18 thoughts on “Mummy: The Curse Kickstarter is Live!”

  1. ugh…GDI. nWoD didn’t appeal to me. Prometheans almost did but it didn’t feel right to me. Now Mummy comes along and 48 hours of reading about it, I want it like a fat kid wants cake….

  2. As with the other Nwod games, they recommend novels or movies to read for background. Can anyone recommend what would be a great mummy the curse inspired novel to read?

  3. Thanks CWiladsen. I forgot to ask, is this going to be a 10 d10 pool or something else. Building stock for the release, ya know.

  4. Me and my big buy with one click self just got the bram stoker and ann rice books. Looks like I shall have something to read this winter, while I await the pdf version of the game.

  5. I’m not too clear on a few points, and the kickstarter page won’t let me ask for some weird reason…
    _What is the difference between the PoD copy and the copy of the book we will get from the kickstarter? Is the PoD only going to be soft covered?
    _If the stretch goal to get a storyteller screen is met, can other folks who don’t contribute to the KS still purchase it?

    I have been eagerly awaiting this game with Passion and love, but its come at the worst time as I just moved and of course had to do holiday purchases for the family… This leaves me with nothing until well into February… This makes me sick to my stomach as all I can contribute is a Liszt dollar and not the full forty I want to for the actual book.
    Well, enough of my bitching, have a great holidays everyone, and congratulations on the success of another awesome game!!!!

    • What is the difference between the PoD copy and the copy of the book we will get from the kickstarter? Is the PoD only going to be soft covered?

      Print on demand copies use a thinner weight of matte paper. Black and white print also isn’t full bleed, which means there’s a white border around the edge.

      The Kickstarter books are done using traditional print runs; a higher weight of glossy paper, full-bleed two-tone print (Vampire, as an example, used black and red ink). Also, as stretch goals are reached, more deluxe features are added. A silk bookmark has already been achieved, and gold-gilt edging is coming up.

      Both editions will be available in hardcover.

      If the stretch goal to get a storyteller screen is met, can other folks who don’t contribute to the KS still purchase it?

      No. Our print on demand printers have no way of doing ST screens at the moment. We’re doing the ST screens as a traditional print run, and we’re making as many copies as are ordered in the KS.

  6. While I’m not backing MtC, I’d just like to say that I am intruiged by the structure of this Kickstarter (where the deluxe features are stretch goals), and would gladly contribute to a similar Kickstarter for something more in line with my interests, Exalted in particular.


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