Just a quick check-in to say “Hi!” because I’m on the road and my Internet is unreliable. In going back over the feedback you’re leaving in the comments sections, let me say that I really happy that we took V20 and its subsequent titles into open dev. I’m restricted to some extent by word count, and the ideas that everyone is sharing in the comments are excellent and inspiring. I’m really happy that the conversation has been so good: Keeping the comments up here means we have more great ideas, story seeds, and concepts to explore than we could ever pack into a single book. You guys make me proud to be working on the whole project. Warm fuzzies!
Okay, smiles and hugs time is over. Here’s some Nitzer Ebb to get us all stompy again.
Cool 🙂 I can only say that I really appreciate the oppertunity to share my thoughts and ideas on VtM.
And have you listen to us of course 🙂
Something new about SAS: Dust to Dust, it was scheluded for October, but nothing.