Minty-Fresh Apple Products

Project Status

  • Found italics problem in Strangeness ebook — working to get it resolved
  • Dust to Dust layout discussed and ongoing
  • Strange, Dead Love edits should be back this week
  • Imperial Mysteries art notes should be in this week before going to editing
  • House Divided series discussed a bit with Chuck — title might change
  • Victorian Lost writers hired, and there’s been a flurry of discussion on it
  • Geist 1.1 errata collection is ongoing
  • Mummy initial development discussion is continuing
  • V20 Companion outline adjusted to account for open development comments
  • Werewolf 20th bible/outline in a new draft

Meeting Notes

  • As I wait for Rich to start the video call, I notice that my iPad smells faintly of mint for some reason.
  • We connect, and I express my disappointment with L.A. Noire not being as cool as I hoped it would be. Because my life is so rough.
  • Chris Kobar was surprised to hear that we did another Vampire: The Masquerade book.
  • Rich and I have a meeting with our legal counsel this afternoon, which sounds much more ominous than it really is.
  • The phrase “like monkeys fucking a football” comes up.
  • We talk about Dust to Dust and Werewolf 20th for a good chunk of the meeting.
  • I bring up the idea of doing “changelists” for print-on-demand books. Rich points out that we don’t need to cross this particular bridge yet, so let’s hold off until we have a substantive change of a PoD interior and see what’s best. For Geist 1.1 (which is why I brought it up), it’s best to just have a free PDF with all of the important changes documented — no need to spell out what words got capitalized or which commas moved, but changes to the rules or the content of the book should be addressed.

Today’s Reason to Drink: On October 17th, 1814, London experienced the London Beer Flood. Over one and a half million liters of beer gushed through the streets of St. Giles, destroying two homes.

I could not make this shit up if I tried.

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