No Foolin’ April! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Punching Nazis is no joke, and we’re keeping the joke out of the coming week, too!

You see, there’s always an expectation for some sort of April 1 shenanigans, but we’re not doing that this year. Too much good stuff to talk about to kid about it or to try and trick anyone.

Plus I did tell ya’ll that we were going to announce something fun today!

V5 Ash and Bone art by Davide De Bellis

But before we get to that, let’s talk about the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Kickstarter campaign that went live last Thursday and funded in about three and a half hours! You can join in here:

So far TC: Adventure! is 200% funded with over 1120 backers, at four days in. We’ve funded the creation of three supplements: a full Jumpstart, which includes a handful of Ready-made characters and an introductory scenario and guidance for launching your own story. We’ve started a Companion book, with guidelines and information on creating secret lairs, hideouts, and HQs. And we’ve started a cliffhanger scenario book, detailing and expanding the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure.

The fun has really just started – and for any of you first edition fans, we’re already set to create more supplements than 1e Adventure! ever had. I know Impish Ian Watson is just over the moon over that!

We’ve got Actual Plays, interviews, and the KS page itself to explain the setting and gameplay, but if you prefer listening to folks who know describe the game and the development choices, you can’t go wrong with last Friday’s Onyx Pathcast where Eddy and Dixie interview developer Danielle Lauzon and that darn Ian (Mr. Trinity) Watson again in a deep dive on the creation of TC: Adventure!!

Ian talks a bit about how the process for publishing Adventure! first edition was a bit of an ordeal. By the time we got to Adventure!, the decision at old White Wolf had already been made to end the Trinity lines. I did have to fight for finishing the lines with the third one, Adventure!, and fortunately I (and some other folks), succeeded.

If you recall that first version, it was set up to look like an actual pulp magazine. How into pulps was I? Well, here are several actual pulps that I picked up at San Diego Comic-Con around that time:

They were for reference – yeah, that’s the ticket. Reference! You’ll note several have 1937 and 1938 cover dates, so that too led forward 20+ years to our discussions about setting our TC: Adventure! time-frame in the mid to late 30s. Creatively, things always feed into other things.

Speaking of things that lead to other things, we also finished the M20: Victorian Era crowd-funding campaign late last week! It was a pretty sweet campaign overall, and we’re thrilled at how many folks made the jump to Indiegogo, although we are aware that not having Kickstarter‘s communication network may have prevented some folks from even being aware the book was at Indiegogo instead.

Which is one reason we’ll be on BackerKit as soon as James can get the BK page set up, and we’ll continue tallying pledges towards Stretch Goals for 60 days so that all of our M20 fans get a chance to contribute! Please do note that this is also something we’ve never done with BK before, and may not do again – but these are special circumstances.

Mummy 2e art by Tilen Javornik

Hmmm. Was There Something Important We Talked About Today?

Oh, yeah: the Scion TV Announcement!

Here’s the link to the announcement:

For those who want my short take on this rather than the official announcement: Onyx Path has signed an agreement with a company called Jenkins & Tate for them to develop a pitch for a live-action Scion TV show that they will put in front of TV venues like Netflix and Amazon. Hopefully, one of those venues will pick up the series and then after the shows are made you (and all of us) will be able to see it!

So this is the beginning of possible Really Good Things!

We started talking about this in 2019 actually, and expected that we’d be announcing sooner, but then 2020 punched us all, and things took longer. Through it all, though, Brian Jenkins and Alex Tate have been fantastic and professional to work with all through our business and creative meetings and this has been a truly collaborative process. Scion is the first project J&K have taken on with their new company, but given the years, nay decades, of experience of their crew it really feels like our baby is in a very good place.

As you might imagine, I can relate to industry professionals who go off on their own and start their own company!

Since the announcement, I’d like to touch on some points folks have brought up so far:

1- When is the TV show going to be on? What network? Who’s in the cast? Is Eric in it? Is Donnie?

Answer: We announced that we signed Jenkins & Tate to start developing a series to pitch to a venue for broadcast. None of these things are even close to being determined until their pitch is accepted by whatever company wants to air it. This is the start of something that could be big, but it is really just the start.

2- How could Onyx Path possibly pay for this? Is this taking money away from creating games?

Answer: We aren’t – although there are pre-development costs, of course, but we aren’t financing a TV show. I mean, seriously, the scale differences between TTRPGs and TV are huge. If the show is picked up, it’ll be financed like all TV shows. And no, the only person whose schedule was impacted so far was poor lil me.

3- Will this be another Kindred the Embraced from you guys?

Answer: First off, Onyx Path didn’t license out or work on Kindred the Embraced. That was old White Wolf and we ain’t them. But for the real concern: we don’t expect it to be like Kindred as J&K are not only fans, but are extremely proactive in asking us for our thoughts on whether an element or idea is accurate and appropriate to use in the show they are envisioning.

Brian Jenkins actually bought a Kindred the Embraced DVD set as it had extremely limited airing in the UK, watched it and now uses it to remind the team of how far adapting IPs has come since then.

4- Is this announcement an April Fools’ joke?

Answer: I warned J&K that some people would jump to that conclusion, but no, like the MMN blog title says: no foolin! This is real, and we hope it’s the start of something big.

V5 Ash and Bone art by Edoardo Campagnolo

Beyond that, we really didn’t have a lot of time to review much beyond the weekly status reports on all of our projects. It was just fun to enjoy the huge reactions after we posted the announcement!

Like we say every week right below this, it’s all One Path, but sometimes it can take us to some cool places we didn’t expect!

Many Worlds, One Path!



Trinity Continuum: Adventure! went live on Kickstarter last Thursday and funded in 3.5 hours! Join us for two-fisted action in a world on the cusp of World War Two! Check it out!

Onyx Path Media!

This week: The Trio once again delve deep into our mailbags for their third informative and hilarious foray into the messages and missives sent our way by all of you inquisitive fans!

As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue!

I don’t know about you folks, but it seems the biggest media news might be something to do with Scion getting developed towards its own TV series… But that’s not out yet, so check out these videos!

BIG NEWS! This April is Jumpstart month for Onyx Path media! We’re running one of every Jumpstart we can for our games, introducing them to new players and putting them in the hands of GMs skilled at some games, but new to these ones! We would love it if you checked some of these out, to maybe get acquainted for the first time with some of our games! Check out the schedule and tune in!

For anyone new to our media section, you can find us running and playing games over on pretty much every day of the week! Plus, if you’d like your games hosted there, just get in touch with Matthew Dawkins using the contact link on

This week on Twitch, there’s a bumper harvest of videos scheduled for you

  • PICK OF THE WEEK! Frostlands of Fenrilik – Behind the Screen
  • Trinity Continuum: Adventure! – Vorpal Tales
  • Scarred Lands – Dead Man’s Rust – Red Scar Gaming
  • Scion – Become as Gods – Powered by Astral
  • Dystopia Rising: Evolution Jumpstart
  • Changeling: The Dreaming Jumpstart
  • Trinity Continuum: Aeon Jumpstart – Vorpal Tales
  • Scarred Lands – Pirates of Bloodwater – Devil’s Luck
  • Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart
  • V5 – The Badger Game – Band of Badgers
  • Hunter: The Vigil – Anomalies Unbound – Devil’s Luck
  • Vampire: The Requiem Jumpstart
  • CofD: Dark Eras: The Wyrd West – Haunted Chronicles

The pick of the week for this week is Frostlands of Fenrilik: Behind the Screen! The Behind the Screen series has been running for over a year now, and presents you with a breakdown of how to run games and use certain supplements. Check out Frostlands of Fenrilik!

Get watching for some fantastic insight into how to run these wonderful games and subscribe to us on Twitch, over at

Come take a look at our YouTube channel,, where you can find a whole load of videos of actual plays, dissections of our games, and more, including:

Scion – Become as Gods – Episode 6 –

Hunter: The Vigil 2E – Stuffed – Episode 9 –

Deviant: The Renegades – A Cautionary Tale – Episode 11 –

Deviant: The Renegades – A Cautionary Tale – Episode 12 –

M20 Victorian Mage – Vorpal Tales – Episode 4 –

M20 Victorian Mage – Vorpal Tales – FINALE –

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Teaser –

Subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon if you want to be notified whenever new news videos and uploads come online!

Over on ExalTwitch they’ve been running some amazing games of Exalted, and even have a show wiki for viewers to follow along! ExalTwitch: Academy is set in The House of Bells, a prestigious school for Dragon-Blooded Exalted of the Realm to train in the ways of war. The chronicle follows three young Dragon-Bloods as they try to prove their worth to their fellow students, their Houses, and themselves.

Their most recent VOD, Episode 10 (“I Think We’re Alone Now”), is here:

The playlist for the series:

The show wiki, with synopses, character descriptions, etc: RPGClinic Wiki | Fandom

Matthew Dawkins ran a Learn2Play session of They Came from Beneath the Sea! for the OneBookShelf crew! This session includes character creation for three characters (taking an hour) and a short b-movie story (taking another hour!). Do give it a look and give the channel some support:

McStabber Studios run a superb chronicle of Wraith: The Oblivion we’d love for you to check out over on their Twitch channel:

The amazing Scarred Lands Purge of the Serpentholds crew now run their games over on Roll the Role! Do give them a follow and a subscribe, because their gaming is among the most entertaining I’ve seen:

Wards & Witchcraft continue their wonderful Mage: The Awakening chronicle which you can watch right here:

A time displace copy of yourself just came through the backdoor. Awakened head hunters broke in through the front. Seems like a perfect time to slip out to another realm where dreams (and nightmares) come to life as story personified! Explore the verge of Arcadia with the Junior plane hoppers fresh off a weeklong vacation.

A Bunch of Gamers continue their gripping and bloody Werewolf: The Apocalypse actual play!

Pursued by the Black Spiral Dancers of the Pit they just closed the packs have been on the run for about two day. The Spirals have been keeping pace and finally catch up. It’s time to finish their fight and to tie up these bloody loose ends.

There’s a new Exalted 3rd Edition actual play starting up over on Caius Wickersham’s Twitch channel! Caius will be taking several new people to Exalted through a Creation-spanning adventure of five Dragon Blooded from all over Creation out to become the greatest sworn brotherhood. One Dragon Blood of each Aspect come together: The Realm, the Prasdai Empire, Lookshy, the Forest Witches, and an outcaste. Will they leave their mark on Creation and beyond?

Vorpal Tales have been running a separate Mage: The Ascension chronicle over on their Twitch channel! It’s not metaplot heavy at all, so it’s an excellent intro to the world of Mage, with a splash of KULT: Divinity Lost cosmology (by our friends at Helmgast!). Do check out their first few episodes here:

Session 0:

Session 1:

Session 2:

Vorpal Tales also have a bunch of their own games they’d love for us to tell you about!

Trinity Aberrant Four-Part Short Story completed (they call in reinforcements and kill like half of Team Tomorrow)

Mage: The Ascension / KULT: Divinity Lost crossover: a mage got their avatar shredded by Nephandic Gilgul but he was wolfkin and Fenrir decided that was not how his story would end and forced a late stage First Change. Drama.

Vorpal Tales also completed their Deviant: The Renegades chronicle right here! Escape from Orochi is one to watch and is only four parts long:

Ekorren continues their excellent Exalted 3rd Edition series over on YouTube! You can find their latest video right here: This video is all about streamlining rules, simplifying resource management, and making challenging fights!

Please check these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games! We’d love to feature you!

Electronic Gaming!

As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)

Virtual TableTop!

Two Virtual Tabletop adventures: the Gauntlet of Spiragos and the Dagger of Spiragos for Scarred Lands on Astral TableTop and DriveThruRPG!

Scars of the Divine War, which ended less than 200 years ago, have still not healed. One such scar is the Chasm of Flies, a rent in the earth created when the titan Spiragos the Ambusher was smote down by one of the young gods, Vangal the Ravager. Now, the Chasm is inhabited by spider-eye goblins and their spider allies, but it is also thought to be the resting place of powerful artifacts from that elder age.

Astral TableTop is the easiest way to play any tabletop RPG online, free. Astral already supports popular systems like D&D and Pathfinder, and Astral can support virtually any tabletop roleplaying game. Get started quickly with built-in support for most popular game systems. Whether you’re brand new to TTRPGs or a veteran tabletop gamer, Astral‘s ease-of-use and built in automation is designed to streamline gameplay.

Astral is browser-based and uses the latest technology to streamline your storytelling experience. Connect with your party online and run your campaigns however you like. Astral offers tools optimized for phone, tablet, and desktop devices, no installation required.

Build epic battlemaps using Astral‘s enormous collection of scenery, props, and tokens or upload your own. Pro users gain access to over 12,000+ assets and fresh new packs every month. Add weather, visual effects, triggers, and so much more with easy-to-use tools

Build your own adventure, or choose from pre-generated game kits like Gauntlet of Spiragos and Dagger of Spiragos. Create character sheets, craft maps, or just jump right in to connect with your friends and start your adventures!

On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!

Our selection includes these latest fiction books:

Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

You can pick up the traditionally printed Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau main books, screens, and the official dice through our friends there!

Now, we’ve added Chronicles of Darkness books such as Changeling: The Lost Second Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here:

Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2:

Our Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition books are also available from Studio2 in the US:

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link!

And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And now Scion Origin and Scion Hero and Trinity Continuum Core and Trinity Continuum: Aeon are available to order!

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at!

Join us for discounts on our fiction books during the March Mystery Sale at DriveThruFiction:

On Sale This Week!

On this Wednesday our monthly Tasty Bit PDF is They Came From Beyond the Stars! with new archetypes and tropes for your They Came From …! games on DTRPG!

Also this Wednesday, we are releasing the Yugman’s Spell and Magic Item Cards for Scarred Lands on DTRPG!


Because dates for physical conventions are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we don’t yet have a list of upcoming physical conventions. Instead, keep an eye out here for more virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!

As announced, the 2nd Onyx Path Virtual Gaming Convention will be coming to you live this June!

A collection of World of Darkness podcasters are putting together an online convention called TryItCon the weekend of May 14th-15th geared towards just getting to try new games. They’re figuring out what games to offer and are looking for both players and GMs that would be interested in participating.

If you have a game you’d like to try, ask for it:

If you’d like to help storytell/guide for the bonanza, ST applications are here:

A schedule will be available in mid-April. 
For more information, please visit

And now, the new project status updates!

Development Status from Eddy Webb! (Projects in bold have changed status since last week.):

First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep.)

  • Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
  • The Hedge (Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition)
  • Tasty Bit: Zeus in a Bar (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • Tasty Bit: Car Lifting Competition (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • Tasty Bit: Les Fantomes (Trinity Continuum)
  • Apocalyptic Record (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Vigil Watch: The Kelder Mountains (Scarred Lands)
  • M20 Lore of the Traditions (Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Tome of the Pentacle (Mage: the Awakening 2e)
  • No Gods, No Masters (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • Ghost Hunters Jumpstart w/RMCs (WoD 20th)

Second Draft

  • Wild Hunt (Scion 2nd Edition)


  • TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
  • Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
  • Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
  • Adversaries of the Righteous (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • They Came From [Classified]! (They Came From…!)
  • Realms of Magic and Mystery (was Terra Incognita) (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • They Came From [Classified]! Jumpstart (They Came From…!)
  • The Paranormal Investigator’s Handbook (WoD 20th)
  • Once and Future (Scion 2nd Edition)

Manuscript Approval

Post-Approval Development

  • Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)


  • Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • The Book of Lasting Death (Mummy: The Curse 2e)
  • Dead Man’s Rust (Scarred Lands)
  • M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Mission Statements (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
  • The Clades Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
  • M20 Technocracy Operative’s Dossier (Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary)
  • Yugman’s Appendix: People of Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
  • CtL2e Novella Collection: Hollow Courts (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
  • Heroes in a World of Horror! (They Came From…!)
  • Dystopia Rising: Evolution Fiction Anthology (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
  • Squeaks In The Deep (Realms of Pugmire)
  • Prometheus Unbound (was Psi Orders) (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
  • Legacies of Earth (Legendlore)
  • Novas Worldwide (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
  • Scion Fiction Anthology (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • M20 Rich Bastard’s Guide To Magick (Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary)
  • They Came From Beyond the Grave! Jumpstart (They Came From…!)
  • Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Monsters From the Crypt! (They Came From…!)
  • TC: Aeon Novella: Meridian (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
  • Exalted Essence Edition (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • The Devoted Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
  • Proteus Nova Compendium (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
  • They Came From Beneath the Sea! Jumpstart (They Came From…!)
  • TC: Aeon Novella: Dawn (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
  • Tasty Bit: Pets (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
  • Trinity Continuum: Assassins (Trinity Continuum Core)
  • Saints and Monsters (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • They Came From Camp Murder Lake! (They Came From…!)
  • Onyx Path Brochure 2021-2022
  • Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
  • Trinity Continuum: Anima
  • Tales of Depravity! (They Came From…!)

Post-Editing Development

  • Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
  • Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
  • Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • They Came From Beyond the Grave! (They Came From!)
  • Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
  • V5 Children of the Blood (was The Faithful Undead) (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
  • N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
  • Dearly Bleak – Novella (Deviant: The Renegades)
  • V5 Trails of Ash and Bone (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
  • Hundred Devil’s Night Parade (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Under Alien Skies (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
  • V5 Forbidden Religions (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)


  • Mummy: The Curse 2e
  • Deviant: The Renegades

Art Direction from Mike Chaney!

In Art Direction

  • WoD Ghost Hunters (KS)
  • Legendlore – checking with just a couple more artists.
  • Scion: Dragon (KS)
  • Masks of the Mythos (KS)
  • Scion: Demigod – AD’d.
  • They Came From Beyond the Grave!
  • TC: Adventure! (KS) – KS going.
  • M20 Victorian (KS)
  • Dead Man’s Rust
  • M20 Technocracy Jumpstart
  • Exalted Essence (KS) – Artwork continuing, Maria working on logo designs.
  • V5 Trail of Ash and Bone
  • V5 Forbidden Religions
  • TC Mission Statements
  • TC Aberrant N!WE
  • M20 Technocracy Dossier/Companion
  • M20 Rich Bastards Guide – AD’d.
  • Hundred Devils Night Parade – Fulls contracted.
  • Squeaks In The Deep (KS) – Just need the KS map & ye olde logo.
  • Players Guide to the Contagion Chronicle
  • TC Prometheus Unbound
  • They Came From Camp Murder Lake! – Art notes in.
  • Realms of Magic and Mystery – Art buy configured.
  • Saints and Monsters – Art buy configured.
  • TC: Anima – Art buy configured.
  • TC: Assassin – Art buy configured.

In Layout

  • M20 Technocracy Reloaded
  • TC Aberrant Jumpstart
  • Mummy 2e Screen – Maria is doing the collage.
  • Deviant Screen
  • V5 VTT Tokens
  • Spiragos Collected Adventures
  • Hunter: The Vigil 2e – roughed in and over to Josh as art comes in.


  • Geist: One Foot In the Grave – Inputting errata/page XXing.
  • Deviant – In Indexing.
  • Mummy 2 – In Indexing.
  • LARP Rules (Scion 2nd Edition) – Out to backers, gathering errata.
  • Vigil Watch Compiled – Advance PDF errata input.
  • TC: Under Alien Skies
  • Heirs to the Shogunate – Proofing.

At Press

  • V5 Cults of the Blood Gods – Printer finished, shipping to KS fulfillment shipper.
  • Aberrant – Printer finished, shipping to KS fulfillment shipper.
  • TC: Aberrant Screen – Printer finished, shipping to KS fulfillment shipper.
  • Yugmans – PoD proof ordered.
  • Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness) – Advance PDF errata gathering.
  • Children of the Blood – Backer PDF out to backers this week, maybe.
  • Yugman’s spell cards – On sale this Weds on DTRPG!
  • Tasty Bit: They Came From Beyond the Stars! PDF on sale this Weds on DTRPG!

Today’s Reason to Celebrate!

Selfishly, we’re using this one to celebrate announcing the TV development deal for Scion. Full story above. Woot!

26 thoughts on “No Foolin’ April! [Monday Meeting Notes]”

      • Oh wow, typos. That’s what I get for typing on my phone too quickly.

        But I agree. That’s 100% the kind of experience worth taking by its own right. Of course we all want this to be the start of great things for years to come. But even if it doesn’t, the adventure itself is worth it.

  1. Dang thanks for reminding Me Kindred: the Embraced exists. Hoping something more along the lines of The Expanse in terms of nailing the tone and setting.

    • I hear you. Adaptions of other media into TV have come lightyears from how it was done at the time of KtE, and The Expanse is a great example! Loved the TV series so much, I’m now reading the book series, which is kind of what we’d like to happen with Scion. 🙂

      • What’s funny is I had watched Kindred: The Embraced before playing Vampire and thought it was OK. Then when I did play Vampire I realized how much it missed the mark. Definitely a good idea to have the people working on the show to watch it to know what NOT to do.

        • Exactly! There were plenty of interesting and cool parts that made it into KtE, and some of the actors were very good. But the whole adaption process, and the elements that Spelling, Inc insisted on adding, basically pulled away from what worked thematically and helped define VtM as opposed to any other vampire-based IP.

  2. Yes for the Scion tv show. It will, hopefully, bring more eyes to the game line.

    I am also so excited to see how TC: Assassins has quietly been working it’s way to being published like any good assassin should. lol.

    Anima is also getting close to being made so these two things have got me hyped up!

    • We’ll let you know when we get there, but I’m certainly planning Anima for crowd-funding. Maybe Assassins – that’s a bit harder to pin down. They’re tricky!

    • Looks like your definition of a disaster and ours are quite a bit different. Funded, and 300% funded at that, and over $100K of pledges – so far – looks pretty darn good to us. We always knew we were going to take a hit on the number of backers as KS has been ingrained as the crowd-funding site, and because Vict Era is a historical supplement book – not basically the other half of the playable factions like Technocracy was. So, if you think it should be more pledged and more SG’d then do tell your Mage-loving friends about the BackerKit option when that goes live – thanks!

    • 300% funded is a disaster?

      Give me all the disasters you can manage, then. I’ll take them, especially in 2021.

  3. Congratulations on a very successful week! There are lots of reasons to be a proud fan of Onyx Path.

    If I may pick another nit, it looks like the “TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)” can be removed from the Development list, and “Heirs to the Shogunate” should be bolded in Proofing.

    I was catching up on the Systematic Understanding of Everything exaltcast yesterday and was hoping to see Heirs move closer to my hands. Lo and behold, it has. Hooray!

  4. Random question, but is there any chance we could ever see a Kickstarter for a deluxe hardcover reprint of Werewolf:The Forsaken and Vampire: The Requiem?

  5. Oh, wow, looks like Aberrant may be shipping out soon! Really looking forward to getting the physical book.

    I’m also glad you’re supporting Trinity with so much stuff. You’ve already got twice as many corebooks either released, releasing soon, or being worked on as the original setting ever got.


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