[Pugmire] What Are You Doing for Canis Minor?

Last month we rolled out Canis Minor, our community content program for Pugmire. We’ve already got seven projects up, which is great! You can see what’s available so far here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/cc/17/Canis-Minor

But I’ve heard that some people aren’t sure what to make for the program. Luckily, I have some ideas for you!

  • Original Stories: Adventures for Pugmire are the best thing to put up for sale. Busy Guides are always looking for something to run on short notice. Did you have an adventure that worked great at your table last night? Write it up for the program and share it!
  • Sequel Stories: What happened after you thwarted the villains in “The Great Cat Conspiracy?” What did you do once you discovered the Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb? Writing follow-up stories for our published adventures — or for other Canis Minor adventures! — are a great way to help Guides build a chronicle.
  • Other Fantasy Stories: Do you still have your notes from an old fantasy game from years ago? Would your module work better by adding dogs? Dust off your three-ring binder and reformat things to the Pugmire system. (Don’t tell anyone, but this was what I did for my own home Pugmire chronicle.)
  • New Bits: Players don’t have to be left out of the fun. Have some ideas for a few new spells? Wish there was a trick the book offered for your favorite breed? Was there a clever or entertaining masterwork that you want to showcase? All of these are great options for eager Pugmire players.
  • Great Characters: Sometimes, a one-off character ends up stealing the show. Immortalize your pioneers, enemies, or other interesting characters. Also, writing up your pets as Pugmire characters is a great way to showcase what’s amazing about our furry friends, past and present.

So what are you doing for Canis Minor?

5 thoughts on “[Pugmire] What Are You Doing for Canis Minor?”

  1. Unfortunately I will probably not do anything for Canis Minor. I invested $120 in the MoM kickstarter and it’s the only KS I have backed that I regret backing.

    I’m sure there are many people who enjoy the game, but I had expected at least some innovation that would add to the d20 system instead of simply taking things away to simplify an already simple system further. For example, since the game is supposedly set in the future, more effort could have been put to portray that in the form of spells and items. Instead we have
    the same thing we get in a hundred other games, with the same names, and with zero innovation. I’m sure there are people who enjoy it, but I think I’ll stick to 5E.

    I had some hopes for Canis Minor and wanted to be able to use it to innovate the game myself to elevate it into something I would enjoy playing. But there are restrictions in place that prevent CM from being used for the types of projects I would like to create.

    I’m sorry.

  2. Just something I wondered, as I am putting it into a small news article, according to the guideline all the fiction/stories has to be 750 words or less?


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