I’m writing this on January 31st, and the first month of our 10th Anniversary Celebration is pretty much over. Thanks so much to all of our Dystopia Rising: Evolution fans who participated this whole last month!
And that means, that we start our February celebration tomorrow… with a focus on the World of Darkness!
Of course, the fact that we are running the M20 Lore of the Traditions Kickstarter right now is pretty much – dare I say it? – coincidental!
We’ll be celebrating with sales of our WoD PDFs on DTRPG all month as well, and this next week on our DTRPG page we’re featuring Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary (including V20 Dark Ages) game book PDFs for 10% of their regular price to celebrate our 10th anniversary. That’s 90% off!
(Please note that this sale doesn’t include the V20 core book itself because Onyx Path didn’t create or publish that book. In fact, even though a bunch of us including yours truly worked on it, V20 was published before there even was an Onyx Path Publishing!)
There are links to this sale, as well as to an overall 20% off WoD physical book sale at IPR, down below in the Sales Partners section. So if you missed some of our deluxe books, here’s a chance – all month- to pick up a discounted copy!

Let’s see what else is happening this month to celebrate WoD!
All four of February’s Onyx Pathcasts are going to be devoted to looking at different WoD game lines, starting this week with a look at M20. Again, timely with our M20 Lore of the Traditions Kickstarted going, and this being WoD month. As always, the Titanic-ly Talented Trio of our Pathcasters call the shots on what material gets covered. A lot of which relies on whom they can get onboard to talk, and when everyone is available.
We figure that they’re an excellent counterpoint to our Celebration Sales hoopla – if you’re into V20 then this week you get the sale and later this month a focused Pathcast talking about your favorite line! And visa versa for all of our M20 fans! The W20 sale starts next week, and C20 and Wraith20 are later this month – and all during February the Pathcast and our Twitch streams will be covering the various lines when it works best for them.
It’s just a scary explosion of WoD-ness all month!

Celebrate & Then Back To the Meeting:
You can see above the stuff we covered today vis-a-vis the 10th Anniversary Celebration this month. After that we talked about:
- Well, the M20 Lore of the TraditionsKickstarter and how great it is rolling along. Thanks to all of you who have pledged and double-thanks to all of you who pledged and then sent us comments on the text as it’s delivered to you as backers! Hearing your feedback means the world to us, and really does help us fine-tune the writing for the book.
- On Sunday, Impish Ian posted his usual end of the month roundup of all the projects we released (including Community Content) – but with a new terrific twist! He added a new section that shows where all of our current projects are in the Production Progress List! This is very similar to what I used to do here, but with a couple more elements tweaked to help you find where your faves are situated this month. You can use this link to check it out: https://theonyxpath.com/the-all-new-all-different-release-roundup-january-2022/
- Tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 1, the latest installment of Danielle and Eddy’s Lunch and Crunch show will go out at noon, for your lunchtime viewing pleasure (if you’re in the EST timezone, I guess)! It’s a livestream, so they’ll be delving into system hacks for the Storyteller System live as you watch! twitch.tv/theonyxpath
- I had a very fun meeting with Brian Jenkins of Jenkins & Tate, our ScionTV folks, and not only do they have a very polished script written for the pilot episode they intend to pitch to the major venues, but they’re putting plans into place to ramp up their online presence once they have the rest of the material they need to have ready for pitching is done. Again, they are still at the pitching stage, not the making-a-TV-series stage, but the direction and tone of the script at this point really demonstrates how tuned in their team is to what makes Scion so great!

- On Wednesday we’re releasing (and say this with me: “Finally!”), the Hundred Devils Night Parade book for Exalted 3rd that we started releasing monthly monsters for several years ago. At the time, we just wanted to show our Exalted community that we were still committed to great Exalted 3e material even though our dev team was bogged down with coming to grips with a complex game line. But, the more monthly monsters we put out, the more awesome ideas kept coming. They overflowed the scheduled monthly releases. This book is the result of trying to corral all those creatures and get them into the book!
- Finally, if you look below in our Media section, you’ll see that our Twitch streaming schedule is bulking up again as folks get back into their shows after the new year. Like I mentioned above, some of that is us looking to get shows out that highlight the WoD games this month, but most of it is unconnected to our 10th Anniversary plans – they’re just folks who love playing in our game worlds, and love demonstrating to viewers why they love them so.
Which is a lot of words to say, c’mon join all of us who’ve been loving this for:
Ten Years, Many Worlds, One Path!

The Kickstarter campaign for the Deluxe Mage 20th: Lore of the Traditions is not even a two weeks running and has already been funded, then funded at 300% and we passed over $102,000 raised so far, and has over 1220 backers and rising! Stretch Goals are falling before the power of the Traditions!
Join in at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/339646881/lore-of-the-traditions-for-the-mage-20th-anniversary-ttrpg
Onyx Path Media!

This week: Matthew hosts the first of two M20 Roundtables, taking a look at Mage: The Ascension in whole, and our M20 projects in particular!
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Onyx Path Media now has its own blog on Tuesdays! We’ll continue posting our highlight of the week here, but Tuesday will be the day to visit if you want to catch up on actual plays, interviews, deep dives, and other assorted Onyx Path media!
Please check out our attached media schedule for the impressive number of videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!

Weave the Tale are embarking into the Realms of Pugmire over on Twitch every Sunday at 3PM EST! You can catch the first episode by following their Twitch channel (it’s free to do so!) and watch a fantastic group of roleplayers have fun with one of our most favorite games.https://twitch.tv/WeaveTheTale

Come take a look at our YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/theonyxpath, where you can find a whole load of videos of actual plays, dissections of our games, and more. Please subscribe and click the bell icon if you want to be notified whenever new news videos and uploads come online!
Virtual Tabletop!
The first of our official sheets designed for Foundry VTTis now available!
As they say:
Direct Link: https://foundryvtt.com
“Foundry Virtual Tabletop is a self-hosted roleplaying
platform with support for hundreds of game systems with modern
features and a developer-friendly API. Foundry VTT is a one-time
purchase where your players connect for free using a web browser.”

We’re offering first the character sheet for Scion Origin and Hero, featuring:
- A whole platform as a new place for Storyguides and Players
- Fully integrated and up to date character sheet
- Familiar to users of the paper sheet
- Handles all needed rolls
- Officially created and supported
More VTT offering and projects will be arriving this year!
A Quantum Leap (A Trinity Continuum: Jumpstart),The Adventures of Teen Tomorrow (A Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Jumpstart),Quantum Entanglement (A Trinity Continuum: Aeon Jumpstart),are all on Astral TableTop.
Also on Astral TableTop is the Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb for Realms of Pugmire!
Check out Astral TableTop for two free projects: Scion 2E: A Light Extinguished and Scarred Lands: Gauntlet of Spiragos and this Dagger of Spiragos module for sale: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/336406/Dagger-of-Spiragos-5e–Astral-VTT
On DrivethruRPG, here is the main filter for all of our current VTT content:
A few highlights of our platform agnostic DTRPG content:
Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Month-long 20% Off deluxe WoD20th Anniversary books and screens at IPR starts tomorrow, February 1st:

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at DriveThruRPG.com!
Today starts our week-long 10th Anniversary Sale on Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (including V20 Dark Ages) books in PDF for 10% of the cover price! That’s 90% off!!
Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

On Sale This Week!

Long in the making, but well worth the wait – and the weight! The weight of this big book of 100 hundred creatures for Exalted 3e! Hundred Devils Night Parade in PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG this Wednesday!
Wild and hungry, wondrous and deadly, a menagerie of beast and spirit descends upon Creation in its brief time of dominion to the joy and terror of all.
Blink, and you might miss it.
Hundred Devils Night Parade is a collection of Quick Characters designed for Storytellers to include in their games as antagonists, companions, familiars, and mounts, or to use as examples for creating their own creatures. It encompasses the dead, elementals, demons, things from the Wyld, ordinary animals, and stranger beasts that cannot be defined so easily.
Beginning with Chapter One: Strange Beasts, we have the beautiful-yet-horrifying Crystalmoth, which can slice with razor wings, along with its progenitor, Gajum-Un, the Living Manse. We also present the curious and enigmatic Scroll, as well as returning (and terrifying) favorite, the Thousand-Forged Dragon.
For Chapter Two: The Dead, the soul-collecting Ankou leads the way, followed by a host of other creepy delights, such as the helpful Grave Messengers and the giant, one-man army that is Keregost. Death-related beasts in this chapter include Festerwings and Scavengers, and many more besides!
In Chapter Three: Spirits, we’ve collected both elementals and demons for your game, from Ahesh the Forgotten and Charnavrix the Unyielding to Oldrasek, Audegar, and Stanewald. Excitingly, there is also an entry for Sibri, the Rampart of Serpents, a Third-Circle demon.
Chapter Four: Creatures of the Wyld has weirdness to fuel a Wyld-touched game, as the storytelling Epochine rises from Creation’s birth, and Kian-Ji, the Heartmirror invites your Exalts to an otherworldly feast. Stumbling from the Wyld, Napaxu infect people and towns, while Siren Towers lure others to their doom.
Lastly, Chapter Five: Animals has creatures to use in your game as mounts, familiars, adversaries, and even Lunar spirit shapes! From Birds of Paradise, Camels, and Dolphins to the stranger Simhatas, Mospids, Siakas, and Sthenurines, we’ve presented a range of interesting animals for all sort of purposes.

Remember: the Pre-Order page for Trinity Continuum: Assassins is open on DTRPG! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/379041
Because dates for physical conventions are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we don’t yet have a list of upcoming physical conventions. Instead, keep an eye out here for more virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!
Right now, we’re planning our first plans for the 3rd Onyx Path Virtual Con later this year. Can we pull it all together a third time? Wait and see!
And now, the new project status updates!
Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog!
Development Status from Eddy Webb!
(Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production):
TC: Aberrant – Terat novella
- Eddy: The comments during approval were pretty light. And we were able to sneak in a preview of another upcoming TC: Aberrant book!
M20 Victorian Mage – Weird Wonders and Revolutionary Magick
- Matthew: This book constitutes one of my favourite M20 sourcebooks to date, namely because it’s of equal benefit to players and Storytellers.
Post-Editing Development
CofD – Deviant the Renegades – The Clades Companion
- Dixie: Looking forward to wrapping up this Kickstarter, and the Clades Companion is a small-but-mighty part of it. It’s chock full of more possibilities for creating all sorts of weird Deviant characters, as well as gear!
M20 – Victorian Mage
- Matthew: This big book is now back to Chris and Ian for post-editing review. We speak about it in the upcoming Mage Roundtable on the Onyx Pathcast!
Art Direction from Mike Chaney!
In Art Direction
- SCION Masks of Mythos – Getting Maria on this.
- SCION Dragon – And this… getting Pantheons going now… as scenes are easier than Pantheons.
- TCF Cyclops Cave/Classified KS – Durwin’s artwork is in, Larry’s is in, Leblanc’s is in, just waiting on Farri to finish up.
- TC: Adventure! – Getting Durwin rolling on fulls.
In Layout
- TCFBTG Tales of Depravity – Purchasing artwork while Ron lays out the book with holes for the artwork.
- TC: Assassin – Guess what I’m working on this week… after squeaks goes into 2nd proof.
- SCION Demigod – With Josh.
- HtV2 Screen – Need to go over what we need for the booklet.
- Squeaks in the Deep
- SCION Saints and Monsters – I have to contract 5 more pieces thanks to a doc x to rtf glitch. I should have the proof out to Vera by end of day Monday (tweaking the last two chapters).
At Press
- M20 Technocracy Reloaded – Deluxe printing soon.
- Mummy 2e – Printing soon.
- Mummy 2e Screen – Printing.
- Deviant – Printing soon.
- Deviant Screen – Printing.
- Technocracy Reloaded Screen – Printing.
- TGFBtG! Screen – Printing.
- WoD Ghost Hunters – Printing Soon.
- WoD Ghost Hunters Screen – Printing.
- Legendlore – KS book shipping to fulfillment shipper.
- Legendlore Screen – Printing.
- M20 Rich Bastards Guide – PoD proof ordered.
- TC: Aeon Novella: Dawn – PoD proof arrived.
- TC: Aeon Novella: Meridian – PoD proof arrived.
- They Came From Beyond the Grave! – KS book shipping to fulfillment shipper.
- Hunter: The Vigil 2e – PoD proof ordered.
- Ghost Hunters Jumpstart and RMCs – PoD proof ordered.
- They Came From Camp Murder Lake! – Waiting to order PoD proofs.
- TC: Prometheus Unbound – Time to wrap up errata on Wednesday at the latest.
- TCFGtG! Heroes in a World of Horror – Backer PDF going out to KS backers.
- Hundred Devils Night Parade – PDF and PoD versions on sale this Weds on DTRPG!
- Trinity Continuum: Assassins pre-order is live on DTRPG.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Already, some of our readers are celebrating the start of the Lunar New Year – and growl! – it’s the Year of the Tiger! Sources suggest that the tiger can also be viewed as an uplifting animal that can give people hope (as well as a symbol of power and strength), and I think we could all use some of that this coming year!
Are the months this year gonna be thematic? If so, can we expect a month dedicated to the CofD games? There’s almost 1 game for every month in itself, lol.
From the Jan 3 MMN:
“So, for 2022 and our 10th Anniversary Celebration, how are we doing it?
First, each month is going to feature a specific game line, with 90% off discounts for the PDFs of those game lines – that’s right, they are at 10% of their usual price in honor of our 10th Anniversary. These sales will happen throughout the month and at specific times (which will hopefully be long enough for everyone to enjoy the discounts) as we need to not run the 10th Anniversary sales while DTRPG is running their sales. We want no conflicting sales discount algorithms – that just gets very messy, frustrating, and confusing for all involved!“
Also, that re-release of 100 Devils…I trust that will be an update for those of us who bought the book when it was released? Or is this just the PoD going up? I’m sorry if this is an obvious question, but I’m not sure. Also, I can here my wallet screaming in agony. I’m looking forward to the mage sale to start buying up those books…
Our standard procedure for PDF and PoD releases is to release the Advance PDF, gather errata for it, input whatever changes come out of the errata, and use those files to create the PoD and update the PDF. If you already bought the PDF then you should get a notice that the file was updated and can be re-downloaded via your DTRPG Library. Sometimes that’s before Wednesday’s release, but it depends on the project – certainly any updating has occurred when the project is released in PDF and PoD. Hope that helps!
Since the official release looms, will there be any additional benefit to the people who bought most/all of the HDNP monthly releases beyond the standard advance pdf purchase markdown?
Coupons for discounted PDFs were sent out when the Advance PDF was first put on sale, and those were some significant discounts. At this point months later, the project is going out like other PDF/PoDs on DTRPG.
The monthly PDFs came to just shy of $60, which is at or greater than what the advance PDF and POD for Arms of the Chosen ran combined. It both looks and feels less like a really good deal and more like dedication and belief in a team and a line were exploited.
If you got the coupon for folks who bought the monthlies – and thanks for doing that – that we sent out when the Advance PDF of 100 Devils with all the added creatures and material went on sale, then you should have received another coupon today. This one is for the PDF/PoD Bundle Discount, like we send out after any Advance PDF. So, you paid what the monthly PDFs cost, then got the compiled book’s extra creatures and cleaned-up monthly material at a discount or for free with that PDF, and now have a discount on the PoD. Seems like a good deal to me, but obviously YMMV.
I never received a POD discount either in my email or on DTRPG, and I’ve got OPP notifications on. When asked on the OPP and unofficial Exalted discord no one else had received one as of the weekend either. So are you saying I should be reaching out to DTRPG support to have that resolved?
Yes, reach out to the DTRPG Customer Service folks and we’ll get this sorted out.
Hi – the DTRPG sales links are returning 404 errors for me. Will they be going live soon? It’s probably still early there for you…
Thanks for letting me know! Try them now-
Working now. Cheers
Oh can’t wait for Hunter!
I know this is way too late of a suggestion, but it would have been cool if every single entry in Hundred Devils Night Parade (and other similar products) would show what level of Ally or Familiar that creature would be. It seems to be hit and miss, when it could have been standard formatting.
Would have been nice, but alas, the book is done.
Which is particularly aggravating, given that I filled out the errata form for every single entry that included Latent or Magical abilities but lacked a listed Familiar rating, and seem to have been ignored for the animal chapter. And nowhere else, because the other errata I submitted was fixed.
It’s one thing if no one made the suggestion before it was too late, but you clearly did receive the suggestion in time, because the other corrections I sent in at the same time were implemented.
It’s up to the devs to decide which errata is appropriate for the book they are working on, and not every note from a buyer makes it through that process for a lot of different reasons. Seems like they did implement a lot of your notes, though, so good eyes there – thanks!
Thank you for your service!