Mummy Developer Interview

mummythecurseOver at we recently posted a two-part interview with Mummy developer CA Suleiman, using fan-submitted questions.

1. Please tell us about the upcoming sourcebooks.

Sure. Next up on the docket is Guildhalls of the Deathless, which is the big combo “splatbook” on the five guilds. I wanted the articulation of such concepts that core to the game to be voiced with consistency, so we’ve got some returning champions from the corebook material, including Malcolm Sheppard, Greg Stolze, and myself, along with the mighty Lucien Soulban and Adam Tinworth.

After that, we’ve got the first settingbook – Cursed Necropolis: D.C. – which offers the signature American setting for the game. It’s being written by Harry Heckel and Neall Raemonn Price, and (teaser drum roll, please…) it will do something no other World of Darkness settingbook has done. On the heels of that, we’ve got Book of the Deceived, which is the comprehensive Belials Brood-style sourcebook on the Lost Guild. That one is liable to blow some doors off, I think.


Catch the rest at! Part One, Part Two

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