Now Available: Arms of the Chosen in print!

Now available in print from DriveThruRPG: Arms of the Chosen for Exalted 3rd Edition!

Take up the panoply of legendary heroes and lost ages, and awaken the world-shaking might of their Evocations. Before the dawn of time, the Exalted wielded god-metal blades to cast down the makers of the universe. In an ancient epoch of forgotten glories, Creation’s greatest artificers forged unimaginable wonders and miracle-machines.

Now, in the Age of Sorrows, kingdoms go to war over potent artifacts, scavenger princes risk everything to uncover relics of the past, and the Exalted forge great arms and armor on the anvil of legend. These treasures are yours to master.

Discover the mystical power of the five magical materials and the secrets of creating your own Evocations. Wield weapons of fabled might and don the armor of mythic heroes, making their puissance your own. Claim Creation’s wonders: the miraculous tools of the Chosen, living automatons, flying machines, hearthstones, and more. And unleash the mighty warstriders, titanic god-engines of conquest and devastation, to once more shake Creation with their footfalls.


These products have been added to our RedBubble store:

Kickstarter Update

About halfway through the Trinity Continuum: Æon Kickstarter:

  • The full Trinity Continuum core rulebook has been previewed, and the first part of the Æon book has been previewed
  • We funded in under 3.5 hours, and have since raised $136,317 of our $50,000 goal, or 273%
  • We’ve got 1434 backers
  • We’ve passed eleven stretch goals:
    • The 1E Bundle has added Hidden AgendasLuna Rising: Psi Order ISRA & Luna SourcebookPsi Order Orgotek & FSA Sourcebook, Psi Order Norça & Sudamérica Sourcebook
    • The Æon Æxpansion has sections on VARGs, Aberrants and Aberrant Cults, and Noetic Biotech
    • In Media Res has scenarios for “Caper, Incorportated” and “Codename: Aquarius”
    • An Æon novella: Dawn
    • A limited-availability Trinity Continuum Kickstarter T-shirt

Community Spotlight

Canis Minor opens very soon for Pugmire fans!

The following community-created content for Vampire has been added to the Storytellers Vault in the last week:

14 thoughts on “Now Available: Arms of the Chosen in print!”

  1. If it’s now available in print, does that mean that we’re officially past the errata/proofing stage when the initial PDF became available?

  2. I’ve noticed that you’re offering a lot more options on Redbubble now. Will you be putting up the Exalted 3e Map up on anything? They do posters and canvas prints.


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