That’s right, YOU. This week’s media spotlight focuses on YOUR creations, whatever they happen to be!
The Spotlight
So what do I mean by YOU? Well, every week we provide a glittering spotlight to some plucky content creator or other who produces actual plays, podcasts, reviews our books, or writes blogs about us, but this week I want YOU to be the focus.
With that in mind, the comment section below is for you to self-promote in. I want to see you advertise your shows, your media, your views on our products, and I’ll be reading and / or listening and / or watching to every single one so I can give you a spotlight on future blogs!
So go for it. Tell us about what you do to support our games, and then I’ll go ahead and tell other people next week!
The Video Round-Up
If you’re not already following The Onyx Path on YouTube and Twitch, now’s an ideal time to do so. We produce a wealth of content on Twitch every week with a group of stellar partners and content creators, and much of that content makes its way to our YouTube channel too. Don’t take our word for it, however; you can check it out for yourselves:
Here’s this week’s schedule, and don’t forget, if you missed something you want to watch, you can find it by subscribing (for free, if you have Amazon Prime) to our Twitch channel:

In the past week we went the whole hog in uploading videos of The Domain Gaming’s Hunter: The Vigil actual play, which you can check out right here on this playlist:
But that’s not all, because we also uploaded our latest episode of Danielle Lauzon and Eddy Webb’s Lunch and Crunch:
And here lies the latest Onyx Path News for your edification:
Beyond this, we’re keeping it tight this week because we want to see YOUR submissions for media people should check out, so please post below!
Do you want to create media?
If you do, you should use the attached form to submit your suggestions for podcasts, review shows, actual plays, deep dives, and more! We’d love to hear from you so we can profile you on our blog and elsewhere: The Form
I run SimulacraTV on Twitch and YouTube. We do TTRPG actual plays. We focus on Trinity Continuum and World of Darkness games. Check out our VoDs on YouTube:
Might as well…!
In line with the “Game: the Podcast”s out there, Joshua Hillerup and I have recently started Changeling: the Podcast, and have survived our first month as newbie, starry-eyed, not-yet-embittered audio hosts. As longtime fans of Changeling: the Dreaming, we’re doing deep dives through the books (in roughly-chronological order), interviews with various folks in the community, and other topics related to the game. (And we will get to Lost at some point, but we have to get through the 90s first.)
Please feel free to visit us at, stop by our Discord (linked on the site) or Twitter (@changelingcast), or listen to our show on the major podcast-providing platforms. It’s early days yet, but we’re excited to keep this thing going. ^~^/
The Deliberative Podcast is back! We’re a podcast all about Exalted. We geek out over new stuff, discuss mechanics, deep dive into all kinds of topics, and mainly just have fun. All of our original episodes and our new Second Breath season can be found wherever you get your podcasts.
Thank you Matthew and top of the morning to you all! This is Yiodan, I run the Shadows by Firelight Twitch stream and youtube channel.
The stream:
Every monday I play games (World of Darkness when I can) and talk about TTRPGs, life, game design and whatever else chat feel like talking about. This often include Trinity Continuum: Anima, a game I pitched to OPP and am a freelancer for.
The channel:
On youtube, I’m currently releasing weekly episodes of “A Rite to Remember”, a series of narrative lore videos set in legacy Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Here you can get to know the game that was in anticipation of the game that will be when the fifth edition releases. Or if you know all that already, just come enjoy a Werewolf story!
Good evening and thank you for the chance of promotion.
I am Agustín Puig and I am an spanish storyteller and content creator of World of darkness and Chronicles. We have a channel named Webvampiro, where you can find many videos about lore (tribes, clans, traditions) and games.
This is my last storytelled Vampire game, Innocence in the blood (Milwaukhee and Indianapolis):
And also, Requiem for Rome!!!