Is it egotistical to focus on our own show for this week’s media spotlight? Maybe, but we want to draw your attention to it so please give it a look!
The Spotlight
Coming back to the Onyx Path Publishing YouTube channel on a weekly basis, we have the Onyx Path News, a show dedicated to diving into upcoming and recent releases, news regarding our company, and most importantly, answering fan and customer questions live! Here’s the latest edition:
The Round-Up
Media production continues to increase as we recruit more people! Take the opportunity to buy a copy of Dystopia Rising: Evolution as the 90% sale currently on DriveThruRPG goes on! You’ll also want to check out Lunch and Crunch on our Twitch channel this week to gain game design insights from Eddy Webb and Danielle Lauzon!
If you’re not already following The Onyx Path on YouTube and Twitch, now’s an ideal time to do so. We produce a wealth of content on Twitch every week with a group of stellar partners and content creators, and much of that content makes its way to our YouTube channel too. Check it out for yourselves:
And here’s our upcoming schedule:

We’re building up a bank of videos on our YouTube channel to fill out the schedule a little more in weeks to come, so check the blog next week to see what new episodes we have to show off! In the meantime, enjoy our one-shot of Hard Holidays for the Trinity Continuum Core.
Trinity Continuum Core – Hard Holidays – One-Shot:
We’d like to continue giving a special highlight to an epic show we call our They Came From Double Feature, in which we ran two sessions back to back: Party Beach Creature Feature! for They Came from Beneath the Sea! and The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! for They Came from Beyond the Grave! It’s a big video, but break it up into segments if you like and enjoy two excellent b-movie actual plays:
Simulacra Studios returns with the second season of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – Atomic Youth! This premier Aberrant series presents the perfect time to hop on board with its newest episode. You don’t need any knowledge of the prior season to start watching straight away:
And they’ve now uploaded episode two as well, so check that one out once you’re done with the season opener:
TTRP Theater Media has just started up a new Werewolf: The Apocalypse actual play we’d also love you to check out! If World of Darkness is your thing, and you’re looking for Werewolf inspiration for your games, their newest show is a wonderful choice to pick:
The Story Told Podcast is now wrapping up their epic three season long Exalted Dragon-Blooded actual play, the Fall of Jiara, and you can find every one of their episodes over on their website. If you missed it while it was running, it’s a show that’s definitely worth giving a listen:
Calling All Creators
Onyx Path are looking for groups who want their actual plays of our games spotlit or hosted on our channels! Plus, we’re very keen to showcase people’s reviews, deep dives, and character creation videos! Feel free to reach out here:… and we’ll get in touch.