Lore of the Clans Kickstarter: 24 Hour Warning!

Lore of the ClansThis is your 24-hour warning: the Kickstarter for a deluxe edition of V20’s upcoming Lore of the Clans begins tomorrow (Thursday) at noon EST!

There’s no instruction manual for being dead.

Vampires have a common oral tradition, as sires teach their childer through lecture, deed, brute strength, or throwing them into the darkness and hoping for the best. Some vampires smother their instruction in religious imperatives or philosophical tenets, while others focus on more pragmatic matters. But not one of them has clear, easy answers on what it means to be a member of one of the thirteen Clans that dominate the night.

There isn’t an instructional manual for being dead, but this is damn close.
Lore of the Clans is a single rulebook with chapters covering each of the clans, written from an in-character standpoint. For those of you who enjoyed the previous Clanbooks, this is the V20 equivalent.

12 thoughts on “Lore of the Clans Kickstarter: 24 Hour Warning!”

  1. Well then, it’s a good thing I’ve been saving my pennies! I am very much looking forward to see what you have in store for us with this one…

  2. Is this book going to cover a bit more in-depth information and roleplaying tips on the bloodlines presented in V20DA? Like the Kiasyd or the Nagaraja?

  3. Yeah, what Dobyk said. I feel that it’ll be good if the bloodlines were written up as if they were Clan write-ups because then it’ll give them more oomph. There were times that I wanted to play a Salubri, but I felt that doing so would be the shortest-lived character that I had.

    • Not all about the kickstarter but why would you feel that way Brian? Not out to attack you but I always thought the two page splat was enough for any clan or bloodline. Back in the day me and my crew had a fair few bloodlines mixed in and it never felt like a Daughter of Cacophany or a Kyasid were any less valid than the big clans.

  4. Well, its hard to believe they will give us bloodline pages. Its a dream and community wants it for so long, but White Wolf and even OnyxPath learn very slowly… Maybe a blooline pdf version as goals along the KS campain? This would be the best goals for this KS, but they will just fill it with less important stuff i think… we should make some noise till they hear.

    • And this same topic have been covered before with Eddy. Just a reminder of how bad community want this. Seriously, All goals should be add material about the main bloodlines. People will not complain. And i rather have it them tshirts or silk bookmarks.

  5. The Preview page that Rich gave us a few days ago is beautiful.

    This book is a must have. I hope a lot of people feel the same way

  6. I like the idea of a single book with all clans’ informations, but I’d also like to see more info for the main clans outside the western states and Camarilla-Sabbat sects: modern day Ashirra? India’s Jati? I’d like to know more about them…


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