Now Available: Scion Dragon Tasty Bit, Plus Curseborne Teaser 2!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: The Source, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Scion: Dragon!

The Dragon, Raina, makes her Lair at the source of the Nile River, having transformed it into a Terra Incognita and hidden it from sight. Now it is the subject of legend and myth, sparking many expeditions to search out its muddy shores.

The Source is a haven for animals, mythic creatures, and legendary beasts who have been hunted to near extinction or lost their homes to the ravages of human expansion and time. Those very creatures are often the target of thrill seekers, explorers, hunters, and more, as stubborn people and Scions continue to search out the Dragon’s Lair. Can your brood protect its inhabitants, or will they search out the Source for their own ends?

This tasty bit includes:

  • Story hooks to get your brood invested in protecting the Source.
  • Detailed information about the Source and some of its inhabitants.
  • A VTT-compatible map of the Source for use in your adventures.

Interested in the future of Scion? While we’ve got your attention, please fill out this form!

Also available in PDF: Curseborne Teaser Brochure #2

The Curseborne Roleplaying Game will be a stand-alone core rulebook detailing a shadowy urban setting of mysteries and legends, romance and betrayal, and more.

Coming soon to Kickstarter, this preview gives you a glimpse into the world of Curseborne.

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Crowdfunding Update

The Storypath Ultra Core Manual has one day left on Backerkit, and funded in just over an hour! We’re currently at $53,485, or 535% of our original $10,000 goal, thanks to 1151 backers!

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Community Spotlight

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2 thoughts on “Now Available: Scion Dragon Tasty Bit, Plus Curseborne Teaser 2!”

  1. In some places the text refers to Halie Wilkes as “it”, ex. “Whenever it
    hears of a new animal on the endangered list or some great
    hunt for a creature of myth,” and “The Brood has never met Halie before, but they’ve
    heard rumors of it. They know it serves the Source
    above all others, and they seek it out as part of their lead into the mission.”


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