Pre-Launch Post

Hey, gang. So, that was a crazy bunch of weeks. But they happened, and now this is happening:

I’ve just finished proofing the core set for Mummy: The Curse, ladies and gents, and I’m pleased to relate that it looks really good. And I mean good even for a perfectionist like me. Between the talented graphic designers and the gifted artists we’ve got for this (some of which art you guys have seen), I have to say that I could scarcely have hoped for better back when this game was still little more than a pipe-dream. We’re closing in on the home stretch, with only the Kickstarter launch left to finalize, and I wanted to take this opportunity to give you one last teaser for the core material before that happens.

For those of you who enjoy podcasts and/or audiobooks, we’ve got what I hope you’ll find a treat: My reading of the first-ever fiction for Mummy — a short story I asked my friend Greg Stolze to write, called “The Seven-Times Hallowed Mask.” It’s only 15 minutes start to finish, but for those interested in reading it for themselves, they’ll have that chance, too, as the story appears in the core set. But here’s your first look at it, along with an additional piece of not-yet-revealed art for the game. Enjoy.

The Seven-Times Hallowed Mask

Give it a listen, won’t you, and let us know what you think in the comments below. And again, thanks for staying patient and enthusiastic.

I hope you won’t be disappointed.





76 thoughts on “Pre-Launch Post”

  1. Awesome! I’ve been counting the days until this game drops, and I can’t wait until I could play a Mummy and roam the World of Darkness! ^^

  2. Ohhhhhh… SHIIIIIIIIIIIII…. That reading of the fiction was…. Man, I NEED to play Mummy now. Here’s hoping I could craft a character with the same chutzpah, authoritativeness and nobility. That was super tight!

    • .. and someone so lost, who can’t remember so much about himself. So powerful yet so weak at the same time.

      So. Yeah. I approve.

  3. A very unexpected surprise. Sort of strange to hear. I had a six grade teacher named Mr. Dunn who was an amazing teacher. If we were good he would tell scary stories like The Wax Museum,etc. Once told a story called The Jewel of the Seven Stars. Sort of stuck with me. To Colin and everyone on the Mummy team. A huge thank you.

  4. Fucking awesome. Coincidentally, when this came out, we actually drove down to San Francisco, to catch the craziest of Bassnectar concerts of course, and in the hotel we were staying at, we were adjacent to a place called Pharoh’s. And there, me and my brother got a tasty sandwich by the name of ‘the Mummy.’ No word yet on whether the secret sauce was sekhem. I… Kinda hope it’s not. 🙁

  5. Reading over the older entries. After hearing the audio I can’t help but think that the Arisen in the fiction piece is one with their primary Pillar being the Ba and that the [redacted] in “The so-called Charioteers roar out of their tombs, issuing orders as soon as Sekhem solidifies into a throat and tongue to speak them. Of all the decrees, they might feel the most desperate in the face of [redacted]. ” is “the Descent.”

  6. I’ll listen to the story when I’m back from work. I’m sure it’s awesome and I can’t wait to get absolutely anything mummy-related as soon as possible.

    Which brings me to the main thing – I NEEEEEED MUMMY DELUXE! Words can not describe how enthusiastic I feel about it. Mostly because incoherent squealing transcribes poorly. So gimme gimme gimme the kickstarter! I want to see visual target for the book. And, hell, I want to see the book. And read it too. And play it. And stuff.

    I’mma shut up now.

    (me wants!)

    • Thanks, Robert. We’ve been getting more than a few comments to similar effect, so if another opportunity for an OPP audiobook arises, you can bet we’ll look into it.

  7. That was very cool, this kind of stuff should be repeated , give us more!! : ) I really loved the ambientation, Really hoping to see the book this year!

  8. Bwa ha ha ha-HA HA HA HAAA!!!…

    It’s Halloween, and it’s time for all good little boy’s and girl’s to run home… TO THEIR MUMMIES!!!

    *insert thunder crack*

    Ha ha ha, AHA HA HA HAAAAA!!! XD

  9. The main blog’s comments were annoyingly vague. I know proofing can take a while but it would be nice at this point along to get some sort of definitive date. Or at least the week the Kickstart will go live.

  10. Speaking as an impatient fan. I can’t imagine the simultaneous annoyance and happiness at the fans posting about chomping @ the bit for the damn thing to finally get released. Wont lie, when I first read the Monday post I wanted to go “Noooooooooooooo!” But rest assured the money is till sitting there waiting for you to take it. 🙂 Also a thought came up about these objects like the Seven Times Hallowed Mask. We’ve not seen anything on how they are mechanically tied to the Arisen. Assuming all of them are in some fashion tied to safeguarding them I wonder if there’s a part of Character Creation that involves designing the item. I can’t imagine it’s represented simply as a bare Merit among a list of Splat specific Merits.

  11. How about the symbol skull for mummy… You know, how every WOD game has it’s own skull to mark it, like the fanged skull for vampire? Surely you could release that… I’m guessing it’s a skull with the eye of Ra on it’s shiny dome.

    • Hey, Drac. Well, I don’t know if it counts as news-news, but there have been regular progress updates in the Monday Meeting blog, if you want to check there.

      In this case, whatever kind of news it is, I think it does qualify as good news. We’re not thrilled about delays, but we can live with delays that result in better products (as opposed to those “something horrible” delays you referred to). 🙂

      @Ariosto: Agreed, and I take that comparison as a compliment. Serling’s voice was an essential element of The Twilight Zone‘s success.

      • Indeed, I could talk four hours on the awesomeness which is Mr. Serling.

        Instead I will talk about the Awesomeness (notice it got a capital A) that will be Mummy. I’m super stoked for this. Mummy has always been my favorite part of the WoD and I truly feel it has gotten better with every iteration. You’ve thrown out enough for this one that I’m really excited. I was initially scared. “How are they gonna top M:tR?” Then I found out you were in charge, and that was exciting, then I got to see the tiniest portion of what you have planned, and in the end I’m stupid excited.

        so that just leaves me with waiting for the Kickstarter. Will there be a Skype chat with you as an option? That would be cool. A one-on-one chat about design ideas and inspirations would be pretty cool I think. I’d pay for it.

    • Hi, erm, gfgfht. No, it’s not quite out, yet. We will, however, have a Kickstarter to launch within the next week or so (*fingers crossed*). Stay tuned!

  12. Just a quick update on where things stand:

    Mummy: The Curse has been reviewed in second proof form, and with a few last tweaks, should go before the CCP Review Board and out to an editor for the Index this week. (For all of you joking about WW indexes, check out the V20 index and tell me we’re not serious about them). Still pulling together the Kickstarter for it, but we’re just about ready to submit that, too. The game won’t be here this week, but it’s not far off, now.

  13. hey CAS, are you able to answer this? was Mummy built with compatibility with Machine-God Chronicles in mind? will it be easy to use with the future update to the WoD core? i hope so, since i’d like the book to last long and be up to date.


  14. In all seriousness, can you actually play as a dinosaur mummy? I mean, surely you can spoil that, since the answer’s probably going to be no… Right?

    • We have no control over Kickstarter’s internal process, but I think I can safely report that it’s now in their hands. From our side, this thing is ready to drop big-time. 🙂

  15. Okay, so, if I may… I think it would be great to get part 2 of The Seven Times Hallowed Mask audio book. If of anything, are there plans to finish the audio book as the release date approaches? As always, thank you, CAS.

      • I know you’re talking about game fiction for Mummy: The Curse, but have you ever read some of the original examples of classic mummy stories? There’s The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker, Some Words With A Mummy by Edgar Allan Poe, and The Mummy or Ramses The Damned by Anne Rice.

      • @Vychos: Keep your eyes peeled for the Kickstarter on that score. 🙂

        @Dino: Yep, I’ve read all those. Classic stuff.

        Thanks for your support guys. Tomorrow’s the day!

        • Oh, dude, you know you gotta do part two… Part one is the perfect little thing to listen to when I’m walking to Gordo Burrito, yo. And I do sincerely hope Walter doesn’t get completely run over…

  16. The Kickstarter will go live at 12 noon EST, Tuesday, December 18th! =D

    “But we will be doing the Mummy Kickstarter starting tomorrow Tuesday the 18th, at 12 noon EST. It took longer than I expected for the KS approval, but we got it this morning. So this alert will give everybody almost 24 hours to be ready for it to go live so that you all can pledge the reward tiers you want. Now, we are doing something a bit different with this one and I want to explain it a bit here: unlike the last three Kickstarters we have done, this one doesn’t start out as a Deluxe project. Instead, we’re asking contributions to help us create a traditionally printed, hardcover, two-color interior book that has the same look and feel as books like the core nWoD book, or the core Vampire the Requiem, or Changeling the Lost, or other core game-line books. That way, we can keep both the goal amount and initial buy-in reward tier for a physical copy less expensive than the deluxe books we’ve done via KS before. The cost will be comparable to what VtR or CtL ran back in the day. THEN, if we can pass the Stretch Goals, we’ll add Deluxe Features like gilded page edges, silk bookmarks, and eventually a cool embossed leatherette cover treatment. (And there will be other fun Stretch Goals in there too, like with W20). So, in the interest of continuing to respond to and work with our great community, how deluxe we get is up to the backers, and there’s not such a high barrier to folks pledging for a physical copy. It’s an experiment, so we’ll see how it goes.”

  17. “Now, we are doing something a bit different with this one and I want to explain it a bit here: unlike the last three Kickstarters we have done, this one doesn’t start out as a Deluxe project.”
    This is a very good idea. I’m not really interested in a deluxe edition, just a nice quality hard cover with the production value of the old White Wolf books. I was not sure I would participate, after the poor value (for my needs) of the WWA20 but will almost definitely do so now for Mummy: The Curse.


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