Now Available: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras!

Front CoverNow available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras!

Darkness Is Always With Us

We have shared the world with monsters for millennia.In the time of Alexander the God-King, mages fought their secret wars. In Elizabeth’s London, vampires built their own empire brick by bloody brick. Before the founding of America, hunters fought enemies within and without. And in the Cold War, as the clock ticked towards Armageddon, we could have been damned by fallen angels.

Secrets Revealed

Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras reveals the world throughout its long and storied past. Through sixteen eras, you’ll learn the secret history of the world, from the flame-lit tales of the Neolithic to the drug-fueled rebellion of the 1970s. Delve into the past, and learn that the Chronicles of Darkness began long before the modern nights.

Dark Eras includes historical settings for Chronicles of Darkness game lines

Dark Eras includes 16 sections, at least one for each game line, including:

  • Chronicles of DarknessBeneath the Skin (Skinchangers, 1486-1502)
  • Vampire: The RequiemRequiem for Regina (1593)
  • Werewolf: The ForsakenThe Sundered World (5500-5000 BCE), The Wolf and the Raven (700-1100), The Bowery Dogs (1969-1979)
  • Mage: The AwakeningThe Sundered World (5500-5000 BCE), To the Strongest (330-320 BCE)
  • Promethean: The CreatedA Handful of Dust (1933-1940)
  • Changeling: The LostThree Kingdoms of Darkness (220-280), Requiem for Regina (1593), Lily, Sabre, and Thorn (1600s-early 1700s), A Grimm Dark Era (1812-1820)
  • Hunter: The VigilFallen Blossoms (1640-1660), Doubting Souls (1690-1695)
  • Geist: The Sin-EatersThree Kingdoms of Darkness (220-280), The Wolf and the Raven (700-1100), God’s Own Country (1950s)
  • Mummy: The CurseThe Ruins of Empire (1893-1924)
  • Demon: The DescentAfter the Fall (1453-1458), Beneath the Skin (1486-1502), Into the Cold (1961)

There’s a little something for everyone! Also keep an eye out for the upcoming Dark Eras Companion, a secondary book roughly the same size containing over a dozen additional eras.

If you’re thirsting for more CofD historical content, please check out:

But wait, there’s more

shirt-darkerascofdDark Eras merch is now available, featuring the Dark Eras clock symbol!

4 thoughts on “Now Available: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras!”

  1. Just downloaded and had a quick skim read since its 5am local time. Just had to come on and say, bloody hell. Huge book, looks amazing, tons of text I’ve yet to peruse. Amazing work guys, this is the best non-core book I’ve seen in a while!


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