Now Available: Your Monthly Adversarial Devils

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG, Hundred Devils Night Parade part 13: Barrow Hound and Devil Stone! Wow, 13 means we’ve been doing these PDFs for over a year now!

From the frozen North to the burning South, and all directions in between, there are creatures that stalk Creation. Demons, spirits, monsters and even creatures who live alongside mankind are in every region.

In this collection you will find new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the secrets of these denizens of Exalted 3rd Edition’s wondrous world.

Hundred Devils Night Parade: Barrow Hound and Devilstone

The menacing Barrow Hound and the monstrous Devil Stone are fantastic additions to your Exalted game.

Also available in PDF: Adversaries of the Righteous part 8: Iron Siaka!

From the bustling streets of Nexus to the savage western seas, Creation is ripe with threats to mortals and Chosen alike. Crooked traders, vile occultists, and even zealous protectors of the Realm can be found in every city, satrapy, and region waiting for unsuspecting targets or standing their ground as they prepare for the inevitable.

In this collection you will meet new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the inner workings of several different factions and societies dedicated to criminal activity, nefarious plotting, and more.

Adversaries of the Righteous: Iron Siaka

Little Mackerel grew up in Auspicious Haven, one of the Blessed Isle’s prominent western harbors.  Exalted by Venus, the Sidereal is now an iron-wrought shark, rather than a little mackerel. She remembers what it’s like to be overlooked and unimportant, though, and earnestly protects Creation’s small folk. Sometimes that means adjudicating disputes and advocating for compromise. Most times, it means bludgeoning threats with her mace-like chuí. Iron Siaka takes primal pleasure in combat, though she tells herself she would happily hang up her weapon if peace and harmony reigned.

Kickstarter Update

Last week we launched the Fetch Quest deck-building card game Kickstarter! With 28 days remaining:

  • We funded in 21 hours, and have since raised $15,319 of our $6,000 goal, or 255%
  • We’ve got 335 backers
  • We’ve passed two stretch goals:
    • A Kickstarter backer T-shirt
    • Fetch Quest Booster Cards: 3 Pioneers from the Monarchies of Mau

Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:


Our Chronicles of Darkness Sale via Indie Press Revolution continues, with 40% off the following Chronicles of Darkness items from previous Kickstarter campaigns:

DriveThruRPG’s May D&D sale has hours remaining, with discounts on tons of great Pugmire and Scarred Lands material from Onyx Path!

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:

The following community-created content for Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

The following community-created content for Vampire has been added to the Storytellers Vault in the last week:

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