The W20 Cookbook

As some of you will have seen in the Kickstarter updates, one of the things that we’re offering as part of the “Holy shit you guys are awesome” level1 of stretch rewards is the W20 Cookbook. In the grand old tradition of W20 stretch goals, we didn’t plan this. I joked about doing it over … Read more

Glad That Week is Over!

Thanks, Sandy- it was great. I’ll call you. Really. So, a week ago I mentioned I might lose power and be out of touch for a few days. Turned into almost a week. I had no internet access for most of that time and even my phone data wasn’t really working right until Friday. So … Read more

Kickstarter Krazy

Or something along those lines, anyway. Rich is suffering from a power outage, what with Hurricane Sandy and all, so I thought I’d catch you up with where we’re at with the Deluxe W20 Kickstarter. It’s got another fourteen hours as of this writing to run. We’ve obliterated our original goal of $85K (it took … Read more

VTM: Bloodlines on sale on Steam

Troika/Activision’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is a fantastic introduction to the world of Vampire: The Masquerade, using an early version of Valve’s Source engine. Despite being eight (!) years old, it’s still a popular game. Play as one of the seven Camarilla clans in an epic story dealing with Sabbat, Kuei-jin, Lupines, and what may … Read more

Gonna Be Short Before Power Goes Out

So, Frankenstorm is here and kind of just raining right now, but we already got the call from the power company to expect loss of power for days into the end of the week. Crappy if that’s the case, but we’ll see. meanwhile, Eddy and I met and discussed his medical issues- still dizzy, going … Read more

Jess on Ajaba

[I asked Jess Hartley to put together a post about the Ajaba, and some of the changes we’re considering making to a breed close to both our hearts. Take it away, Jess!] Sometimes writing for a project like Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is pretty straightforward. As a game line develops, decades of game … Read more

One week left on Werewolf20 Deluxe Kickstarter!

We’re entering the home stretch now, with one week to go in the Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Kickstarter. As I write this, according to the KS tracker in the sidebar to the right, we’re at 289% of our original $85,000 goal, with $246,444 pledged and 1,459 backers. We’ve passed eight different stretch goals … Read more

Feeling Very White Rabbity

Trying to reconfigure the current WW Release Schedule, and juggle messaging for our W20 Kickstarter– now entering its last week!– so barely had time to sit down for an hour with Eddy this week. With the help of Mike “The Machine” Chaney on art direction and layout design, a lot of our projects are being … Read more