We return for another media spotlight blog, with our focus once again returning to the wonderful, costumed, talented crew of Devil’s Luck Gaming!

The Spotlight
This week’s spotlight goes once again to the fine folks of Devil’s Luck Gaming, who are about to start a thrilling new actual play of both Adventure! and Assassins for The Trinity Continuum! The first episode goes live this Sunday at 20:00 EST.
Remember: if you missed any of their videos, you can access them all by just giving them a follow over on Twitch!
The Video Round-Up
If you’re not already following The Onyx Path on YouTube and Twitch, now’s an ideal time to do so. We produce a wealth of content on Twitch every week with a group of stellar partners and content creators, and much of that content makes its way to our YouTube channel too. Don’t take our word for it, however; you can check it out for yourselves:
Here’s this week’s schedule, and don’t forget, if you missed something you want to watch, you can find it by subscribing (for free, if you have Amazon Prime) to our Twitch channel:

In the past week and a bit, we uploaded the following videos to our YouTube channel:
Delve into Cavaliers of Mars with the Shared Sagas team as they explore the Shadowed Citadel!
Jump into the Cyclops’s Cave! as Alex Rodriguez and team play a fun one-shot of They Came From!
Enjoy some character creation for CLASSIFIED! as Travis Legge creates a super secret agent for another They Came From!
Learn from two talented developers as Eddy Webb and Danielle Lauzon present another informative and entertaining session of Lunch and Crunch:
Discover Scion with its developer Hiromi Cota, who takes you into episode one of an Origin story:
And finally, here’s the latest edition of The Onyx Path News, with me, Matthew Dawkins:
But that’s not all!
Simulacra Studios continues with Aberrant: Atomic Youth and Aeon: Luna Rocks, so you can get your fill of three amazing Trinity videos right here, perfect for anyone wanting to get into the universe or find inspiration for running your own games:
And if you missed it, Red Moon Roleplaying recently concluded their three-part series of They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave! You can find all three parts on YouTube, starting here:
And the three part [CLASSIFIED]! actual play starting right here:
And if you missed it, I was interviewed over on E.N. Live regarding They Came From and other games on their show Not DnD, right here:
The Podcast Round-Up
And then we have podcasts! There are so many shows covering our games (and others) out there every week that we can’t profile them all, but what helps us see them is when you tell us about them, so don’t hesitate to contact us about a good show, such as:
A Bunch of Gamers continues with their stellar Werewolf show:
And on the subject of Werewolf, Rich Thomas was interviewed regarding Apocalypse art for Werewolf: The Podcast right here:
While the ever excellent OPCast covers Aberrant right here:
Where I Read…
Now let’s look at a few of the active “WIR” threads over on RPG.net, where folks read through our books chapter by chapter and give them deep reviews. Live currently, we have a thread for:
They Came from Beyond the Grave! (just concluded)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition (the book read has concluded but discussion remains ongoing)
Do you want to create media?
If you do, you should use the attached form to submit your suggestions for podcasts, review shows, actual plays, deep dives, and more! We’d love to hear from you so we can profile you on our blog and elsewhere: The Form