Release Roundup: January 2016

Demon STG FrontHere’s what we released over the last month:

DriveThruRPG has also added some material to the White Wolf back catalog!

6 thoughts on “Release Roundup: January 2016”

  1. Great to see that one of the “lost” Tribe Novels is available again. Is there any chance that “Werewolf Tribe Novel 1: Shadow Lords & Get of Fenris” will be available in the near future?

  2. I am very happy to see that Fate has been included as an optional rule in the final version of the CofD core. I have been very curious about that rule for some time.

  3. I’ve been out of touch, is there a hard release date for Exalted 3 for those of us that weren’t fortunate/informed enough to have backed the kickstarter? I’m positively salivating.

    • Absolutely not. You can check the progress of the project in the Updates section of the Monday Meeting Notes blog, but I simply won’t give a hard date for any phase of Exalted3. Been burned too many times. 🙂


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