex Essence Novella – I’m setting up a template for Dixie in the morning.
    • SCION Once and Future – Sending over to Josh.


    • Ex3 Crucible of Legends – Sending off 2nd proof.
    • TC Assassins VTT Adventure


    At Press

    • TC Anima – Errata should be shutting down on Tuesday.
    • TC: Adventure! – Trad printing files prepping.
    • TC Adventure Storyguide Screen and Booklet – Quoting with Printers.
    • Exalted Essence – Quoting with Printers.
    • W20 Apocalyptic Record – Quoting with Printers.
    • W20 Apocalyptic Record Screen & Booklet
    • HtV Tending the Flame – PoD proofs ordered.
    • W20 Howls of Apocalypse – PoD proofs ordered.
    • MtAw Tome of the Pentacle – PoD proofs ordered.
    • The World Below Ashcan – Advance PDF errata.
    • Ex3 Surface Truths – PDF/PoD/eBook versions on sale this Weds on DTRPG!

    Today’s Reason to Celebrate!

    Last week we went back in history to 1963 – personally, an important year for yours truly – and this week we’re going a hundred years earlier in 1863 to the Battle of Gettysburg fought during our US Civil War. In fact, today was the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg as the Confederate army under General Robert E. Lee was defeated after its forces were smashed attempting a doomed charge over open fields into the center of the prepared Union lines. Historically known as Pickett’s Charge for the officer that led that last-ditch effort. We celebrate because this was the high-water mark for the rebellion, and every battle afterwards led to Lee’s surrender and the end of the Civil War and the slave-owning Confederacy.

    6 thoughts on “For God’s Sake, John: SIT DOWN! [Monday Meeting Notes]”

    1. >TC Anima – Errata should be shutting down on Tuesday.

      I hope you mean Tuesday of next week, since the PDF was only released one week ago.


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