Did I ever use that title for a blog post before? I feel like maybe I have, but it fits so well for today I used it anyway.
So, our Onyx Path Weekly Meeting was 40 minutes about what to do with ideas that don’t make it into a book. 10 minutes on the evils of doxxing and 20 minutes about GenCon and other con prep. And about an hour going over where projects were in the process of creation.
But previously these last few weeks, we have been reviewing and discussing the developer pitches for new projects for the WW IP game lines. We’ve had some great ideas, I mean there really weren’t any bad ideas this go-around, just some that work better with our overall plans than others.
In the course of all that, we started discussing opening up Pitch Season to all of you.

First off, it’s not like the discovery of the Hidden Land, like in the art above, as there are caveats to this. One, any project idea you post here belongs to Onyx Path Publishing. Two, we only want you to suggest project ideas here in the Comments, not full pitches. Three, because there is no way to open up what we already have to you, because of legal-tude, we will not be crediting any ideas with whomever suggested them here.
Finally, fourth: because of where we are with the pitches, right now on this blog we only want suggestions for projects for the Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: the Requiem 2nd, and Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd game lines.
It’s possible that coming blogs may open this up, but right now the other lines are in phases of development where we already have big plans, or where we have a whole lot of projects already promised due to Kickstarter Stretch Goals. No reason to get everybody all worked up thinking they are contributing to the lines, when we aren’t actually in need of ideas for them.

So please give us your ideas here in these Comments about what those three CofD lines need in way of additional books, and we’ll chat.
Following up last week’s discussion of the Happy! Onyx Path logo, we expect to be offering a bunch of items featuring it on our RedBubble site this week. (As well as some items connected to the V20 Black Hand book we released as an Advance PDF last Wednesday).
And speaking of that.
Advance PDF. Please think about that if you are freaking out about an error here or there in the book and writing a review that focuses on that. We put out Advance PDFs now so that we have an extra round of proofing ably assisted by our eagle-eyed readers. It is part of our process, so why rush to critique it about errata until we fix the errata and do the final PDF? If those kinds of errors drive you to distraction…you might want to wait for the version where that stuff will be gone.
And so, I leave you with dinosaurs at war, because dinosaurs AT WAR!:

DriveThruRPG is having a special sale to benefit RAINN, and the 2016 Bundle features the God Machine Chronicle PDF! RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization and was named one of America’s 100 best charities. Please contribute to this worthy cause, and especially if you always wanted to check out the God Machine Chronicle! http://drivethrurpg.com/product/179714/Rainn-2016-Rpg-bundle
Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: https://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
The Black Hand returns! V20 The Black Hand: Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra Advance PDF is available on DTRPG! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179023/V20-The-Black-Hand-A-Guide-to-the-TalMaheRa
Beware the Beast: the Primordial PDFs and PoDs NOW on sale at DTRPG.com! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/162443/Beast-The-Primordial
- The complete guide to playing a Beast in Chronicles of Darkness
- A game system designed for crossover with the other Chronicles of Darkness lines
- A look at the Beasts and their broods all around the world, from Vancouver to Tokyo
- Rules for Heroes, the deluded individuals who think that this is their story
The Demon Storyteller Guide has dropped its cover and is on sale as a PDF and a physical copy PoD on DTRPG! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/170165/Demon-Storytellers-Guide
The Demon Storyteller’s Guide includes:
- Expanded information on angels, including a look at how Incarnations apply to them
- A extensive look at the spy genre and its permutations and how they apply to Demon
- Three “setting hacks,” including an examination of Demon in the Bronze Age
The Chronicles of Darkness Core Rulebook looms out of the shadows, and is now on sale with PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168428/Chronicles-of-Darkness
Chronicles of Darkness RPG rulebook contains:
- A guide to creating characters to explore a world of modern horror, from hopes and fears to psychic powers.
- Dramatic rules for investigation, social manipulation, and bone-crunching violence.
- Over a dozen monsters straight out of weird fiction and urban legend… plus complete rules for creating your own.
- The God-Machine Chronicle, a massive collection of sample characters and techgnostic adventures.
- Formerly titled nWoD Core Rulebook 2nd Edition.
The Pugmire Early Access book is for sale in both PDF and PoD formats! Check out the beta-rules for our family-friendly fantasy game of uplifted dogs exploring a world they never made! Lord of the Rings meets Planet of the Apes, but with dogs!
Gen Con 2016 planning has started. We’re starting to plan our booth demo schedule and our 2016-2017 Brochure.
Here are some cons Fast Eddy Webb will be attending! Talk to him about V20 and Pugmire and Sherlock Holmes and Oxford Commas:
And now, the new project status updates!
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
- M20 Book of Secrets (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
- Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- CtL fiction anthology (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
- Ring of Spiragos (Scarred Lands)
- VtM Endless Ages fiction anthology (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
- BtP Building a Legend (Beast: the Primordial)
- Scarred Lands Player’s Guide 5E: Ghelspad (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
- Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
- DA V20 Dark Ages Companion (Vampire 20th Dark Ages)
- Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
- M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
- V20 Dark Ages Anthology (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
- CofD Dark Eras Companion Cleopatra Mummy content (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Dagger of Spiragos – Pathfinder Version (Scarred Lands)
- EX3 Quickstart (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Scarred Lands The Wise and the Wicked (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Second Draft
- Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Cavaliers of Mars
- Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition
- Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
- W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
- V20 Lore of the Bloodlines (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
- Beast Ready Made Characters (Beast: the Primordial)
- Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
- W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
- CofD Hurt Locker (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Scion: Alpha (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
- Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes (Beast: the Primordial)
- Beckett’s Jyhad Diary (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
- DA Tome of Secrets (Vampire 20th Dark Ages)
- The Prince’s Gambit (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
Post-Editing Development:
- Scarred Lands Player’s Guide: Ghelspad (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
In Art Direction
- W20 Shattered Dreams
- Promethean: the Created Second
- Scarred Lands PG
- Dark Eras Companion
- Secrets of the Covenants
- Necropolis Rio .
- W20 Kinfolk
- V20 Ready Made Characters – Art at WWP for approval.
- EX3 Backer Charms – Finals coming in and being reviewed.
- Beckett’s Jyhad Diary
- CofD Hurt Locker
- Mummy Novel
In Layout
- Mage: the Awakening Second – Inputting 2nd proof corrections. When done, needs to go to WWP for approvals.
- Beast Prestige Edition – Putting together the duotone version of the interior this week.
- WtF2 The Pack – With Stew.
- Ex 3 core book – From RichT: Ordered revised PoD proofs, as they needed some color correction adjustments. Expect the PoDs not to be available for at least another week as we adjust and review the new PoD proofs being sent to us.
- V20 Ghouls – Out for dev review.
- Curse of the Blue Nile – Proofing.
At Press
- Beast Screen – At shipper.
- Lore of the Clans LtD Edition – At shipper.
- Lore of the Clans Screen – At shipper.
- Beast Anthology – PDF version out to backers for errata, collecting and ending this week.
- Dark Eras – Backer errata collection ending this week.
- V20 Black Hand – Advance PDF is live and collecting errata.
Special- projects on hold in the art and production area until an external factor is resolved
- Wraith 20 – Art direction and layout can’t go further until art notes come in, still being developed by Rich Dansky.
- Pentex Employee Indoctrination Manual – Some added and amended text needs to come in.
TODAY’S REASON TO DRINK: Drink your tax woes away!
I’d like to see a Chronicles of Darkness book devoted to playing retainers, henchmen, or cultists to the various powers that be – from the Scorpion Cults of the Deathless, to the global Orders of Mages, to the Princes and Seneschals of the All Night Society.
I think this would also be a great opportunity to expand and revise the Thaumaturgy merits from Second Sight.
Oooh, I have to second this! A general “Cults” book could be great, both for PCs and antagonists.
Third, and I know there are many more on the forums who also favor this. A book devoted to cultists, allies and minions would be awesome, as would be digging into the mystery cult merit and offering some ideas as to how to use it creatively.
+1 from me too.
I don’t really need a book for retainers and such but I plus a Cults book.
IF you go with this idea, can we also please have Thaumaturges (I call them Practitioners now in my stuff to avoid confusion with Obrimos) who have some bite? I mean, seriously, the revisions to the psychic merits in the CofD core and GMC were/are great. I’d love to see more accessible Thaumaturges with the ability to put together an improvised ritual in a turn or two, you know, sribble in a notepad for few seconds to generate some minor effect. Increase their survivability and utility when confronted by other supernaturals. Also, perhaps a limited form of their option set could be open to other lesser templates such as Ghouls and Wolfblooded (and immortals, they need something like that in my opinion)?
I would like to see more on Ghosts, in general. In a general forum I would propose a Wraith-esque game fitting more of the Gnostic Noir setting themes, but as this is focused on VtR2 and WtF2, perhaps we could have more material covering how these groups interact with the Unquiet Dead in future materials, and updated information on the Lucid Dead? Being able to have a ghost ally, as was possible back in Apocalypse, as a Werewolf would be cool. There’s not much connection between the Shadow and the underworld, but still, some more love for ghosts across liens (not just in Geist and Mummy) would be cool. I would also like to propose, in any material wherein it might be appropriate, an update to the Lucid Dead rules originally presented in Mummy.
This. I want a book dedicated to playing lackeys, cultists and side-kicks to the big splats. I want to see the perks and penalties of a mortal associating themselves with powers beyond their ken.
Cults, secret societies, and the horrible things that command them definitely get my vote.
Especially if they come with some more detailed rules for organization management and development!
* Players Guide for Marauders and Nephandi in M20 (i mean there is a Baali book. come on now)
* Mage Tarot Deck M20
* The ‘Metaplot’ explained book series:
— written and concise metaplot from 1st edition to and through Time of Judgement for all Classic Lines.
* confirmation that Hunter the Reckoning will get the 20th anniversary treatment.
A new version of Changing Breeds is really the only thing I want.
I could do with a redeemed Changing Breeds. No technophobic/misanthropic fluff, stereotypical “cultural” splats, or super creepy sexual stuff; I lost count of the number of times the books criticized humans for using tools and bathing themselves, used a specifically African/American Indian-themed splat that hit “stereotype” at 87 mph, or acted like werebeasts mating with animals or werebeasts treating their human mates like crap was treated as acceptable.
I would also like to see splats that actually made sense for a breed: hyenas are not canids, and the only reason they could have been lumped in with the werecanines was “they’re felids, but look like canids, so let’s but them with the dogs.” Splats would need to be attractive from both a mechanical and flavor stand-point: I don’t really want to play as baby-killing werehummingbirds, or wererabbits that are dead in one hit. And please, no “cultural diversity” splats: the concept of “American-Indian centaur with a mystical focus” could easily be realized through a general centaur splat and a couple merits, it doesn’t require it’s own splat to be fully realized.
And please don’t make therianthropes mechanical carbon-copies of Uratha, it feels cheesy and slapdash.
Sorry this turned into a bit of a rant, I’ve always just been disappointed by Changing Breeds and wished a good concept could’ve been executed better.
I’d like to see a book that combines Changing Breeds with War Against the Pure, redeeming the former and returning the shapechangers from the latter to 2e. They’ve already started to show up in Dark Eras, and I know that Stew (or Chris or Dave) is itching to bring them back. Go for it!
YES. A thousand times, yes. A book that combined treated each featured shapeshifter as its own unique entity, and presented War Against the Pure’s toolbox method to create your own shapeshifters would be great. No, the book may not have included rules for cobra-themed shapeshifters… but follow these steps and you can make your own!
Also, because I kinda want the merits and powers necessary to model a dinosaur shapeshifter, mostly because I want to be able to drop a tyrannosaurus on my players and soak in their reaction.
Yeah! And if we can update each of the WAtP shifters so that they get the equivalent of the “The Wolf Must Hunt,” all the better, because then we can go hunting for our own design spaces.
The werecats from WAtP already had a pretty good motivation, the whole “hunt down the immoral and corrupt to purify society” thing is definitely in the vein of “The Wolf Must Hunt.”
I’d totally be down for this.
Would love to see such a book.
Was there a Changing Breeds book for Forsaken? I thought that was Apocalypse, because, in Forsaken, all the non-werewolves were just possessed humans and stuff.
I might just be unclear on how Forsaken works.
There was one, but it didn’t do a very good job of integrating itself with the rest of the mythology the way the Apocalypse one did.
Changing Breeds wasn’t technically a W:tF book. It’s just a standard CofD book that tried to fill a gap that some fans of Apocalypse thought existed in Forsaken’s lore. Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, it combined the worst aspects of Apocalypse into one big bundle of messy: technophobic and anti-human fluff, a sense that werebeasts should be able to do as they please to their humans mates and bestiality is totes okay, splats that played up an “ethnic” angle and ended up being racist stereotypes, no sense of balance, and stats that were often copy-pasted from one splat to the next or that got advantage scores wrong.
I came here to suggest an updated Changing Breeds book, so seconded on this.
The Changing Breed books for W:tA are my absolute favorite (Shark will survive). I’d love to buy a book that combines a toolbox for creating shapechangers with some fleshed out examples with the CofD 2nd Ed.
And the 1st Ed. book just wasn’t a perfect fit for me …
(Sorry, that’s not a pitch. It’s just goddamn awesome, it is.)
Can we make this a pitch for CofD instead of cWoD? Or anything Dinosaur related?
Do it! Do it, filly!
Very cool image
Pitch: A CoD with apocalyptic settings ranging from plausible (super bug, solar burst) to the gonzo (aliens, everyone awakens with magic). Each chapter examines the possible vectors and repercussions, drops story plot seeds and then gives suggestions about what life after the initial breakdown may look like. A cousin product to Dark Eras.
Also, woo! I missed Cavaliers of Mars getting into Second Draft! That is a game I’ve been excited for since it was announced. Can’t wait for physical Beast prestige edition and Dark Eras prestige edition to be in my hands!
Reminds me of the Apocalypse setting from Mirrors. I second this. Actually, I would not mind seeing CofD books for all of the setting hacks mentioned in Mirrors. Infinite Macabre was a thing of beauty. And just think how insane it could be now that Demon: the Descent is a thing?
I’d love a ‘Future is Now’ space setting updating and using Infinite Macabre’s “there is no aliens except the monsters that are already here” approach. An empire of vampires, Werewolf bounty hunters, Mummies that awaken in Martian tombs.
So much good stuff!
This. Especially this. An updated and expanded Infinite Macabre would be amazing.
That is a really cool idea! If we got a book on Space in Modern CofD, I’d love to see that included along side things like the spirits of comets and asteroids, more info on Helion, and the planetary Cousins of Luna
My favorite material out of Mirrors was the collected “the secret gets out” campaign hooks, and I think that many of those could easily be used as the instigation of a post-apocalyptic setting. Humans find out that monsters are real, and blow up the world trying to kill them all! Humans find out the God-Machine is real, and it destroys civilization in self-defense!
I would love that, if only because the image of an Invictus prince crying tears of blood in his office over a news report of a bunch of Carthians going public with a press conference is too funny not to make a thing.
I also plus this, there’s a thread on the forums called Grim Futures suggesting this exact thing. Basically Dark Eras but potential futures from now (or maybe potential futures from recent major events)
Also, does this mean that people that have written for OPP in the past won’t have an opportunity to submit a full pitch this year?
Funnily enough, half the pitches I came up with have been asked for right here in the thread, already!
Not sure what that’s saying about my ideas…
Onwards and upwards. Lot of great stuff coming out, lot of great stuff about to start.
Chronicles of darkness: dead like me.
Yup a game where you play a reaper whose antagonists are gremlins:-)
Demon: The Descent could really benefit from a Night Horrors book. A short, Heirs of Hell style book on Cryptids would be pretty cool too.
Yes! I want more Night Horrors books, but right now Mummy and Demon are on the top of that list (even though pitches aren’t being taken for them)
Here’s a prayer for Night Horrors Mummy as well.
Ferociously seconded. For some reason the antagonist tone of DtD seemed a bit thin.
Oooh, yes, that would be fantastic! Could also double as an antagonists book for a God-Machine chronicle game.
Would I’d like to see a Chronicles of Darkness book devoted to mortal Movers & Shakers in the style of [13th Precinct/Asylum/Dogs of War] that explore both Dirty Politics, Corporate Corruption & Organized Crime.
I second this. I want to see the dark under belly of a world so dark.
I know that Vampire 2e has a bit of a backlog, but what about a book that compiles the most popular and interesting bloodlines from 1e, a sort of “greatest hits” book if you will, and update them and possibly their lore for 2e?
I love the style of bloodlines in 2e, and ever since the Khaibit update, I’ve been champing at the bit to see some other bloodlines get the same treatment.
Seconding this as well. The new design model for bloodlines is so great, but it also makes converting the old versions a lot harder. You don’t have to replicate them all, since a handful of additional examples will help everyone get a firmer grasp on the new paradigm and how to work within it.
I’ve worked out a hierarchy of bloodline formats for what I would like to see revised.
Bloodlines with a unique discipline are low-hanging fruit. Use the unique discipline as the basis for a devotion sequence, and give the bloodline a new discipline or two to help them utilize the devotions: the Norvegi’s Bloodworking as a devotion sequence just screams “Requires X dots of Protean,” and the fact that they also get Resilience gives you a second discipline to combine the Protean with, warping your own flesh and bone can’t be painless. You could probably keep the “No Fangs, Low Covenant Status” weakness that they have now, maybe with a few tweaks.
Bloodlines with truly unique bloodline weaknesses, which set them apart from the clan stereotype or Kindred in general, or that drastically change how you would have to play the game. Give them gifts or devotions that tie into that weakness: Erzsebet are pretty interesting and unique what with the gradual aging, but instead of just Auspex, how about devotions and/or gifts that give them the ability to sense the age of an object, or perhaps even give other Kindred a little taste of the ravages of time?
Bloodlines with just common or Clan disciplines, but a unique devotion or two. Extra discipline, devotion… already got a couple building blocks for a revised bloodline. Caporetti with some new tricks, anyone?
Any bloodline that lacks any of the above, or bloodlines with similar concepts. These I wouldn’t mind seeing get replaced with brand new bloodlines that do the intended concept better or weld the bloodlines together. Hounds of Actaeon? Hunters who get Obfuscate in exchange for a hefty penalty to resist hunger frenzy- a new bloodline could do the “ambush predator/knife in the crowd” concept much better. Bruja and Mabry? Biker-themed bloodlines that share the same extra discipline- honestly, just make a new biker Gangrel bloodline, with the majority of the DNA coming from the Mabry, at least they had an interesting weakness and got a devotion.
Would love another sourcebook on bloodlines, perhaps keeping the tight focus of 2ed (instead of choosing quantity over quality).
Update some of the classics from 1ed (Agonistes, Sangiovanni, Malkavians from the Ventrue clanbook, Morbus etc.), introduce new ones, and finally offer suggestions for converting the rest from 1st to 2nd edition.
I would love a book with bloodlines converted to 2e or new bloodlines. But most of all my group and I could use a book with guidelines for creating and converting bloodlines for ourselves.
I’ve been having a lot of fun with the minor template stuff in nWoD – Second Sight, mainly.
I think a book of Mortals+ stuff for CoD would be sweet.
I’m dying for this as well. Minor Templates are a ton of fun.
I would love to see a 2e updated version of Second Sight with expanded information on mortal human psychics, hedge wizards, and with particular emphasis on assorted cultists and occultists.
Mystery Cults have clearly received a new emphasis in both the CofD corebook and other gamelines. A book expanding on them, maybe updating Second Sight similarly to how Hurt Locker is incorporating some of the old Armory and Armory Reloaded but with its own twist and emphasis, would be most fun and useful for both solely mortal games and those incorporating other major and lesser supernatural groups.
Pitch: I want to see a “Damnation City-style” book for each of the game lines. The one for VtR could use an update. But more importantly, I want books that focus on Mage and Werewolf politics, and their struggles for control, territory and safety.
Why is one piece of dirt better than another? Who else might want it? How can I make it better? Why should I make it better?
Blue books. Lots of blue books. Including but not limited to:
-The Ocean (as a setting, as a source of horrors, as a place for adventures and mysteries)
-The Weather (how to use it, weather-based myths and monsters, more environment-related tilts)
-Mystery Cult Expansion (ways to model cults from varying perspectives; from the top, the bottom, and the middle, with varying degrees of supernatural power)
+1 for oceanic / “the deep” book since most of our planet is covered by water we need more on things like sea monsters
All wonderful suggestions. If I can add one of my own in the same vein.
– The Poles. The Arctic and Antarctic are two of the harshest areas on the planet, but they are also two of the regions where shadows run longest. How do vampires survive the long summers of the Midnight Sun? Can the Werewolf lodges of Antarctica be redeemed or are they lost for good? How did the Mummies come to Greenland? And what horrors lurk in the snows that are supernatural of a totally different kind?
I’d love to see another book devoted to Antagonist lines for Vampire. That is, it’d be a great way to revisit Belial’s Brood, VII, maybe throw in more Strix and possibly revisions of ideas from the Night Horrors line.
I always prefer more original content, so I would not be at all opposed to entirely new groups, but anything that helps further showcase how Vampire does conflict and antagonists would be valuable.
Another thing I’d love to see is a book devoted to exploring the mysteries of Vampire. Requiem doesn’t lend itself to the gonzo, but having a book that talks a bit about interesting moments in Kindred history (possibly like Ancient Mysteries?) could be very cool as a companion piece to A Thousand Years of Night.
Specifically, Changing Breeds for WtF:2E that are integrated into the world in a similar way that Changing Breeds in WtA were. Changing Breeds was a decent standalone supplement for WoD, but it felt extremely disconnected from the other game lines and was very, very lacking in lore. I feel like CoD and specifically WtF:2E are a great opportunity to fix those issues.
Ideally, if I were to pitch this, I’d have Changing Breeds have a connection to Sol rather than Luna, and a history where they were nearly wiped out by the Pure, but there are so many other ways you could take this that would still be amazing – and really, I’d probably buy multiple copies of any new Changing Breeds book.
I would love to see an Antagonists book for Werewolf the Forsaken 2e, packed full of information for running (and playing) the Pure (with a liberal smattering of hosts and other nasties)! But especially the Pure!
I second the idea of getting a full supplement on the pure. I know we got a bit of info dropped into a news post on here about the pure but it’s not the same as having it a book at the table.
Oh, and psstgeistpsstmummypsst. At this point it’s tradition I always bring this up. Wouldn’t want to break that cycle. lol
A blue book on Cults, both as general antagonists and with heavy options for use in every line. I think Vampire, Mage, Mummy, and Demon have explicitly provided individual merits for this in the past, but unifying all that and giving it some depth would be blast. Devote the rest of the book to sample cults to work against or join,
A book of settings (like those we’re seeing in the 2e corebooks, would be an absolute blast, and I’d ideally like to see each line get one at some point. Take three to five cities, give them each a decent wordcount, and stuff them to the gills with plot hooks.)
A blue book full of Storyteller advice and mechanical hacks aimed at bringing your chronicle into a new genre; maybe stripping the horror out and making it just urban fantasy, maybe changing the entire vibe to something like noir or police procedural. The old Vampire Chronicler’s Guide briefly touched on this, albeit with no mechanics.
yes all of these please
Great! My wallet weeps, but its wonderful to see so much progress being made on so many tempting projects! And there are already some cool pitches for next year . . .
Quick question, though – how will the prestige edition of Lore of the Clans be shipping (here in the US)? I’m often out, and need to know whom to ask my neighbor to keep an eye out for.
Idea for a Vampire The Requiem Book. A Diablerie Book! new ways and enw mechanics to suck out the soul of another kindred,lenghty descriptions of what a vampire feels when he diablerizes anothers,a gallery of famous diablerists” and if you guys wants to do crossovers,itd be nice to see if a vampire can steal some of another mosnters powers through diablerie
Awesome idea! I’d love to see that!
A few ideas here, from most to least plausible:
1- A new Mirrors book: I really liked having a toolkit book to play around with 1e’s mechanics. The 2nd edition got a whole bunch of new mechanics (Social Manoeuvering, Investigation, Beats, Conditions etc) that would be fun to play with. It would also be interesting to revisit the Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Post-Apocalyptic and/or Space Opera hacks, or maybe some new ones such as Steampunk.
2- New Settings: Following the train of thought from the last idea, we could have books reflecting fictional settings. We already have Vampire books in the Dark Ages and such (+ Dark Eras), so having Vampires: High Fantasy or Werewolves in Space would be interesting.
3- A DIY template book. Mirrors already had the Dark Hero to beef up mortals, but it would be interesting to have it opened up even more. I suppose it could be similar to Horrors but instead geared to Player Characters. You could have a huge list of Dread Powers with dot ratings, explore alternate Integrity options, Boons (such as a healing ability), Banes (burning in sunlight) etc. In my mind, it’s a sort of cross between Alien creation in Mirrors and Horrors in CofD.
4- A vampire book with alternate discipline paths. Demons don’t have to follow their powers in a certain order, and it doesn’t make sense that a gangrel needs to know how to meld into the earth before frowing claws. If we had a larger selection of Disciplines for each dot rating, players of the same clan could still play very differently.
5- A take on the Lovecraftian Mythos.
6- A zombie apocalypse book
7- Dark Superheroes (think Watchmen or Gritty Batman)
8- (An impossible desire) Have CofD hacks for other popular RPG systems (with open liscences) in order to draw more people in. I’d see Fate Core, Savage Worlds and other systems pull off the Chronicles of Darkness well enough to have people buy books just for the fluff.
Zombie apocalypse book would be amazing. Something that delved deeply into how to run a ZA campaign from the types of zombies (realistic and special) to means simulating herd movement.
I’ve always wanted to see a game that focused more on the world building aspect of a ZA rather than just smattering a crap ton of zombie types into a book.
An official FATE game for CofD would be a dream come true.
And hey, Eclipse Phase just did one!
I love these ideas. Especially #8!
Howdy. Come on, Pack!
Anyways for pitches I had a few ideas. One that’s been popular on the forums is basically a book on Organizations, expanding upon the compact/conspiracy/mystery/shadow/mummy cult idea and mechanics. It seems like something that would really fit the Chronicles of Darkness and a basic building block for organizations all gamelines could work off of, current and future.
Vampire seems like it’s got good stuff planned out for now. It would have been great to see them win some Dark Eras. I’m really looking forward to the Secrets of the Covenants, I think the in-game take on things is really needed and really goes a long way towards showing rather than telling (and inspiring people).
Werewolf could use some books expanding upon the antagonists. Chris Allen suggested a long time ago five or six books, each one devoted to expanding a tribe and their sacred prey (as well as the ‘accessories’ like the spirits one would expand upon the Shadow). The idea was really popular on the forums, and even got a petition.
What I’m hope for most is a book on the Bale Hounds, something really meaty that can give them the room they deserve. If they had to share it, maybe in a book that updated Belial’s Brood and Inferno rules for second edition.
I’ve been one of the loudest voice for the “organzations” book idea, so I’ll +1 it here as well.
Ah, oh, also two other ideas.
One, a book about basically ‘mortal magic.’ The kind of things anyone can do if they have their Occult skill up, and can still do if they get Embraced or First Changed or Changelinged. It could just be a simple book with simple hedge magic, the prices involved, some relics and relic making ideas, how mortals can get powers from supernatural incidents, that sort of thing.
And lastly (for now), a Night Horrors blue book. I love the Night Horrors line, I have the books even for games I don’t play (because I can use them in games I do play) and they’re great but it would be cool to have some ‘mortal monsters.’ I guess it could have a bit of the haunted places like from Mysterious Places or legendary Slashers but also some of the regular weirdnesses that hide in the shadows of the Chronicles of Darkness.
Perhaps with the ‘mortal magic’ book, a weird science section? Such a thing could have its own book, really, with inspirations from horror movies like ghost in the machine, ghost machine, the fly, Shocker, the fly 2, class of nuke ’em high, toxic avenger, stormhouse, re-animator, with some stuff from like Orpheus with their ‘astral projecting’ in ghosts.
A lot of what you want should be in Deviant, the next CofD gameline. It will be developed by Dave Brookshaw, the current Mage developer, and we’ll hopefully see some spoilers before too long.
I would like to give my support to the idea of a Night Horrors book that isn’t specific to a certain gameline. I have greatly enjoyed all the previous ones, and I’d love to see one that could easily fit into any game.
Me too! It would be really interesting to see a Blue Book focused on the new Horror rules in 2e
I always wanted another crack at Woundgate.
It definitely was a fun little setting, a little bit of Gaiman in the CofD. I would love to see it get expanded. I liked how Vampires, Werewolves, and Mages got “fantasy” minor splats in the form of Dhampyrs, Wargaz, and Atlanteans, and I wouldn’t mind seeing those get updated, or the other major lines get a minor “fantasy” splat.
I think we need an Innocents 2ed, and I think I need to be one of the writers.
Just. Saying.
If my writing so much child content for my other assignments wasn’t a hint.
Didn’t know much about innocence before but I recently saw it and found it to be very interesting. Id love to see it updated to a 2nd edition standard.
My only suggestion would be to tweak their starting attributes and skills to make it more compatible with the core book.
It seemed odd to me that they started with the same amount of attributes and skills as a normal adult mortal.
I guess the biggest reason for the same starting point total is due to the fact that dice pools would be too small but hopefully there could be a way to deal with that.
Maybe keep the starting stats the same but introduce a child condition or something that makes them less effective at certain tasks but maybe better at others.
Regardless, long winded reply to say yes, I really would love to see this with the current system.
Unfortunately pressed post just before thinking of more to add.
Just wanted to clarify that when I said core book I was referring to the standard chronicles of darkness 2nd edition book.
I just feel that if its designed in a way that only works in all children campaigns it would severely limit the usefulness of the book within the grand scheme of things.
It would be cool to have rules that easily support someone at the table wanting to play as a child within a normal adult campaign.
Could you explain a bit more what you mean for attributes and skills? In 1ed, children started with fewer skill dots depending on their age.
Innocents basically gave the kids standard chargen points, but redefined the abilities and skills to a kid’s baseline, which meant that adults hat significantly higher stats than usual.
It made mixed games problematic.
Oh, if you guys did do another Innocents book, some notes on how to run a kid version of the other game lines could be useful. I’d imagine that a number of people have wanted to play Mage the Awakening meets Hogwarts or Breakbills. Getting Embraced in middle school or finding out that you’re a Beast in a Human Suit but you still have to listen to your parents (or do you?) could be interesting too. All that sort of things could make for an interesting chapter in a revamped Innocents.
No comment on that Beast point *shifty eyes* I said nothing.
Y’all have a lot of child content still to come from me, but I can’t say any more.
BUT. I see what y’all are saying, I agree. I misunderstood at first. I think the way to combat that is, like Yig said, to give some other advantage to child characters, because it makes sense that a child would develop those skills over time. These are just my preliminary thoughts. If the book does get done, the writers will discuss it more (please let me be one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MATT).
I agree with more innocents, but include more fleashed out rules for supernatural children and even include a section on how to build your own “hogwarts” type school for those kids, with a couple worked examples.
I also agree with the ocean horror source book idea, the cults source book idea and the Mirrors and Second Sight 2e ideas
Whole-heartedly agreed. While Innocents 1e is still a perfectly serviceable, I fell like 2e has opened up a lot of potential new design spaces for Innocents. Plus, since the last book came out, there has been a resurgence of weird fiction for children and young adults to draw inspiration on.
We as in OPP could also include Innocents the Blitz here, which a lot of us as in OPP writers and readers really wanted for Dark Eras.
Just. Saying.
+1 to Innocents 2E!
Blitz Innocents is the most important thing.
Exactly. As someone for whom the first harry potter book was the first book I read on my own, I would love to see a treatment of supernatural schools in innocents 2e and a treatment of supernatural kids in general.
Zomg, I want Innocents Second Edition so bad.
Can we get a book about aliens and UFOs yet? It’s great mortals/Hunter stuff.
I agree, that would certainly be interesting. Never really thought of this until you mentioned it. Great Idea!
Why not go the whole way and make an entire sourcebook on Space in the Modern Era. I still think there are some amazing place OP could go with that, and one of those would include X-File style aliens.
I Would love to see, a book that expands just the purified from immortals. Also it could be fun to get a book devoted to family curses and makes Them playable, Think Human family with Deep ones taint running in theire blood stream. Finally it could be great with a sort of inquisitor like cod book, but not just based on christianity also on other religious orders… And finally it Would be great with a cod Big campaign. Im thinking eternal lies like in scope, not just the small SAS scale.
A general second edition Immortals would be my preference over a Purified focussed book, though obviously I’d want the Purified in it. It also strikes me that the Craft rules in the core book would go pretty well with an expanded take on the Eternals.
How about a CofD book that expands on Horrors maybe show what supernatural creatures think of them?
How about a werewolf book about the descendants of Pangaean? Like an update to the host, changing breeds, and the other sharpchangers in War Against the Pure. Giving all of them new meaning and purpose.
As forvampire how about a book all about politics. Kinda like an update to domination city. Or a book that talks about the other vampires out in the night.
Hmmmm, hard question. Not something redone, since many things have been mentioned by the Developers as being in the works, so something new…
What about a Chronicle book for Dark Eras? No settings, just 1 chapter for each game line (possibly including Deviant…) that gives advice on how to run a Generational game for that line. How do the themes of the game play out through the ages. How do you represent “generational” concepts for games that don’t have direct “lineage” structures? Sure a vampire is immortal, and a mage could be, but what about playing the lineage of mentor-student relationships (great place to bring back concepts from the WoD Cult of Ecstasy book), or sire-childer. What if you character is different but your Geist or Beast is the same? How do their goals play out over eons, and how do you interpret them?
Also, Cosmic Tier Vampires and _Axis Mundi_ for WtF2E.
A generational game is on my RPG bucket list. You can do it with any gameline if you work in reincarnation or have a convenient plot device like the simulator’s in Assassin’s Creed, to say nothing of immortal supernaturals like Vampires, Prometheans, and Mummies.
I’ve always seen Mage as being good inspiration for Assassin’s Creed: two factions, one seeking to control and subjugate humanity, the other seeking to elevate and nurture humanity, searching for relics of a by-gone era? Sounds like Mage to me.
Would hoping for Dark Eras 2 go here, because it was technically a blue book?
I must walk with the zombies crowd here and add a vote to the organization book. From corporations to cults to spy agencies to local hospital. In a way, an extension of the Allies, Status and Mystery Cult merits. How to influence them, corrupt them, be part of them. Playable from simple pawn to evil mastermind.
And Werewolf really need imho a new Shadow book. Not a blue book, a brown one. I really felt the Shadow changed a lot, with the day/night cycle, the new way hierarchy is handled, and the new ephemeral mechanics. Oh, and at least a spirit bestiary the size of Predator’s chapter one, because you always need a spirit ready to play 😉
Why aren’t Demon: the Descent suggestions allowed? It’s already put out all the books obligated by its Kickstarter and is fully 2e.
Yeah, I was hoping for that too. Maybe Rose and Matt have too much on their hands right now or are already full up on their next plans for Demon?
If I had to guess it’s because there’s been a lot more of those… but yeah, I wouldn’t mind 1 Demon book on the docket…
it’s most glaringly weak area has not been seeming heaven and hell enough for most folks. I’d also like more fluff on pact making. Hell I just want a 2nd anthology book (really would probably fix most of my problems in these areas). Moar fluff! (maybe make it like interfaces but instead of offering mechanics you offer GM advice after the story)
Also I disliked how agencies are basically agenda’s. your players aren’t encouraged in any way to be part of the same faction or they all then have to have the same agenda… IMHO makes it harder to do the spy game like the NSA, CIA, MI6, KGB, etc. Basically I could go for a book on agencies that aren’t like those described in the Flowers of Hell.
A blue book on all the worlds there are in CofD… something akin to Book of Worlds from cWoD…
More Mysterious Places or Second Sight 2e would be nice.
Bloodlines for 2e. Old or new…
Book on mortal cults and groups. Inferno 2e maybe?
I’m going to second Mechalus’ idea above of a “Damnation City”-style book for each line. Also, updating all of the city books published for 1st edition (especially New Orleans).
Crossover materials/ideas that don’t involve Beast. I find a lot of potential when things that go bump in the night bump into each other.
I loved nWoD Chicago, and would LOVE to see another multi-splat city book like that.
A real crossover fat chronicle book like Chicago would be just AWESOME !
I still think the Orpheus Chronicle (just the story, the rules are …imperfect) is the best oWoD chronicle.
I think some more full blown chronicle books are a very good idea.
Book of Cults – How to Run a cult as a Gm, How to play a member of a cult
Grim Futures – Possible futures of the world of Darkness, none of them should be the end of humanity, and they should be just possibilities. There’s a thread on the forums for this. Basically it’s settings like Dark Eras. Post Apocalyptic Nuclear Fallout, Global Facist Society, Ancient alien Ruins found on Mars, Deep Space Exploration (Alien), I, Monster (True Blood), Alien Invasion.
The Deep – enough information to run a nautical story and several sea monsters within (hopefully the sea harbors some actual monsters ) also maybe some stuff about splats that actually have decided to live in the ocean or right on it.
Inferno 2nd Edition
Belial’s Brood 2nd Edition, but why are you asking about Vampire when there’s an entire stack of unreleased Vampire books that you had on track? and in some cases it’s hard to make a proposal like this one on BB when I’m not sure if it’s making it into the Covenant book.
a Book on the Shadow and Spirits for 2e.
I’ll second Inferno 2E. I definitely want to see the Infernal fleshed out more and how they relate to and interact with the Unchained.
+1 for “The Deep”. Would be awesome to delve into aquatic content. Overall easier rules to incorporate water into any campaign.
I think it’d be great to see some expansion on Supernatural merits in general. Maybe a 2e version of Second Sight, or a new book for Demon that includes some Stigmatic-specific merits or expounds on Glitches/Brands.
-Complete “campaigns-chronicles” for CoD lines (in the style of Fall of The Camarilla) may be really cool and helpful for the more busy of us. Maybe bigger ones such as the classic Giovanni and Transilvania Chronicles, but less metaplotted and open (a mid point between The God Machine and the above mentioned could be perfect).
-Crossover adventures may be a real plus as well.
I second this.
Does not have to be a new edition of that book, a new one is perfectly acceptable. Maybe a chronicle-toolkit kid of a book, where a new clan emerges? We’ve seen it happen before (and, arguably, Fall of the Camarilla is about just that), it could happen again.
Or, really, any other topic. I’ve been away from VtR for a while now and I need to get back to it. My free time is terribly constrained nowadays and a chronicle book would be a good re-entry point.
I’d think it’d be interesting to see a CofD take on the zombie, to be honest.
It was for the then nWoD first edition, but the Antagonists book had a chapter on zombies which would be pretty easy to use in CofD. It was also one of the first five star books for that line and worth checking out if you haven’t already.
I don’t know if anyone else has run into this but post 9-11 getting your hands on a map of anything from a public building to an oil rig is near impossible. Even a pdf of generic (fictional) locations would be useful for planning a scene or responding to the players deciding they really need to raid the kitchen sink of the local chemical plant.
I will echo a few suggestions i have seen above –
[CofD] – A Night Horrors for the blue book line,including expanded lists of dread powers and numina, and maybe even “build your own” template content for players.
[CofD] – Crime: A book dedicated to all types of illegal and quasi-legal endeavors, and how it intersects with the supernatural world. Covers street gangs, organized crime, pirates, hackers,and more.
[CofD] – A book that serves like a mix of Antagonists and Second Sight. Covers supernatural powers and phenomena not associated with the major templates. Could cover Cults, Psychics, Practical Magic, Relics, and Weird Science.
[CofD] – Things that Should not Be: Take the section from Second Sight about Elder Things and run with it. a mix of ST plot hooks and player crunch.
All of these, every single one is something I’ve had on my wishlist. Seeing some mythos love in a blue book would be incredible!
+1 to the crime book for sure. I tend to see alot of my players get involved in crime one way or the other. Would be nice to have more concrete rules and examples for it.
Exalted would greatly benefit from a big book of Quick Character antagonists, of the Monstrous Manual mold.
The WoD games work really well with “here are the nine spheres or 13 disciplines, give your antagonists these special powers– and here are a couple of other cases we mostly model with those.” But in the corebook alone, Exalted has several hundred charms arranged in elaborate trees; it’s unwieldy to rely on memorization of the core power-set. Worse, the powers are exclusive for different character types, with several character types that are not expected to be fully detailed for a number of years.
At the same time, the QC format has finally given us Exalted NPC stats that are directly useful for GMs running the game– we no longer have to decompile long lists of charms cross-linked through several supplements and then errata’d. I can actually just open up the book to the page I need and then run them from there.
It would help me, and I imagine other STs, pretty substantially to have a wider reference than is possible in just the antagonists section of the core.
I’d love more historical books, as Dark Eras, although centered in a single era per book.
I’d prefer as historical gamelines instead of the new monster gameline of each year, but if that’s not possible, standalone books.
I’d love to see a Requiem for Rome 2nd Edition, expanded with sourcebooks (may be a sourcebook for other gamelines, a sourcebook about the Camarilla around the Empire, a sourcebook about barbarian lands…).
I’d also love to see an expanded Sumerian setting for Wrewolf. The original one was fantastic but too damnit short.
Finally, I’d like to see books for broken covenants and dead clans for Requiem. Or for different covenants from different cultures than western.
Ditto for Sumerian Werewolf/everything else.
If we got this type of focused Dark Eras book, I’d love to see three things:
1) The Swahili city states on the East African Coast. Egypt has a tendency to draw the focus of all of Africa, even though there has always been tons of diversity on the continent. The Swahili city states were part of major trade routes well before European colonization, so they would likely have a lot of supernaturals.
2) A historical vampire book that has nothing to do with Rome. Preferably in China or South America. I love Roman history and Requiem for Rome, so I totally get how important it is to Vampire, but I can’t help but think that vampires must have appeared in other areas with no cultural connection to the Camarilla.
3) The Soviet Chronicles. Seriously, the history of the USSR is completely fascinating and I feel like plumbing behind the Iron Curtain could open up possibilities people have never considered for for Chronicles because society is so different from
Mirrors and second sight MUST have a second edition. They offer so many possibilities.
Thought I would share this about CtD: http://geekandsundry.com/dive-into-the-depths-of-your-imagination-in-this-rpg-changeling-the-dreaming/
and long live C20 too !
The sample domains in Vampire 2e and sample hunting grounds 2e were fun and very inspirational, but I wanted more detail. Some of the Beast settings were a little skimpy. Maybe a setting book for each line to discuss the sample settings in more depth? Come on, I’m dying to know what the heck that Thing in the Beast Salton Sea setting is.
2e players and storyteller guides. Could be a good place to update things like bloodlines.
Also do something with Malkovian illness, and do something different with it from first edition. I vote bring something like Dementia into the game as a Devotion (maybe like how Sarx seems Tszimsce like) (insightful madness). I don’t necessarily want the Malkavian’s back as is, but something in that spirit would be cool, hell tie it to the God Machine.
A tutorial chronicle for 2e much like the older sas preview adventures. I see an above chronicle book suggestion this could be a good fit. I’d love a tutorial chronicle for every splat that walks you through learning how to use that system. note: sometimes the systems are complicated and hard to learn. Esp Demon, I scared my players off of Demon due to complexity.
I’d love to see a blue book on the ocean. Beginning with sea-bound or related chronicles and covering in brief the various kinds of human activities like shipping (both legal and illegal) and fishing (…the same), some of the natural environments in the ocean, and expanding from there into the kind of supernatural weirdness you would expect in the World of Darkness.
Are the dinosaurs fighting mokolé?
Nope. Dragon Kings empires are fighting each other.
In addition to all the other stuff I mentioned, a full CoD revealed book, in addition to full book treatments of all the mirrors shards.
A book on the ecosystems and biomes of the Chronicles of Darkness, exploring what sorts of stories can be told in various environments, as well as what kinds of monsters tend to lair in such places.
Hmmm… Off the top of my head, a collection of cities for Vampire: the Requiem, including the ones presented in the corebook.
Also, Methuselahs. I introduced one in a game set in Athens and it was a big hit. Advanced powers were handled as “st fiat / for dramatic purposes”, while characters also explored how even a slumbering Methuselah, through augmented effects of Blood Sympathy and the whole feeding grounds aura thing, affected the entire city.
A book exploring major conflicts in the history of covenants perhaps?
A general fluff book for Requiem. Kindred, ghoul, and mortal cults, relics, legends, political groups under the influence of either Kindred or their enemies.
Finally, more Dark Eras but done similarly to RfR. I still think Dark Ages fits Anything of Darkness like a glove, especially Vampires and Mages.
Definitely agree with the cities book for Vampire. Do a run-down of the city government, etc., simple stats/motivation things for each city’s big players.
I do believe that Rose has said that A Thousand Years of Night will be discussing Methuselahs and how they work in 2e.
A Chronicle for each would be neat. Or maybe a collection of brief Chronicle hooks. Especially for Werewolf, it’s hard to put together a long-term story for Werewolf.
And maybe a quick and dirty rules update for games that won’t hit 2e for a while.
Let’s take the World/Chronicles of Darkness Revealed section from Mirrors and just update that into one book, covering each of the games to some degree.
Sort of like the God-machine Chronicle gave us a possible ‘default’ setting for mortals, this CofD Revealed can do the same
Kinslayers:- Blood Talons Tribe coverage; full new coverage for the Pure and their updated 2e mechanics; heretic and schismatic werewolf groups (weird wolf-cults, strange subgroups of Uratha who follow different ideologies, etc) for Blood Talons and Forsaken in general to clash and interact with; extensive rules for challenges and conflict between Uratha whether for dominance, battle or other things, from the individual level to packs clashing with each other all the way up to Protectorate-scale conflicts; an examination of the pure ‘fluff’ side of Uratha vs Uratha violence, the taboos, the implications, the different ways various regional Uratha go about these things and their traditions; new fighting styles, Gifts, Rites etc around clashing between Uratha.
Shadow Hunters:- Bone Shadow Tribe coverage; definitive coverage of the Shadow, including Deep Shadow, all sorts of phenomena and weirdness, piles of hooks and descriptions of varied Shadow manifestations, more information about Resonance and the interplay between Flesh and Shadow, basically all the creative and mechanical support a GM needs to run the Shadow side of the game; a much deeper look at spirit organisation and politics than ever before to turn spirits into key characters and influences in a game; Totems, dedicating more wordcount to both the ideas and inspiration side of things, but also heftily expanding their mechanical side and offering a new framework to help cover the ascent and growth in power of a totem alongside its pack, the ways the totem and pack affect each other on even a subconscious level, etc; an examination of hunting spirits for the Uratha, with tools, tricks and traps that the Uratha can use against spirits and vice versa; and a section on some Big Names in the Shadow, going into more detail on some Lesser Incarnae, the Firstborn Totems etc, to help GMs with bringing such beings into the game rather than leaving them as distant entities that are never really interacted with.
Sacred Ground:- Hunter in Darkness Tribe coverage; new rules for territory and the surrounding issues, such as shaping your territory, making territory a key element in clashing with other Uratha, more info on Loci, the role prey take in the territory, etc; more information on the Gauntlet itself, exploring how to bring it into a game not just as a basic boundary but as a place with strange phenomena, discussion of what lies *within* it, etc; full new coverage of the Hosts, with more detailed rules than are present in the corebook and a better examination of Host society, their goals and how they go about them, including coverage for what happens when the Hosts are successful and begin to regain the divine power of their progenitors; coverage of how Uratha interact with certain other peripheral realms (possibly including the Hedge and Underworld); and maybe new Hunting Ground write-ups or examples of specific Sacred Places that the Uratha and Hunters in Darkness hold as sacred ground.
Watchdogs:- Iron Master Tribe coverage; more rules for humanity as prey, including specific prey-groups from cultists to corporations and how they can both be a threat to and be threatened by the Uratha; rules for human shamen expanded out of the Rites system; an examination of the difficulties of maintaining a human cover amidst society for an Uratha, the challenges of hunting in dense urban areas and amongst human communities in general, and how humans drastically shape the spiritual reflection of the world; changes in technology and science, and both the challenges Uratha can face from these, the challenges they faced in previous technological eras, and the ways technology and change contribute to the benefit of the Uratha and the Iron Masters; and coverage of Uratha trying to affect the human population on a much larger scale, like trying to shape the destiny of nations or enslave entire regions to the machinations of spirit-gods or whatnot.
Heirs to the Hunt:- Storm Lord Tribe coverage; deeper coverage of Claimed with more mechanics, as well as new types of Claimed horror; an examination of other weird elements of possessions and otherworldy invaders, including new antagonist types; Forsaken politics, including on a wide scale, including traditions and cultures around thereof, how Tribes and packs and Lodges interact to affect the balance of power; more extensive coverage around Protectorates, including how and why they form, system support for Protectorates and their effects, etc; and wordcount and more mechanical support for high Primal Urge werewolves, the paths available for them to take, how they affect the world and how they, in turn, are changed.
Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.
Damnation City, Second Edition. A blue book, focusing on systems for the urban jungle. With Environnemental Conditions, updates on all the (non-vampire) stuff that made the first book one of the best product WW ever made. Add to that chapters on supernatural influences: the city Shadow and Spirit Courts, how diffrente Apex flavor not only the Dark Dream, but also the occult landscape, etc…
I got another one. Since many supernaturals have reason to mess with the media, including keeping their existence secret, mass manipulation the of the flow of essence (for werewolves) and the astral (for Beasts, changelings and magi), using said manipulation to mess with powerful spirits, true fae and astral entities (ditto) and everything network zero gets up to. a whole book on the media in the chronicles of darkness and how supernaturals use it for their own ends would be cool.
Book of Nightmare. Kinda like Book of Spirits or (better yet) Book of the Dead, but for everything about dreamscapes like the Temenos, the Hedge and the Primordial Dream. With a Lesser Template, the Lucid Dreamer (or Deep Dreamer, or whatever…) who can explore these realms (Oneiromachy should not be just for changeling!)
And thinking of that, I still think that the Primordial Dream need some kind of “ecology” aside from Horrors…
The Lower Depths. The demons from Inferno need an important update (with the new Virtues and Flaws rules…) Always been one of my favorite “side horror.”
Finally, Mad Science! I know, Promethean covers a lot of the trope, but… the CofD needs some kind of Sons of Ether! Even if they’re not mages.
For Werewolf I would love to see:
– The Prey: A book covering the enemies of the uratha, like the Pure, hosts, spirits and stuff like that.
– The Shadow: A book specific for Werewolf, about the Shadow world, places that aren’t and anything weird related to it.
– A new Changing Breeds book mixed with the breeds from War Against the Pure. Dark Eras already show us they can exist and their potential as antagonists. But don’t make it a blue book, as you can reference a lot of stuff from Forsaken.
I think Vampire got us covered with the books we know are coming, but I think a Bloodline book would be cool, taking all Bloodlines to 2nd edition, maybe mixing some of them that seem too alike. For instance, all those Necromancer bloodlines might share a blood magic.
And finally, as probably next year we might get second editions of Geist and Mummy, I hope we get Wraith as the new game. Make it something like The Year of the Dead, like White Wolf used to do back then. Geist and Wraith being released the same year you can play with it’s intersecting themes, the whole Key (Geist) and Keyhole (Wraith) thing. It would be cool if the games become like two sides of the same coin. 🙂
Cheiron’s Field Project Manual as an “in game” fiction book could be awesome, IMO. A 2E for Inferno and Immortals would also be great.
As for Vampire, what about something in the style of “Guide to the Lesser Clans”? In 2e it is stated that the 5 big Clans are simply the most successful ones- but there may be others out there. What are their relations with the major Clans? How and where they survive? What role to they play in their own little Danse Macabre? Including 5 example such Clans and guides for making new ones.
For Mummy, I would like to see something along the lines of “Cradles of Civilization”- Irem may have been guided by the gods in shaping Sekhem, but it was not the only one- from the first cities of Mesopotemia and South America, through the empires of India and China and even up to the glories of Greece and Japan, each culture has birthed its own wonders and horrors, all by its own. Sites of power, lost relics and even their own forms of Lifeless (and perhaps Deathless) horrors which were formed all by their own- maybe by some sort of reverse engineering of Irem’s creations, maybe not. How would the Arisen react to those relics of the past, and how relics would deal with them? Detailing 6 different cultures and their legacy upon the world.
Also, a lot less detailed- what about an Abmortal book for Geist, expanding the all different forms of escaping death, including Bound which are not Sin Eaters and all other kind of monstrosities formed from the Underworld? (think Geist- Night Horrors)
That’s all for now 😛
I want a book of Sleepwalkers, the Mage 2nd equivalent of Grogs from Ars Magica !
Plus, +1 vote to a Damnation City book for all gamelines.
a 2e book that’s a mix of ghost stories, book of spirits, book of the dead. Like that owod book that’s getting made.
I’m a sucker for alternate universe stories (AUs: The Goateeing), but as Mirrors and Demon sort of cover that ground, chances of Vampire Sliders are slim.
I do have a question, though: What exactly does “color correction” in PoD proofs mean? That the printer used the wrong ink? That the color on the screen and on paper look different? That you just decided the color originally chosen doesn’t work?
A vampire book that shows a Vampire’s social engineering on various sectors of mortal life. What do banks look like in a world that supports vampire masters? High society? Movie theaters? Brothels? How does what a vampire is taint the world around them and how do they (try to) interface with the mortal world. End the book with some expanded examples and material on touchstones.
Just gonna say I’d love to be able to pitch for Exalted. So, if that becomes possible, I’d love to hear about it.
As for the CofD, I know the God Machine is related to Demon, but the GMC is in the new core book, so I figure this might be legit. A revamped Second Sight book with updated mechanics and a chapter on mortals using the power of the God Machine for their own ends could be cool.
I also really liked Urban Legends, Relics, and Mysterious Places, so more books of creepy cool locations, things, people, and events please.
A book on extreme environments and places, with a way to build the horror that’s best left in unfound in them would be neat. I’m thinking deep in the jungle, deep ocean, caves, space etc.
This isn’t related to the prompt, but what does “Putting together the duotone version of the interior” mean?
For Chronicles of Darkness, a book just full of new conditions. This could probably be small or even PDF only. Just more conditions. Lots of conditions. A toy chest full of wonderful conditions.
This idea could be really awesome to have. +1
god damn it I’m dying here man its been forever
Patience. It’ll be a Doctor Strange movie tie-in product in november.
I’d akso love a book about cities/hunting grounds, but if that us not possible, may be that each new siurcebook add one or two new donsins.
Okay, most of my ideas have been pitched already, so I’m hoping that you make it all the way to the bottom here, because I have one that I think some of your writers could get behind:
Dark Eras Anthology.
What strikes me as I read the Dark Eras advanced PDF, each setting strikes me as being high evocative, and I want to know more about them. We can’t get more chapters on each them, but it would be really cool to see each Era from the point of view of the people living through it. It also would allow you to showcase the weird wonderful flavours of horror that exist in the Chronicles of Darkness, since I believe this has the potential to be the first anthology that includes every splat in it.
Plus you know that everyone would go nuts if we got the story of how the Wise stole Fox’s heart.
We REALLY need a good Mage city book, particularly one that highlights the conflict between the Pentacle and the Seers. Even after reading the Seers book, I STILL don’t feel like I have a good handle on exactly how they operate day-to-day.
I’d like to see more on the specific tactics the Pentacle cabals and Seer pylons use to thwart each other, how their conflicts play out, and what the stakes are both at the street level, and from the perspective of their local leadership.
A book with 100+ cool rituals and miracles for the Circle and the Lancea et Sanctum. Just like the ones in Secrets of the Covenants. Having used the previews in my chronicle already I just love the flavour of those. That’s why I want more, many more!
I knew I had another idea!
Yet another Night Horrors for Vampire, but this time focused on holdovers, specifically members of covenants that are believed to be dead. Requiem for Regina got a good start on this with The Gallows Post and Weihan Cynn. It would be really cool to see them persist in a limited fashion as well as some other “dead” covenants from around the world.
Dinosaurs at War, my day is complete. Thank you Onyx Path, thank you.
I would love a CofD book covering interaction between minor template characters. Focus on life in the margins, and how there might be connections found among stigmatics, sleepwalkers, wolf blooded, and ghouls.
My rant will probably look like compilation of previous ideas, but I thought on them before and, well… they are great ideas! 🙂 ( Written in order of needness. )
Chronicles of Darkness:
Cults – General book on the mortal cults in CoD. Developing Mystery Cult Initiation and building it. Adding chapter on
supernatural cults – like Global Orders networks, Covenants cults and some Packs fronts.
Second Sight 2E – We need proper book on Thaumatugres and Psychics. Can be expanded maybe on Weird Scientists? Lower Templates are good thing to use in all stories.
Inferno 2E – 1E book was one of best in previous edition. Hell is very nice subject that greatly play with both “mortal” and supernatural stories. Could add Belial’s Brood and Bale Hounds chapters, solving all the publishers need for pitches and make needed updates in gamelines. }:->
Innocents 2E – Would love to return to idea I got, but with 2E rules. Could add chapter that talks about each gamelines children. Could add Blitz London Dark Era, what is pitty did not get them in Kickstarter in first place.
Crime – Organized crimes. Petty thefts. And why Iron Masters are best cops in the world. 😉
Aliens – We need UFO and aliens in our CoD! I need to be Mulder or Scully. 😉
Book of Nightmares – like Book of Shadow and Book of Dead, but about Temenos, Nightmares and dreamscapes.
Night Horrors: Horrors 🙂 – Big book of general monsters. Could also be thrown in Spirits and Ghosts from corebook. ( Get Reighnhell for this – he is great in this job. 😉
http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/the-new-world-of-darkness/793173-the-horror-show )
Ocean – I need my “Pirates meet Cthulhu” stories. 😀
Dark Eras 2, 3, 4, 5… – Any more Dark Eras – it great idea. And still we need Mage: Age of Anarchy in Britain’s Middle Ages to see how Mysterium come to being. ( DaveB mentioned it few times now – http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/the-new-world-of-darkness/mage-the-awakening/278830-age-of-anarchy-dark-ages-britain-setting )
Vampires are not my typical thing so I will not write for books on them.
Werewolf the Forsaken:
Changing Breeds 2E – As proper Werewolf book, but written from perspective of CoD normal book – strange bloodlines, alien totems, body horror monster Breeds. Like 1E Changing Breeds get RIGHT, without ecoterrorism. More horror, less “weirdness”.
Tribes of Moon series petitioned on forum – http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/the-new-world-of-darkness/werewolf-the-forsaken/425614-petition-for-tribes-of-the-moon-2e-working-title
Blue Book: Book of Catastrophes, Book about Religion (Like Asylum, Precient 13, Dogs of War),
Werewolf: Balehounds antagonist book
Some of these have already been suggested, but here’s my personal wishlist:
1. Inferno 2nd Edition. I would love to see the demons of the Inferno updated to the new rules, especially given the way that Vices have changed for the new version. I want to see how they interact with the demons of the God Machine. I’d love to see an expansion on the Children of the Seventh Generation.
2. Mysterious Places 2. The first one was one of my favorite supplements. I would love to see another collection of fascinating locations with juicy story hooks.
3. A book detailing crime in the CofD, from street gangs to organized crime families.
4. Changing Breeds Second Edition. I would love to see this one updated to the new rules, and, like so many others have said, I’d also like to see the different breeds each standing on their own, rather than being different flavors of the same generic splat built off of a werewolf base. Unlike so many others, I’d like to see the rabbits return with a second edition update and expansion. I’ve used them more than any other breed in that book.
5. I’d like to add my support for an ocean based book as well. There’s so much potential with that one.
6. A Night Horrors book for the basic Chronicles of Darkness. Or for any other line, really. I can’t get enough of those.
7. For Werewolf, I’d like to see a book on the Bale Hounds. I enjoyed their first edition greatly, and I can’t wait to see what’s done with them in the second edition.
8. The Pure Second Edition. I would love to see them updated as well.
9. Sacred Prey. A book with a chapter for the sacred prey of each of the Tribes would be pretty interesting. Technically, I’d love to see each with their own book, but a book with a chapter for each seems more reasonable.
10. A book detailing an unusual setting that could be used for any of the games. Maybe something similar to the Midnight Circus book for WoD.
11. A book addressing love and sexuality in the Chronicles of Darkness. Something that takes a serious look at the role these things can play in a horror setting. Hurt Locker is showing just what can be done while taking a serious look at violence. I think that something similar looking at love and sexuality could have a lot of potential.
1. The Pure (2nd Edition)
2. Skin-Changers (2nd Edition) integrating in fully playable “War Against the Pure” style shifters, expanded a bit to cover any need for (and replacing the errors of) Changing Breeds
3. A book on Close Encounters/Ultra-Terrestrial horror… while a core line book, it should draw on Changeling and Hunter and be a strongly useful supplement for them especially
4. Some way to update the best of first edition’s bloodlines to 2nd Edition. This will massively expand gaming opportunity for Stryx Chronicles
5. A book of Covenants looking at various sects around the world – including some of the groups name dropped in Stryx Chronicles
Sheez, I never expected something like this.
Give me a minute to think on it. A lot of cool and basic ideas have been done or mentioned already, so I may post periodically along the week.
Movement in the Dark – a coreline offering, such a book explores the horror and weirdness of the world writ large. How many groups, holding no once of supernatural power, have interests in hiding/feeding such things, and how do they gain from it? What happens when dogs belt commands nature follows, the winds tilt the lightning and raise the grasses, and radio signals cross into media no one ever devised? The ghosts run a smuggling ring of old anchors for eclectic and bizarre boons; men darn their souls in odd energies to find the realm life is born from; the fallen supernatural, losing their weight of power and place in the world to old/new foes and the ravages of time, cling to each other, convening only to save their mismatched, forgotten hides and reinstate what they had or meant to anyone.
This book is the promise of Glimpse of the Unknown beyond (but including) hooks, plotseeds and mechanical morsels: The mortal sphere collides in unpredictable, frenetic fashions in a world charted only at the seems, and the weird and terrible things in the shadows are thrown in relief only as more familiar shades pass along. Part antagonist collection, chronicle generator, and license to both misdirect and law foundation in the CofD, this book could hold anything from antagonists far afield the norm, settings and phenomena unique in approach, as well as possible seeding of one-off/potential mechanics both in gamelines already existing and those without, from grave and dissimilar threats to odd powers/tool, even allowing for addition partial/minor or even unattached, lineless fullsplats. An ambitious but possibly fulfilling and catalyzing undertaking.
Will post pitches as I conceive them. I realize right forfeiture is in play, but this is exciting.
Alright, second idea. If there’s a cutoff point, please tell me. This one isn’t very unique, anyway.
Heavy the Blood – Uratha, by and large, are not even-keeled in the beast of conditions. Territories are patchworks of choirs and resources, with even the most peaceable charges being alluring in their vulnerability. Their tempers and behaviors are altered by ban and trigger, hunt and disguise, and the exposure to so many spheres of influence taxes harmony and alerts the herd. And at the borders if territory, where the fragile holdings of the pack fall away and the Shadow is only charted as for as Siskur-da will take you, sit the others. Packs of them, circling and biting at ally spirits, outsourcing the communal funds to renovate the neighborhood, calling foreign lodges to shift the essence for their own ends. They raid fetish caches and leave Wolf-Blooded unaccounted for in your borders. They call for help and always give less then they take, weakening the Gauntlet in bad places and performing deeds that burn bridges with contacts. Maybe their marks are scarred out; maybe they are adorned in the moons favor, or the mark of some foul, conniving lord in unseen courts. Sometimes, they barely resemble the People at all. But they are always predatory, always subversive, and when the push is strong enough, never at odds with bringing their mess to your door. So you fight, maybe break the oath here or lose a tribe member there. But the fact is, you can’t fail to act, because they are, in their success or failures, gateways to the world’s havoc.
Less about the Blood Talons/Fenris-Ur and more about their sworn prey, this book should examine what war among werewolves brings: damage to the shadow and world territories; repercussions for packs, spirits and their enemies; and knowledge born from/lost during these battles. In addition to showcasing all kinds of enemy Uratha, from Pure and Bale Hound, to Forsaken, Ghost Wolf and any who follow odd and unfit oaths. As an end piece, the chapter reworks Unihar and Zi’ir in away more accommodating to new Werewolf natures: alternately creatures divorced from the shadow in ways that warp them in shapes not wolf, spirit or man, and creatures so enwrapped in transformation and spiritual atavism they have become amorphous spirit-things (which one pertains to which is mutable, as either could fit with some reworking), these beings aren’t so divested of their natures they can’t be fought on similar ground, but have sordid internal power and foul tricks up their sleeves. A testament to destruction among like kinds.
Off hand idea: Inferno 2nd Edition could also include various supernatural factions that turn to the Inferno for power – thus providing the opportunity for 2nd Ed Belial’s Brood, Bale Hounds, and maybe a new Left-Handed Mage faction?
A book for adapting games like Vampire to a setting of a different scale than a big city.
You can play in
-City scale: Big enough to accomodate a supernatural society (the default in most games).
-Town scale: One supernatural or a few can fit, but not enough to form a society, I’m thinking about 100,000-200,000 population cities for Vampire, where the most influential ancients extend their political power beyond their town.
-Village/Wilderness scale: a single supernatural would need extreme precautions to avoid being discovered. Mainly for Midnight Roads/Nomads, but also useful for a single player chronicle or a small stop for a bigger group.
I also second adaptations to 2e for Innocents, Second Sight and Changing Breeds, and some kind of adaptation for other material (like bloodlines or Belial’s Brood for Requiem, or the equivalent for other lines).
Meiji Era Werewolf with a tie in adventure much like requiem for rome.
Big fan of the dark heroes too, nice to see them updated and expanded.
I’m glad someone else wants Meiji Werewolf as much as I do.
Great News, thanks.
About new book: Maybe Onyx should make new Damnation Cities, but for all supernaturals (with Territories etc.) Not only vampiric cities, but true big book about running City (sandbox with hundreds hooks)
I second that, and I could add to this (or these) books a God-Machine style chronicle.
Additionally, I would like more “out of the box” modules and specially, chronicles. Work and family doesn´t allow me to spend all the time I would like to work on sandboxes, so classical style adventures would make life easier.
Wouldn’t mind some pre-written chronicles. I liked the ones in 1e, they were a good way to ease everybody into the feel and style of a game line.
There is need for book to Vampire Requiem 2ed, about Bloodlines, and unique Covenants around the world.
Tokyo, using all the contents already published and new contents about the others supernaturals…
An Updated/new book on Immortals, Including but not limited to “Inheritors” those from a family that have a responsibility to maintain a Place or Object, Only one per generation has the capacity for it.
“Time/Fate Thieves” who steal the years and fate of a person and tends to leave a trail of bodies thoughout the years.
A Book of generic Cults would be good, aswell as remake of the Innocents book.
I’ve always thought a general “light supernaturals” book for CofD would be neat. Most of the groups I’ve played with love crossing game lines, but it can be cumbersome with six different players playing a random mix of supernaturals. So many different special rules for players and STs to keep track of. I’ve always wanted to see (or make for myself) a book that presents a “basic” vampire, werewolf, mage, etc. template for the purposes of playing mixed supernatural games.
I know that much has been made about the fact that “city books” don’t sell very well. But I really enjoy them. And as a storyteller with a busy life, they are an extremely useful tool when I don’t have time for setting building. So something in the vein of the Chicago book would be awesome. Maybe Kickstarter it if you’re afraid it might not sell.
Anyone else remember the “Volo’s Guide” series? For the AD&D Forgotten Realms setting? It was a series of entirely in-character travel books: hotels, restaurants, local attractions . . .
One of the old White Wolf writers, Mur Lafferty, is in the middle of a series of novels about writing such a series of guide books for her WoD knock-off setting. And the excerpts she’s included from her “Shambling Guides” are tempting . . .
So I’d be interested in something like that for either WoD setting. A travel guide to . . . oh, say Chicago. Where vampires can go to quickly score some blood, or rent a secure tomb, changeling-friendly hotels, unique businesses and festivals to check out. . . Basically, “Volo’s Guide to WoD Chicago” (or other city). Entirely in-character, and thus not 100% reliable . . . but full of lots of good color for the setting
A book focusing on Pangaeans, full of Cthulhish story hooks to build “fall into madness” kind of stories.
I Would love to see, a book that expands just the purified from immortals, mayor a New immortals book with just one kind. Also it could be fun to get a book devoted to family curses and makes Them playable, Think Human family with Deep ones taint running in theire blood stream. Finally it could be great with a sort of inquisitor like cod book, but not just based on christianity also on other religious orders… And finally it Would be great with a cod Big campaign. Im thinking eternal lies like in scope, not just the small SAS scale.
I Something or other (not sure what it is after it’s been seconded 10 times) Damnantion City, but for crossover play. A resource to help you setup an urban sandbox that feels like their really are multiple forces moving tangentially to each other. Especially now that beast is a thing and they can be mediators between the various groups.
Also a Tier 2 mortals book, HELL YEAH! something that focuses on what it feels like to be ostensibly powerful in comparison to most folks but still be on the outside looking in as far as the supernatural world if concerned. The Mafia Don who can have a man silenced with a whisper but is still not as powerful as a young vamp
And finally, something set in HOUSTON. When is my town, a racially diverse home to 6 million + folks, gonna get some love. The metropolis is large enough to be a significant portion of other states but hey, we grow them big in Texas. A home to industry and trade; science and academia; the arts and culture from around the world. Seriously guys, HOUSTON.
I Would love to see, a book that expands just the purified from immortals. Also it could be fun to get a book devoted to family curses and makes Them playable, Think Human family with Deep ones taint running in theire blood stream. Finally it could be great with a sort of inquisitor like cod book, but not just based on christianity also on other religious orders… And finally it Would be great with a cod Big campaign. Im thinking eternal lies like in scope, not just the small SAS scale, also a Big Werewolf campaign, in the style of dracula dossier Would be great.
For Redbubble, can we get the Werewolf the Apocalypse 2e Tribebook covers, and the Sabbat antitribu symbols, please?
So excited for the new Black Hand book!
I’d love to see something like Hurt Locker for people who stand on the ‘thin red line’ between society and monsters.
A book taking its cue from 13th precinct and Asylum but expanding to criminals, cops, doctors, patients, journalists, and conspiracy theorists, all people who have to respond to the otherworldly and how they cope. Approaches to handling Integrity (erosion and otherwise), illness (mental and otherwise), and the forces arrayed against them. With a wider focus (ie not just USA), how monsters hide and corrupt society, and more weirdness (spirit diseases? mad prophets? thieves who steal from monsters?).
Much of the 2nd edition isn’t out yet, but I’d say that alternate chronicle books would be cool for the long term, each one breaking rules and changing settings like Mirrors did or exploring another angle on a particular monster (or even several gamelines) like say a “weird science” chronicle where monsters origins are scientific in origin.
And of course, Mystery Cults and Second Sight 2nd edition.
I’d like a vampire book which discusses the politics of the damned. And how one can gain leverage within them. Perhaps with systems to back that up. At the moment, it feels like a lot of ST Fiat in there, and I’d love something expanded.
Also, something about feeding grounds, and territory in general. Maybe more merits alongside those ranges.
Nighthorrors: Tokyo
Bluebook Cryptids (with an GMC Ozark Seed)
A Bluebook Night Horrors: Tokyo would be amazing!
Everyone else has pretty much mentioned all the things I want.
The only thing really missing is a hacker’s toolbox type of book for each of the lines that contains advice on:
CofD: How to build vampires, demons, werewolves, beasts, etc. using just the Horror rules.
Vampire: How to build additional clans (like the Jiangshi), make your own Disciplines, make your own Covenants, and various setting hacks (e.g., Humanity that works more like Harmony, no humanity at all, etc.)
Werewolf: How to build additional tribes, how to build/expand spirit courts, and various setting hacks (e.g., permutations on Harmony, permutations on Kuruth, etc.)
I would of course like the same things for Demon, Beast, Mage, etc. 🙂
No edit on these posts but in the case of Demon, what if you want to substitute God for the God-Machine? A book with advice for how that might be done would be handy.
Got my copy of Beast yesterday. Looks good; I haven’t ordered the standard print in awhile and I’m honestly impressed how far the basic version has come since I got my PoD of Geist way back when. Very excited to show Beast around to my players, a couple of them went from absolutely unknown to buying the book after a short summary of it’s themes and mechanics so it’s got some teeth.
I am extremely excited by the art we keep seeing on the blog. That’s some great Mage art. Very excited for the new release.
Speaking of excited; so close to Exalted. So many good books coming down the line!
So yeah, I have loads of ideas, admittedly mostly falling under the heading of ‘things I want to write for Forsaken’ 🙂
Shapechangers: Instead of a simple update of Changing Breeds to 2nd edition, I’d prefer an entirely new approach to shifters. It could be a Night Horrors style book or something more general, but I’d want a product that categorises stuff not on ‘breeds’ of fantasy shapechangers but more along the lines of curses, infections, inheritances, etc. At most, I’d want to see a couple of updated Changing Breeds, but the rest I’d much rather see things like the War against the Pure shifters or altogether weirder, more unique things. There’s a bounty of shifters and shapechangers in world folklore and very little of it is ‘like a werewolf but for a different animal!’.
Dark Eras Fiction Anthology: Yes please.
Sea/Oceans Book: I’d love to see something like this for any line, really delving into the complexities of the supernatural at sea and beneath its surface. My preference would of course be Werewolf but something more general would be very welcome.
Hong Kong Location Book: I’d really, really like to see a very developed Forsaken Hunting Ground for Hong Kong, with much more coverage than we’ve had word count for in Forsaken 2e HGs so far. It’d also work pretty well with a number of other game lines.
Werewolf Tribe/Prey/Topic books: So back after Forsaken 2e came out I mentioned my ideal list of 5 books that would cover all the various tribes, prey and other topics that I felt really needed to be given good content for 2nd edition. People on the forum really liked it and even started a petition in its support, though I don’t know if they ever brought it to Stew’s attention; also I think some people have already mentioned the pitch in comments above. Anyway, I’ll copy/paste it in again below, but some general very broad notes first:
– 2e really needs good, in-depth coverage of the prey types, especially werewolves. Pure and Bale Hounds in particular, but I also want to see more other blasphemous or variant Uratha/werewolf antagonists available to mix it up a bit.
– 2e really, really needs a good book on the Shadow. Amazingly, despite being the line most focused on the Shadow, Werewolf never really had a book that really went in-depth on the Hisil.
So here’s the original pitch for the 5 books, although I’ve developed my ideas a bit further for them since, and some of the stuff will be covered in eg. The Pack a bit.
Kinslayers:- Blood Talons Tribe coverage; full new coverage for the Pure and their updated 2e mechanics; heretic and schismatic werewolf groups (weird wolf-cults, strange subgroups of Uratha who follow different ideologies, etc) for Blood Talons and Forsaken in general to clash and interact with; extensive rules for challenges and conflict between Uratha whether for dominance, battle or other things, from the individual level to packs clashing with each other all the way up to Protectorate-scale conflicts; an examination of the pure ‘fluff’ side of Uratha vs Uratha violence, the taboos, the implications, the different ways various regional Uratha go about these things and their traditions; new fighting styles, Gifts, Rites etc around clashing between Uratha.
Shadow Hunters:- Bone Shadow Tribe coverage; definitive coverage of the Shadow, including Deep Shadow, all sorts of phenomena and weirdness, piles of hooks and descriptions of varied Shadow manifestations, more information about Resonance and the interplay between Flesh and Shadow, basically all the creative and mechanical support a GM needs to run the Shadow side of the game; a much deeper look at spirit organisation and politics than ever before to turn spirits into key characters and influences in a game; Totems, dedicating more wordcount to both the ideas and inspiration side of things, but also heftily expanding their mechanical side and offering a new framework to help cover the ascent and growth in power of a totem alongside its pack, the ways the totem and pack affect each other on even a subconscious level, etc; an examination of hunting spirits for the Uratha, with tools, tricks and traps that the Uratha can use against spirits and vice versa; and a section on some Big Names in the Shadow, going into more detail on some Lesser Incarnae, the Firstborn Totems etc, to help GMs with bringing such beings into the game rather than leaving them as distant entities that are never really interacted with.
Sacred Ground:- Hunter in Darkness Tribe coverage; new rules for territory and the surrounding issues, such as shaping your territory, making territory a key element in clashing with other Uratha, more info on Loci, the role prey take in the territory, etc; more information on the Gauntlet itself, exploring how to bring it into a game not just as a basic boundary but as a place with strange phenomena, discussion of what lies *within* it, etc; full new coverage of the Hosts, with more detailed rules than are present in the corebook and a better examination of Host society, their goals and how they go about them, including coverage for what happens when the Hosts are successful and begin to regain the divine power of their progenitors; coverage of how Uratha interact with certain other peripheral realms (possibly including the Hedge and Underworld); and maybe new Hunting Ground write-ups or examples of specific Sacred Places that the Uratha and Hunters in Darkness hold as sacred ground.
Watchdogs:- Iron Master Tribe coverage; more rules for humanity as prey, including specific prey-groups from cultists to corporations and how they can both be a threat to and be threatened by the Uratha; rules for human shamen expanded out of the Rites system; an examination of the difficulties of maintaining a human cover amidst society for an Uratha, the challenges of hunting in dense urban areas and amongst human communities in general, and how humans drastically shape the spiritual reflection of the world; changes in technology and science, and both the challenges Uratha can face from these, the challenges they faced in previous technological eras, and the ways technology and change contribute to the benefit of the Uratha and the Iron Masters; and coverage of Uratha trying to affect the human population on a much larger scale, like trying to shape the destiny of nations or enslave entire regions to the machinations of spirit-gods or whatnot.
Heirs to the Hunt:- Storm Lord Tribe coverage; deeper coverage of Claimed with more mechanics, as well as new types of Claimed horror; an examination of other weird elements of possessions and otherworldy invaders, including new antagonist types; Forsaken politics, including on a wide scale, including traditions and cultures around thereof, how Tribes and packs and Lodges interact to affect the balance of power; more extensive coverage around Protectorates, including how and why they form, system support for Protectorates and their effects, etc; and wordcount and more mechanical support for high Primal Urge werewolves, the paths available for them to take, how they affect the world and how they, in turn, are changed.
And, well, frankly I have even more ideas but I think I’ll cut it at this point rather than blather on even further!
Sweet Baby Jesus. Can I just +1 all the stuff he just listed?
Can I +infinity it? There is a lot of wolfy goodness there!
Oh yes. Tribe books +1. And then maybe some sort of capstone book about the Idigam themselves.
Another +1 for this, especially the 5 book werewolf expansion. I loved it when it was first proposed in the forums here, it still seems like an awesome way to fill out the Werewolf world.
More a refinement on already mentioned pitches, but:
1) Night Horrors: Cryptids – Basically, a book which handles God-Machine cryptids as a Night Horrors supplement to the main CofD rulebook. Can also double as a Night Horrors book for Demon, but could also include expanded monster creation rules (kind of Antagonists 2e).
2) A collection of the 1e SAS adventures, updated for 2e. Basically a “best of” for the old adventures with up to date stat blocks & rules.
3) I’ll echo the calls for a “Cultist” book, giving us more info on the various mortal cultists from all the splats. Can double as “Second Sight 2e,” giving us more options for supernaturally aware mortal PCs.
I really like the idea of giving the GMC an expansion with its own Blue Books. Having a book of cryptids that was aimed at a mortal GMC but could be used in any chronicle would be an awesome addition! Maybe a Night Horrors book on Angels as well, seeing as they are firmly established into Core, but interact with mortals in a very different way than they do with Demons?
Chronicles of the Future Darkness – deep space exploration, cyberpunk, dystopian future – for all supernaturals.
Cults book would also be great.
Supernatural special forces – crossover military book.
You can take my soul if you will make some of those (or all three ;D).
I’d like to point attention to the thread folks on the Forsaken forum started a while back. Note that’s about 50+ people wanting a series of 5 books and various other things. Hope that counts. 🙂
1) A new Vampire game not tied to Requiem. Full with new ideas, belonging to the horror genre and not specific to personal horror. You can reinvent the wheel trying a whole new ideas, that is if you dare!
2) Geist 2nd edition. Revise a lot of stuff that didn’t actually work and put a lot more emphasis in that setting. Besides the great setting of Changeling the Lost, Geist is a hidden gem in a need of more refining.
3) I read a lot of comments about a zombie Apocalypse setting. While I like horror movies with zombies and the like, I find such an idea for an rpg super lame and not a commercial success. BUT a big but, is that you can create a gothic horror setting with a lot of mysticism and dread based on ancient mummy like creatures (not Egyptian mummies per se), their Hierarchies and ancient pacts with creatures and Gods even more terrifying than themselves. Their institutions being a lot more ancient than any current Vampire or other supernatural institute. For this setting an atmosphere of dread must be pervasive all time. You can play with this idea and try many themes around and see what’s best.
Another thing I’d like to see is the Carthian Movement’s Contre Les Vampires Patriarcals as a new “artifact” book for Vampire: the Requiem in the spirit of Testament of Longinus & Rites of the Dragon.
Some sort of crossover book would be great – particularly if thats the aim of CoD. Similar to how Beasts can gain new skills with relations with allied supernaturals, more skills for other combinations would be awesome. How about a Stygian + Ulgan skill set or Morbus Mekhet + Garou? The Beast’s powers left me wanting more from other groups, particularly because I’m running a VTR Chronicle that collides with all sorts of other beings in the CoD and that would add a ton of depth and reasons to create symbiotic relationships.
I’d definitely second a crossover sourcebook of any sort.
1)I would like to see a Noir Chronicles for Mortals,Kindred and Werewolves in the format of Mage Noir!
2)The Dark Ages Chronicles for the lines above starting from The Fall oF Rome and so on till the start of Renaissance.
3)Motherland Chronicles.A supplement for the lines above including the Tsardom Period as well as The soviet one.
Chronicles of Darkness:
*A book filled with minor templates, whether upgrades of one-shot templates from 1e like various immortals, or something entirely new like how armory hurt locker has. Or both.
*I second the ideas I’ve caught above with regards to books based around cults, especially adding new mechanics to them.
*A book filled with ‘unknown’ ephemeral entities; things that use the basic rules for them but don’t ever suit the normal origins for them. Kinda like if Mysterious Places were entities instead of, you know, places.
*An update of Reliquary or a new ‘magic item’ book entirely, for universal magical objects and similar. Including rules for how to make them and perhaps how creating more permanent objects aligns with the new CofD crafting rules
*A book focused on magic. I don’t mean like Sacraments and Blasphemies, changing the system to mage or anything like that (That book still works fine on its own in 2e, honestly). I mean large amounts of rituals and merits for the covenants, more obscure forms of blood sorceries, magic that doesn’t fit the typical ‘blood sorcery’ bill, some devotions maybe, an update of things like gargoyle creation, and if we’re really lucky, a magical object system of Vampire’s own. They always felt so left out there.
Another I just thought of for Chronicles of Darkness, maybe part of that Ephemeral Entity book I mentioned if not its own thing, I’d love to see something like Summoners from Mage but applying to ALL of the lines, including mortal (I know summoners gave some brief info about that, but I mean something designed as venue neutral). Maybe include a minor template of summoning and pacting focused mortals, sub-splats for each venue (Legacies, Bloodlines, Lodges, and Entitlements that are all focused on and better at summoning/pacting), stuff like that. I’d buy a book like that so hard.
Chronicles of Darkness
* Innocents 2nd edition – Taking the innocents concept and adding GMC additions and ephemeral beings.
* Innocents Chronicler’s Guide – Applying Chronicler’s Guide concept to young adult genres like mystery, sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic.
* Dark Eras Organizations – Taking the idea of the covenant books and applying it to the historical hunter cells in dark eras.
Majorly seconded on any sort of Innocents 2e content.
A long time ago I made some suggestions. Two books of the Chronicles of Darkness:
1) A Cults book like so many above have mentioned
2) Night Horrors: Dreadful Enigma’s. A book with creatures that don’t fit the existing lines. Unique horrors ancient and new, failed/lost creations of the God-Machine, etc.
Not enough people have pitched this:
Tribes of the Moon 2e
Explore the cultures of the various Tribes, and how their prey and hunt influence those cultures.
That’s actually one of my top choices. The Tribes got such a big make-over that I feel like we really need a new one (or heck, a series that deals with the Tribes and their preferred prey) to explore them in more detail.
My pitch for a blue book – this book we will call – Problematic and Failures – is about those many attempts that you know has happens throughout the years. Someone is always trying to mix this with that to make something new. Well this is a book about all those failed attempts and it unwanted results which may still be lurking about. This book of horror is for those who go bump in the night. something to spook the spooky things in the darkness.
I would LOVE a Blue Book on the sea. So much there, so much. I think there’s a lot of interest in it- I started a “wish list” thread on the forums and the idea got a lot of support, so I think there’s plenty of interest.
Agreed. A ship on the open sea or an island is a great isolated place for horror to happen. And with all the myths that man has made about the sea over the centuries are rife with story possibilities.
Seconded. The ocean’s good stuff and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of it.
Interested in new splats? Cause I have ideas. I know you have the next one lined up, but may be for the one after that?
I’ve said Belial’s Brood, but it occurs to me that maybe Vampire could just use a Vampire Antagonist Book, it would update rules for Belial’s Brood to use Dread Powers (no need imho for a replacement for its version of wall climb, just use the one from core, and maybe be have an appendix section that says, we didn’t replace X use Y in core instead) and add fluff for things that were updated or didn’t exist. The book could also include more on VII and the Holy Engineers (actually really interested in Holy Engineers).
When I first read the Holy Engineers entry, I thought, “Well, this isn’t as crazy as the Heaven’s Gate covenant.” But what with the God-Machine Chronicle, now it doesn’t seem so crazy.
My 2 cents, in no particular order
1 CoD: London, something i’ve always wanted
2 +1 to a book expanding cults
3: big book of Spirits, and other denizens of the worlds closest to the Fallen World.
4 sequels to the fiction anthologies
5 an updated crossover freindly Damnation City style setting book,
Cards Product thought. Instead of releasing books for content where you feel like the content is still good, but the mechanics need updating, why not release the mechanics as cards? Need to update a ton of bloodlines but feel like the description is just fine? make a deck of bloodlines disciplines cards. (presuming that the original content is still “in print”)
Thought: make Bloodlines 2e, but instead of putting work into what goes into it, make a kickstarter, tell us what bloodlines are being adapted in the ongoing books and then ask us which bloodlines should go into this book and let us vote like Dark Eras, it’ll be fun.
I would *really* like to see a grown-up, sensible take on love, sex, and eroticism in the chronicles of darkness and the consequences thereof.
Often I feel that the world lacks this element, despite being marketed toward adults, who in all theory, should be mature enough to handle such issues within their gaming circle. I know that some subjects are very delicate to handle, such as rape/coercion/etc. but these are very real sources of horror, that if used correctly by a storyteller, paints a broader (and darker) picture for those who like personal horror mixed with the fantastic elements.
A few things I’d especially like covered are
-How being in love effects behavior/decisions,
-the benefits of being in love
-the psychological consequences of failing one’s love
-jealousy and other “bad” love
-manipulation via claims of love
-a serious look at love in different cultures/time periods, and what is expected behaviors therein
-a view on uncommon practices such as polyamory/polygamy/etc.
-sexual repression and the consequences of it
-stigmas of fetishes, diseases and behaviors
-fetishes, and how they might actually cause one to encounter the supernatural (one example would be auto-erotic asphyxiation vs. sin-eaters)
-a look at sexuality in different cultures/time periods, as well as general attitudes across various game lines
– love and sex (or deprivation thereof) specific merits, creatures, powers like gifts/disciplines/contracts, etc
-A view of sexual violence, the culture surrounding it, and the consequences thereof.
-Mating/breeding in the C.o.D, and potential magical consequences (for more than just wolves!)
-sex specific cults, and the effects on themselves and communities around them
-conditions related to love and lust beyond Swooning and Wanton
-a look at sex workers and pornography in the world (without turning the book into smut) and cultural attitudes of these things as well as a little bit of history on them
These are just some examples, and definitely not everything that could be covered. It would be quite the invaluable resource for those who want the mature elements in their games.
That is exactly the sort of stuff I’d been envisioning when I had such a book on my wishlist up above. Like you, I want to see a mature take on such things rather than just Vampire or Werewolf erotica. Thank you for posting this. I think that the suggestions you made do an excellent job of showing the depth of material that they could use for such a thing.
A cautious +1. A book that discusses who the different splats handle relationships within their splats, with their attendant minor splats, humans, and other splats would be pretty interesting. Especially after Requiem 2e teased the Ventrue (or is she?) who has taken a werewolf lover and may be trying to construct a werewolf-worshipping cult in the San Francisco Mission.
But there’s potential for this to get really uncomfortable and cringe-worthy.
How to portray such topics without turning your game into smut. Also how to address players wanting to get busy with NPCs without making the whole damn thing uncomfortable.
bah, this is supposed to be a +1 reply to a book on “sex in CofD”
We have an entire vampire clan that are descended from a Near Eastern goddess of darkness and desire, Ventrue art featured quite a few in BDSM situations, a ton of potential touchstones were either current or former romantic or sexual partners.
Werewolf has always emphasized the importance of the Wolf-Blooded as mating partners, and with the removal of Unihar, Uratha/Uratha pairings are less problematic.
Demon had an entire book about what happens when a Demon and a human, or even two Demons, have a child.
The CofD 2e has a bigger emphasis on relationships, platonic and sexual, so a blue book that discusses relationships in a mature (not smutty, but serious and level-headed) manner is probably a good idea.
Why not? I’ll toss a +1 in for this as well.
I would really like to see an extended line of Dark Fantasy using COD system. Like, super gritty play. I would take D&D and subject it to the darkest mirror possible. Throw in killer faeries, zombies, sorcerers who wreak havoc at the behest of immense unknowable deities, and vampires who create entire kingdoms of undead.
One thing I want more than anything is toolbox book that is dedicated to more comprehensive rules for creating and playing your own supernaturals. Methods for building different sorts of vampires from the core. different were-creatures from the core. And building stranger things. To more fit different groups campaigns.
In the same book, I would also like several options for hedge magic/sorcery and psychic without getting into Mage territory. I was not really thrilled with the systems in Second Sight from the first version of NWoD. Possibly something more effects based.
Here are some books I think would be nice to have. A greater majority of these are rehashes of things people said. Because people seem to have had trouble coming up with books for Vampire I went into a bit more detail there.
The following aren’t in any particular order.
For blue books:
A Night Horrors book that also expands on the Horror creation rules.
Second Sight 2e
Inferno 2e
A book that’s a mixture between Changing Breeds, War Against the Pure shifters, and Skinchangers. This might work better as a Werewolf book.
A book on cities.
A book on crime.
A book on cults.
A book on the ocean and poles.
A book about business and the media and how supernatural forces influence them.
More Dark Eras.
For Vampire:
Secrets of the Clans: Pretty self-explanatory. Each chapter would be about a different Clan and would explore what makes them unique and provide information on how different members of the same Clan relate to each other.
A book on Bloodlines that updates a few old Bloodlines and shows of a few new ones. More importantly it would talk about what being in a Bloodline means to a Vampire. They’re usually some sort of family or have principles that unite them and I think it would be cool to look at that in a little more depth.
A book on Belial’s Brood, VII, and rare or extinct Covenants.
A book on rare Clans and not-quite Kindred vampires.
For Werewolves:
A series of books that explores the different Tribes, but much more importantly explores their areas of expertise. At the very least a couple books about territory, spirits, the Shadow and Deep Shadow, Wounds, Claimed, Hosts, antagonist Werewolves such as the Pure and Balehounds, and humans needs to be created in some combination.
+1 to a book containning on cults and angaognist buildling
+1 to Dark Eras 2
+1 Minor templates update/compendium
+1 more Mysterious Places
For Werewolf:
Children of the Wolf – Covers the Forsaken tribes, the Pure, the Bale Hounds, and expands on possibilities of hidden or lost tribes, new tribes coming up, and how the possible transition of large lodge to small tribe might work.
What Lurks in Shadow – Covers most of the prey except humans, and werewolves. Spirits, the Hisil, ridden, claimed, the hosts, how the idigam have upset the apple cart. More detail on playing in the Shadow, and hunting that part of the pack’s territory.
Heirs of Man – Humans, Wolf-Blooded, living in the modern world filled with internet, wireless surveillance, near ubiquitous recording devices, and human coordination. Explores the shifting nature of the Hunt, how it is both timeless and adaptable. Modern times give more agency to WB and humans than every before. Examine how these peripherals view the werewolves, and the nature of the pack specifically from the outsiders point of view. Introduce more options for focusing play on the periphery. Not Uratha-less packs. More what changes when your entire game is low-to-zero-powered people inhabiting a frightening world of violence and horror driven by madness-inducing demigods at the hub?
I’d love to see “endgame’ books for the various lines in the style of Equinox Road, but for Vampire and Werewolf. Explorations of what happens at Blood Potency/Primal Urge 7-10 would be fantastic, as would descriptions of some new large scale (Tier 3 or 4) antagonists than one could shape an entire chronicle around.
Agreed. High power stats can be a blessing and a curse, and a book that highlighted the “blessing” side of it would be appreciated.
I noticed that Trinity Conitnuum Core doesn’t seem to be anywhere in those stages, is it somewhere inbetween at the moment or did I just miss it in the list?
Both the TC core and TC: Aeon are listed under redlines.
In years where no new species line is released, something I’d like to see is a limited line covering a region, structured something like Hunter the Vigil: a “core” blue book supplement serving as an intro to the region’s history and society, a guide for creating mortal characters from that part of the world, and a collection of relevant Horrors; then supplements for how vampires, werewolves, and mages live there (with maybe a Mortal Remains analogue covering three or four of the others). (And maybe a Slasher analogue introducing a local supernatural – or a global supernatural whose “mortal signature” happens to be greatest there – like, say, Naga for India, or Djinn for the Middle East, or Mallqui presented as a different species from Arisen for the Andes, or a fuller take on Aswang or Penangallan for South East Asia).
Reseru, in the forum thread on this post, said this: “I like the idea of a re-imagined and updated Mythologies book for Vampire, too. I feel like that book was there to distance the new line from VtM and now that’s happened but in other ways and themes. A second look at it would be interesting” Which I second.
First Idea: I would really love to see a book like damnation city but it is generalized so it cane be used on all lines. You can cover how to supernatural coexist with in a city and lots of other things.
Second Idea: I would love to see a book with more vampire bloodlines.
Three: Mortals Night Horrors books (Vacations) This would would show scary monsters in popular travel destinations for humans. Eg Camping trip up to Jersey Pine woods, Bed and breakfast serial killer. All of these legends from around the world. I would love to see alot for japan like the different Yokai from japan or urban legends.
Idea 3: Updated Blood Lines book for vampires.
Idea 4: Undead politics for vampires. This book could show dirty kindred politics can get and how it leaches into the human world and beyond.
Idea 5: Mortals career book that can show what can kind of horror can show up in a bunch of jobs. I’ve had many players that can’t think of playing anything other then police and so on but what about the truck driver who drives the streets at night seeing different horrors or the delivery boy who keeps bring strange packages to an abandoned home. What about the programmer who notices that the code of his company’s software updates it self every night at 3am. Things like that would be interesting. You could give more mortal merits in it and so on
5th idea: I would love to see a whole city book done on NYC. Its huge city each one o its boughs was going to be its own state. The culture changes from borough to borough and block to block.
SAS for Chronicles of Darkness.
I would like to see a V20 treatment of Victorian Age Vampire to include more American locales and go into more detail about both sects.
I would like to see more stories (0r seeds). I was a fan of the Storytelling Aventure System.
Also novels 🙂