Now Available: False Images, an Exalted Novel

Now available in ebook and print from DriveThruFiction: False Images, a new novel for Exalted 3rd Edition!

Novia Claro made him up to cover her own tracks while she investigates the murders of Hushanti’s priests in Nexus. He’s a convenient ruse, a rumor to spark the people’s imaginations, distract them from her actions, and nothing more… until the day he bursts forth from the river and offers Novia his help.

Now he’s hunted by several Dragon-Blooded, and Novia has to figure out whether she can trust him or if she’ll end up as just another body left in his wake. 

This novel was made possible by the backers of the Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter.

Keep an eye on this space for links to Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook ebook versions!

Kickstarter Update

Our Kickstarter for a deluxe version of the upcoming Lunars: Fangs at the Gate for Exalted 3rd Edition ends in ONE DAY! Exalted fans managed to hit our goal in a mere 39 minutes!

We’re currently sitting at $275,047 of our $60,000 goal, or 458%, with 2292 backers. This means we’ve hit 22 stretch goals:

  • Lunars-themed Storyteller Screen
  • Many-Faced Strangers: 10,000 words of additional Charms, 5000 words of quick character stat blocks (~7 animals), Heroes of the Silver Pact (Leviathan, Aum-Ashatra, Aqadar, and Smiling Zamisha), Martial Arts (Toad style, Bear style, Monkey style, Rat style), chapter fiction, War for the Caul (expanded), the Shadow Fang Vanguard, Signature Lunar QCs (Tegama, Sazay Shadow-Dancer, Silent Pearl, Tula the Reaver, Sublime Danger), Magic of the Moon, Additional Domination, + color art upgrade
  • Lunars backer T-shirt
  • Art budget increase
  • Digital wallpaper
  • Lunar novella
  • Cloth Map of Creation (Lunars version)
  • Deluxe upgrade: two additional bookmarks
  • PDF bundle addon of older material

Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week (to be updated once DTRPG is back up):

The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

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