Now Available: Black Hands and Smiling Faces

Got a bunch of new merch available this week. I have to get used to saying “merch” because it’s not just “shirts” anymore.

Black Hand

shirt-blackhandThanks to the recent release of The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra for V20, we’ve got some Black Hand-themed merch available:

  • Sect: The Black Hand (shirts)
  • Art: Black Hand Cover (shirts)
  • Art: Black Hand (shirts)
  • Bloodline (sort of): Maeghar (shirts)
  • Clan Variant: Old Clan Tzimisce (shirts)


Onyx Path

happy onyx travel mugDue to popular demand, a bunch of material using the Onyx Path logo we came up with for April Fools Day. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PERK UP FIRST THING IN THE MORNING

8 thoughts on “Now Available: Black Hands and Smiling Faces”

  1. I just saw the happy logo while browsing the Red Bubble store, and I was really disappointed that it wasn’t available on t-shirts! :o)

  2. Those travel mugs are fantastic. If we could get some travel mugs featuring the artwork from the previously released mugs(the crawling skeleton, for example) I’d be happy to buy one.


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