Now Available: Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG:  Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition!

Judge us not by our seemings for we are never what we appear.
Come hither, changelings and join the dream-dance,
lest the winter come and the Dreaming pass into memory.

Recall your heritage! Let the games begin!

Twenty years ago, White Wolf published Changeling: the Dreaming, the fifth of their promised five game-lines that together comprised the World of Darkness. Seen by some as a lighter, more fantasy-based setting in the modern-day, and by others as the darkest game White Wolf had yet created, players had to face the question of what happens once creativity and magic fades from their world.

This 20th Anniversary Edition of Changeling: the Dreaming returns to that deceptively bright yet terrifying world and both compiles and completes the concepts of the previous two editions. Led by veteran White Wolf and Onyx Path developer “Blackhat” Matt McFarland, our writing team consists of longtime Changeling creators like Ian Lemke, Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, and Peter Woodworth, as well as familiar names such as Holden Shearer, John Snead, Maggie Carrol, Matthew Dawkins, and Krister Michl. One and all are dedicated to making Changeling: the Dreaming Twentieth Anniversary Edition the most playable edition yet – while not losing the wonder, awe, and majesty that Changeling is known for.

  • A revised and up to date look at the World of Darkness through the eyes of the Kithain – what has happened to the Dreaming in the last 20 years, and what is the state of Glamour and dreams?
  • Rules for all of the kiths including in 2nd ed, plus fan favorites from other books: selkies, piskies, clurichaun, and both Arcadian and Concordian sidhe.
  • Rules for the Gallain: The inanimae, the hsien, the Nunnehi, and others!
  • An overhauled and reimagined system for fae magic, including new Arts and the powerful but dangerous practice of Unleashing!
  • New full-color beautiful artwork as well as classic Changeling illustrations including remastered full page pieces of the kiths by Tony Diterlizzi.

Storytellers Spotlight

The following Vampire: The Masquerade products have been released via the Storytellers Vault over the last week:

3 thoughts on “Now Available: Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition!”

  1. Giggidy-giggidy, got it!

    I feel like I did when Deathly Hallows came out – a kid all over again. I do not intend to surface except for basic bodily needs until it is read. Just seeing that bright, unapologetic cover brings back such happy memories.

  2. It almost seems mean to include the Storyteller’s Vault info in this post. Let Changeling have its day! And most importantly, let the Storyteller’s Vault include Changeling The Dreaming entries!


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