Now Available: Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution

Art of CotR

Now available in PDF and print on DriveThruRPG:

The Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution

The Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution compiles the sketches, art notes, and email exchanges that went into the creation of the art depicting the infamous vampires featured in Children of the Revolution.

Each artist gets a section with a brief intro by art director Rich Thomas, and contains a selection of the email exchanges that occurred between Rich and the artist as well as various sketches showing the changes and development of their ideas that were part of the creation of the beautiful illustrations in Children of the Revolution.

This making of collection was made possible by the backers of the Deluxe Children of the Revolution Kickstarter campaign.

Alien HungerNow available in print:

5 thoughts on “Now Available: Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution”

  1. Though I already own Masquers in print, I’m glad to see it available again since they’re my favorite guild.

    Still waiting patiently for Witches and Pagans from M:tSC to be in print.

      • Thanks for the information. 🙂
        I checked the Kickstarter and was a bit confused it as it slipped my attention back when I backed the project. After giving it a closer look I managed to spot it.

  2. Look, I’m NOT here to troll or anything, but as one who’s lived in and around Denver for decades, I gotta say that Alien Hunger offers a laughable representation of the city, in terms of geography, feel, and plausibility. Further, the characters presented as the ‘power-base’ of the city are presented as the most stereotypical tropes of the genre you could ask for. The story is thin and inexplicably complex where it ought to be simple and simple where it ought to be complex. The interior art is hit-and-miss at best. However…

    It is the BEST artefact from early White Wolf era Vampire: the Masquerade for your money! It hits every note of what we kinda forget being wonky-as-hell about the earliest editions, but it also captures what it so very lovely about those games. The book is short, the price is right, and Alien Hunger allows for all kinds of possibilities, which is what really made Vampire: the Masquerade such a breath of fresh air when it hit the market. I give it two stars AND a hearty recommendation!


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