Fiction Friday: Vigilant

An excerpt from the Prologue of Through Shadows and Dreams Book One: Vigilant, a novel for the Scarred Lands setting. AV 150, the second Wildday of Tanot Eochaid crouched under the foliage, breathing slowly and listening. The asaatthi were out there somewhere, searching for him — maybe ratmen and hags as well. He kept out … Read more

Episode 34: LIVE(ish) from Midwinter!

In which Matthew, Dixie, and Eddy sit IN THE SAME ROOM and talk about Midwinter and product announcements with Rich Thomas. (Show notes are light, because we’re putting this up as fast as possible.) Product announcements! They Came from Beneath the Sea Kickstarter! Some revelations from the Onyx Path Summit! People knocking on doors!

Vance [Cavaliers of Mars]

As many of you know, Rose’s elevator pitch for Cavaliers was “if Mars has canals, Mars must have a Venice.” That Venice appears in Cavaliers as Vance. Here’s an excerpt from the Cavaliers of Mars rulebook covering the city of Vance. In the central portion of Meridian, Vance lies atthe intersection of several canals, and … Read more

Episode 33: Have the Gift of Jacob Burgess

In which Eddy and Dixie (and Matthew, we guess?) finish up the holiday content with a PAX Unplugged interview with voiceover artist, Paizo and Onyx Path writer, and marketing mastermind Jacob Burgess. Is Matthew feeling okay? Warning: This interview is more rambly than usual. PAX Unplugged vs video game conventions Running and playing demos Bridging … Read more