Now Available: Howls of Apocalypse

Now available in PDF and print via DriveThruRPG: Howls of Apocalypse for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition!

It is an impossible task to put the smells, tastes, and emotions of battle into writing, but we will try. After all, without examples, how are you supposed to know how best to fight the Wyrm?

Our howls are recorded here. Howls against Pentex, against Black Spiral Dancers, against Skull Pigs, against unknowing humans caught in the Wyrm’s thrall.

Listen to these howls. Play through them yourself. Learn something, young pup, that will prepare you for the eternal battlefield.

Howls of Apocalypse includes:

  • Three full chronicles for your groups to play, introducing them to different aspects of Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition.
  • New powers to use in your war against the Wyrm.
  • Ready-made characters you can play straight from the page, encompassing a diverse range of tribes.

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