Magic: The Affinity

Hi, gang. Last week, we introduced the concept of the Utterance — the most powerful magic at a mummy’s command. This week, we take a look at a more common, daily-use type of power the Arisen call the Affinity.

The radiant Sekhem within mummies anoints them with improbable good fortune and preternatural competence. This is no accident. The Arisen believe the capacity to manifest these Affinities to have been built directly into the Rite of Return, empowering them with the tools needed to fulfill their intended purpose. Unlike most forms of supernatural power, Affinities do not require training or a teacher and aren’t really learned in a conventional sense. Instead, they manifest reflexively (i.e., get added to a character sheet at the moment of purchase), whether during character creation or by paying experience. Often as not, the Arisen do not know they have a new Affinity until the magic first creates an effect or could do so, at which time they intuit their new capabilities. Many mummies are just as surprised by the Affinities they manifest as is the rest of the world.

Radiant Lifeforce

Prerequisites: [redacted] 2

Effect: The Arisen’s name is a secret beacon of lifeforce, sharing some small measure of its immortality with those around her. This provides the following mystical benefits:

• She may voluntarily suffer one point of aggravated damage to remove one temporary derangement from her mind. This damage leaves no mark on her, manifesting as painful lethargy. However, the spiritual exhaustion can still kill her in conjunction with other injuries.

• All living beings capable of purchasing Quick Healer within ([redacted] x 100) yards temporarily gain that Merit. Their players may keep the blessing permanently by spending experience, provided the character has sufficient Stamina. In such cases, exposure to Sekhem unexpectedly transforms and uplifts their lives. Mortals that already have Quick Healer don’t heal any faster within the mummy’s radiance.

• Her player can pay one Willpower point while she is touching an Incapacitated character, stabilizing that character’s condition as an instant action. He will not worsen unless he suffers additional injuries.



An Affinity for Magic



19 thoughts on “Magic: The Affinity”

      • I’m particularly pleased to see a life affirming Affinity presented. I was particularly curious to see, given the word on being creatures of necromantic power, that this might not be manifest in their magical nature. It also looks like the nature of Affinities bolster what we’ve already learned about Sekhem, vessels and relics.

        • Also….every time you post “Your wish is my command.” I can’t help but think of the genie in The Thief of Baghdad.

  1. This talk about the “intended purpose” of the Arisen worries me a bit. We already have a game about mummies created to fulfill a specific goal.

  2. Does that second ability apply to the mummy herself? Or is that a senseless question because mummies already have some fast-healing deal of their own built in?

    • Good question!

      “All living beings capable of purchasing Quick Healer”

      I assume that mummies don’t count as living beings. You could also have a point with the idea of mummies having an even faster way of healing.

      This is also where a freelancer comment from a couple weeks ago comes to mind: “When the mummy suffers severe damage, then it gets time to start lashing and stitching things together. Crafts . . . is useful.” 🙂

  3. Question to CAS and/or to freelancers:

    So. Mummy: the Curse is a game set in the World of Darkness.

    How “dark” can we expect Mummy to be? What are the specific horror tropes we can expect in Mummy?

    Looking at the themes of mummy, I think there are some disturbing possibilities in the idea of mummies trying to regain memories and recover their own identities. Taking to the logical extreme, there are plenty of dark places mummies can go in their quest.

    The entry on the sahu did a good job demonstrating the more visceral horror of the Arisen – you have these beings who are, outwardly, perfectly ordinary humans, except when the facade cracks and you see these dried up corpses that really shouldn’t move and talk – but do.

    I think there’s also quite some horror potential in Utterances (as much as, honestly, I don’t like the name. Sorry.) – the idea of these grand and terrible old testament-like miracles rings true.

    So. What else? What is it about mummies that’s scary?

  4. I have been teased enough. You are now granted permission by me to release immediately. My apologies to the world for making them wait so long.


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