Now Available: More Exalted Journals

Now available on our RedBubble store: More hardcover journals for Exalted!

Kickstarter Update

Last week we launched the Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought Kickstarter! With 21 days remaining:

  • We’re in the Week of Fire, offering the second of five previews of the full manuscript for Dragon-Blooded.
  • We funded in two hours and 12 minutes, and have since raised $200,771 of our $60,000 goal, or 335%
  • We’ve got 1591 backers
  • We’ve passed 11 stretch goals:
    • Dragon-Blooded Storyteller’s Screen
    • The Heirs to the Shogunate Dragon-Blooded Companion has sections on additional DB Charms, a double-sized Lookshy expansion, Forest Witches, Outcastes, Cadet Houses, and Prasad
    • A Kickstarter backer T-shirt
    • An increased art budget for What Fire Has Wrought
    • A digital wallpaper

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

  • No new content this week!

The following community-created content for Vampire has been added to the Storytellers Vault in the last week:

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