Now available in PDF and DriveThruRPG: Lore of the Traditions for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition!

In the face of the growing threat presented by the Order of Reason, mystick mages from across the globe came together for a Grand Convocation in the hopes of finding mutual defense and turning the tide of the nascent Ascension War.
Now, with over five hundred years of history behind them, the membership of the Council of Nine Mystick Traditions must reconcile its past and forge a new path into the 21st century. Lore of the Traditions explores the history, practices, and politics of each current member of the Council of Nine.
In the face of the growing threat presented by the Order of Reason, mystick mages from across the globe came together for a Grand Convocation in the hopes of finding mutual defense and turning the tide of the nascent Ascension War.
Now, with over five hundred years of history behind them, the membership of the Council of Nine Mystick Traditions must reconcile its past and forge a new path into the 21st century. Lore of the Traditions explores the history, practices, and politics of each current member of the Council of Nine.
The print on demand hardcovers are coming soon. Anyone who orders the PDF version will get a coupon for a discount on the hardcover edition when it is ready to launch. The discount will take into account the PDF price to match the PDF + PoD combo deal price.
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Crowdfunding Update

Titans Rising has one week remaining on Kickstarter and funded in 12 hours and 5 minutes! We’re currently at $50,090, or 167% of our original $30,000 goal, thanks to our 783 backers!
We’ve hit the following stretch goals:
- Titans Rising Starting Adventure x2: A starter scenario, plus a continuance with plot hooks to help set up continuing adventures
- Backer T-Shirt
- Titans Rising Digital Wallpaper
Did you miss one of our previous campaigns? The following crowdfunded products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
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- They Came from…: Cyclops’s Cave and [Classified]
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aegis
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The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
- Trinity Continuum: House Rules: Mental and Social
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