Now Available: The Scion: Dragon Jumpstart!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Live by the Blade, a Jumpstart for Scion: Dragon!

An agent of Kazim-Azizi has acquired an ancient relic — the Sword of Damocles — and intends to bring it to the History Gorger’s lair and add it to the Dragon’s menu. 

A group of Heirs (the player characters) have the skills and talents necessary to steal the weapon back, and keep it in The World a little longer. Kazim-Azizi’s agent is going where even Scions fear to tread: to the island of Lemuria, where the light of forgotten stars shines on long-lost soldiers and missing wonders. Allies and enemies aren’t always what they seem, and there’s always room for a double-cross. 

In this jumpstart, the characters must track down the Sword of Damocles and retrieve it before the Maw of Lethe devours the weapon, but the Dragon’s Heirs have plans of their own.

This jumpstart adventure includes everything you need to play a full game of Scion: Dragon.

  • A complete story designed to be played in one long session or over the course of several sessions.
  • Five ready-to-play Dragon characters.
  • Condensed Storypath core rules to help facilitate Storyguides running the game.

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Crowdfunding Update

The World Below launched on BackerKit two weeks ago, and we’re already at $44,120, or 147% of our $30,000 funding goal, thanks to our 701 backers! We funded in just under 50 hours!

So far we’ve hit the following stretch goals:

  • World Below T-shirt
  • Delving Deep into the World Below: Introductory scenario
  • Alternate Explorer’s Bag Add-On unlocked
  • Ed Greenwood’s Monstrous Ecology
  • The World Below Digital Wallpaper
  • The World Below Monster Cards

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Community Spotlight

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The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:

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