The Whatchamacallit with the Blurbs and Blasts. [Monday Meeting Notes]


That’s Mr. Rich “Deadguy” Dansky modelling his long out of print Wraith T-Shirt. You can see how giddy he is that the Deluxe Wraith Twentieth Anniversary Edition was funded last week in 69 minutes and we are over 300% funded right now and non-corporeally drifting past its Stretch Goals. So that’s really good news. To be frank, we really didn’t know how the Deluxe Wraith 20 KS was going to go over; Wraith has very dedicated fans but it was always the smallest community for any of the original Big Five cWoD games. Both Onyx Path and RichD are so very gratified that so many folks came out and pledged so quickly (you can see it in his jubilant expression). That’s why we chose to plan to limit the initial size and content of Wraith 20 and then be loose enough to add lots more material if the KS took off, but if the KS failed we’d still be able to publish a more constrained PDF/PoD edition. With this kind of response, there’s a lot more we’ll be adding to the book! There’s almost a month left, so check it out if you haven’t already, and tell your friends.

This week’s title was something I said to Impish Ian Watson in regards to our Onyx Path Mailing List. The Impish One is very precise in his speech, and therefore mocked my fumbling around for the right terminology. But in the same way as when I started Onyx, or how we dove headfirst into our first Kickstarter, I’d rather get the idea across at once than lose my point finding just the right words. Of course, art director Mirthful Mike Chaney then revealed that he has a “flamdangle” and he doesn’t even know what it does, although one might find it at the local T.G.I. Flamdangle’s.

Good talk today with Eager Eddy Webb about his progress writing Pugmire. An odd tangent to the conversation, though, and pretty unfortunate, was Eddy mentioning some of the, well, nasty responses he got over on Reddit to his thoughts about the game. Apparently, some folks over there think that they should be deciding how Eddy spends his time as a freelance creator and they are irate that he is wasting it working on Pugmire instead of a real game like V20. So, lots of stuff wrong with that thinking, but the one simple fact is that Eddy doesn’t get to add projects to the V20 schedule willy-nilly just because he is a developer- there are a finite set of projects he can, and does, work on. As a freelancer, he’d better damn well have a bunch of different kinds of projects he is working on, that’s just good freelancer sense. The other comment I really laughed at was that the only reason Eddy and I were working on Pugmire is because he and I are friends. Well, DUH! One of my goals in creating Onyx Path was that I would decide who I worked with, and yes, I’d rather work with the people I like. That I tend to like creative, interesting, smart, nerdy folks just means I’m more likely to like folks who can create cool worlds and games. Works out well.

Thanks to everyone who excitedly wrote me about the extra copies of Deluxe W20 and Deluxe Changing Breeds and their respective Screens, the first packages went out today. If you didn’t hear from us yet, we’ll get to you even if we have to tell you we’re out of something you wanted. Just one other note, I know a few of you had to back out when you saw the prices, so just to be clear: this isn’t a discount sale. These are some extras I was able to offer folks because so many asked and they are priced as if they were real books in the same way we would any other non-Kickstarted book. That’s one of the reasons getting them during KSs is such a good deal. But, and this is big, they are still nowhere near as costly as the minimum of $300 I’ve seen for Deluxes on EBay.

Finally, our Onyx Path team meeting was mostly spent reviewing the progress we made last week going through the book pitches from developers and writers. Lots of cool ideas there, some of which I’ll share another time once we lock in our plans. Along those lines, I’d love to hear from you in the comments here as to what kind of projects you’d like us to do, so long as you understand I have to tell you that any ideas posted here become the property of Onyx Path. This is for our protection in case we publish a project near to your idea and someone decides we ripped them off and sues. Can’t have that, and sorry I even need to put that there when we’d all rather just have fun talking about our ideas. Realities of publishing, though.

Somewhat less real, but getting realer all the time, our current projects:

DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (Projects in bold have changed listings)

First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)

  • Beast: the Primordial core book (Beast: The Primordial)
  • W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • M20 Book of Secrets (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Cursed Necropolis: Rio (Mummy: the Curse)
  • Secrets of the Covenants (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition) – In Open Development
  • Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
  • V20 Black Hand: Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition) – In Open Development
  • Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Demon Storytellers’ Guide (Demon: the Descent)


  • Mummy Fiction Anthology (Mummy: the Curse)
  • Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • W20 Shattered Dreams (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Mage: the Awakening  2nd Edition, featuring the Fallen World Chronicle (Mage: the Awakening) – In Open Development
  • W20 Novel by Mike Lee (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)

Second Draft

  • Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition, featuring the Firestorm Chronicle (Promethean: the Created) – Playtesting
  • Exalted 3rd Fiction Anthology (Exalted 3rd Edition)


  • V20 Red List (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • V20 Ghouls (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • World of Darkness Dark Eras- Vampire chapter (WoD Dark Eras)
  • Fallen World Chronicle Fiction Anthology (Mage: the Awakening)
  • M20 How do you DO that? (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Firestorm Chronicle Fiction Anthology (Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition)
  • V20 Lore of the Clans (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Sothis Ascends (Mummy: the Curse)

Development (post-editing)

  • World of Darkness Dark Eras core book (WoD Dark Eras)
  • Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition core book (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition, featuring the Idigam Chronicle (Werewolf: the Forsaken)
  • Exalted 3rd Edition core book– From Holden: “Lea finished. The book is out of editing and back in my hands. I’m going through, reviewing Lea’s edits and implementing them into the master draft. This process is finished for the Introduction and Chapter One, am on Chapter Two right now. Holy shit. Three years. This beast is finally about to be out of our hands at last.” (Exalted 3rd Edition)



  • Book of the Deceived –  PDF updated and PoD uploaded. Need to get PoD proofs.
  • Book of the Wyrm 20 – PDF and physical book PoD versions on sale now at  Tweaking quote from the printer.
  • DAV20 –  Remaining heraldry in progress. Remaining art in progress. Still proofing.
  • T-Shirts – Got a bunch up last week including Hunter ones and Van Fleet VtR Revised clan shirts. If M20 isn’t ready this week, I’ll do up some more.
  • Art O’ The Changin’ Breeds –   Got a little more done. Still more to go.
  • Umbra –  Got Stew’s Errata end of the day on Friday, so that’s what I’m doing Monday morning. Only 38 changes, so it should be fast.
  • VTR II –  Found formatting errors in the Index of the PoD versions, so not going up for sale Weds, hopefully next Weds.
  • WtF 2 – More sketches coming in. Got first sets of finals from Stambaugh and Syme.
  • Scarred Lands –  2nd proof of the Spiragos [REDACTED] ed interior underway as the remaining art came in.  
  • Idigam Chronicle Anthology –  On sale now.
  • Wraith 20 – KS a going.
  • M20 – Still with Dev.
  • Dark Eras – Art directed. Did a rough layout with the edited text so it’s already sort of begun. Probably need to sit down and discuss any changes to spot colors at some point. Main one being WoD blue as the one from the cover goes purple when you convert to a coated non metal.  I think I found one that matches up to what I did for GMC though.
  • V20 Lore of the Clans – Art buy is prepped. I’ve contacted some artists already, awaiting replies from others.
  • EX3- RichT here, once again tagging onto Mirthful Mike’s report, Maria Cabardo and I are starting to slow down now, only two or three sketches/finishes are coming through a day. Looking with anticipation for the text files so Maria can start her layout magic.

REASON TO DRINK: Nobody is going gently into that good night at all! WOOT, Wraith 20!

138 thoughts on “The Whatchamacallit with the Blurbs and Blasts. [Monday Meeting Notes]”

  1. More New Properties. I love the Worlds of Darkness and Scion and am really excited by Exalted, but these are tried and true properties. I’d love to see what happens when you and your cabal of freelancers expand into new territory, especially based on what we’ve seen for Cavaliers and Pugmire.

    • Oh yeah, me too. Right now we’re focusing on the WW IP schedule as we need to present that to CCP, but the other games we’re working on are also part of our discussions beyond that.

  2. how dare a developer apportion his time as he sees fit! didn’t you know freelance means “scheduling your work projects around what internet strangers demand of you?” jeez, inconsiderate.

    sorry to infer ongoing delays in M20, wish for your sales’ sake you’d been able to get it out for the holiday. or is that not a big deal, business-wise? as a lifelong impulse shopper-and-gift-giver I don’t think I’ve ever contributed much more to anybody’s bottom line during a holiday than elsetime, personally.

    $300 for the special editions on ebay? …maybe I’ll just shrinkwrap my copy of M20 when I get it and stick to the PDF…

    • I saw a Grand Masquerade V20 selling for $550 last week. That was a cheaper one; I saw another one for $700.

      Given the number of people who ask for a copy immediately after the Kickstarter closes, I’m guessing there’s a market for them, even at that high a price.

  3. I for one would love if Onyx Path took a bit of inspiration from Pathfinder in the development phase for new works. When a game is released, give it a significantly longer review period in the hands of the public and have a way for them to submit feedback for change beyond the normal typos or grammatical errors. Perhaps some of the powers feel clunky once a few thousand eyes have seen it and with the rise of digital technology and PDF’s, change can be implemented far easier than it has ever been. Optionally, this could be done as a sort of pre-release before the book goes into final print to gain feedback.

    It is pretty well known that those who are going to purchase the material will do so anyway, but the additional changes and fixes from a sort of “open-beta” may create even more followers.

    The reason I bring this up, is because Onyx Path has done similar such as with Demon: The Descent where almost the entire book was put online way in advance. This would be a most opportune time to collect feedback and it should be done more often IMHO.

    • Oh, and an obligatory to have dice as a kickstarter stretch goal. Did you know some of the older sets of dice sell for upwards of $300?

      Keep up the good work!

    • An option i saw for betas which increases the chance that the final product is then really bought is that most pictures are not in the beta docs. Saw that in use with some pathfinder supplements

    • We certainly started to do that with our PDFs coming out for an advance look and errata pass before locking in the files with PoDs. We have mostly fixed typos, but have had occasion to tweak whole sections due to fan feedback. I don’t know how long PF books are in preview mode, but we usually allow 2-4 weeks for community feedback, and that time is usually predicated on whether new comments are actively coming in.

      • Rich T.,

        I’m a Pathfinder freelancer. I can shed some light on the Open Playtests they run. I’m going to tell you some extra stuff, because it can be some what of an apples to oranges comparison to OP’s open development.

        First, Paizo does not open playtest everything. Only Core Rulebooks and not all of those. They would never playtest a bestiary for example. A Core Rulebook is just that, mechanics only. Nothing campaign specific. That’s a fundamental difference right there because everything Onyx Path produces is kind of campaign specific if you know what I mean? Their Core Rules are fantasy setting neutral and then they have the campaign setting in a different product line.

        Second, they don’t playtest the contents of the entire rulebook—mostly player class material. New classes, class based mechanics, sometimes spells and feats. Archetypes (class variants) are written concurrently while the base class upon which it was written is being playtested.

        Third, there is a lot that is not playtested that are considered “mechanics”, and that is stuff which is based specifically on campaign material. They’re protective of their IP. (They have to be). So if its like a cleric variant to a specific campaign world, that would be in the campaign setting line, even if its ripe with rule mechanics.

        None of this is meant to disparage them. I work for them! But its factual.

        Short answer: About a month, but it has varied.

        • I saw an open playtesr from rite publ.: in the company of dragons.

          There they put the base cöass one advanced class and most mechanical infos and a handful of pics. They didnt put in: almost the entire fluff and most pics.
          The testing time there was a few months (3-6)

  4. Cults.
    Sure, the merit in GMC gives you a good crunchy framework to dress up, but what about how to place them in the world? How do they recruit, what do their rites look like? What about PC cult leaders, or worse, the cults of the enemy? (Strix cults anyone?)
    I think it’d be good fodder for another WoD: Antagonists style book. Who are the people that stand against the PCs, and why? Also, emphasis on *people*. Humanity is just as much a threat as everyone else, but how do you show that off when your PC can just rip a dude apart? (Short of having everyone play two characters, a vampire and a ghoul… ooh. Game idea.)
    …and may have just remembered that some of this is in Second Sight.
    tl;dr version: ramble ramble ramble Antagonists revisited.

    • We’ve had lots of Antagonists or Night Horror style books pitched…so figure that something will probably show up along those lines.

      • Yay! Although…
        Don’t get me wrong, I think the Night Horrors books are great (and terrifying in some parts); but they tend to be very… Bestiary-esque. I don’t necessarily need a collection of things that go bump in the night, I want a toolkit on how to contextualize that, how to make it relevant to my players, most importantly, how to make it terrifying. At least, the stuff I don’t have a frame of reference for… like cults. I get how to make a fully actualized person who is against the PCs for justifiable (and morally questionably, sometimes inappropriately alluring) reasons. But I don’t get grudges… or cults… (also wanton violence, but that’s Hurt Locker; which, speaking of, where’d it go?)
        That’s what I’d like St. Nick. A toolkit to make my antagonists unique in their presentation (which after quizzing one of my players, means an antagonist that isn’t alluring, but still effective).

  5. I’d really love to see some Awakening books that follow the style of the Requiem Clanbooks, or that are in the vein of The Blood. There’s not a lot that really goes into depth on what the Awakened condition *feels* like, or provides good advice to players in the way that there’s lots of advice to Storytellers.

    Tome of the Mysteries and Tome of the Watchtowers were a bit too distant from the lived experience to be useful that way.

    • My sense of it is that Dave B is pretty interested in getting that feel across in the main book, although it might take more books to really deliver it.

      • Yeah!

        Once, years ago, I did pitch a line of five Pathbooks, but I don’t think Onyx Path are in the place to devote that much art budget to producing five artifact-style works. Almost everything that would have been in them has found its way into other pitches already, and all the work I did thinking about the Paths before that pitch has gone straight into second edition.

        Maybe their time will come again, but right now, putting the last redlines on the corebook, I’ve got plenty to pich.

  6. Japanese Meiji Period werewolf similar to the Requiem for Rome and Fall of the Camarilla books.

    More bloodlines for blood and smoke like the ones showcased on this website.

    Really looking forward to Dark Eras and Beast next year. And the second editions of werewolf, mage, promethean and changling.

    • What’s working for you with that time period and werewolves? Forsaken with samurai swords? You should keep an eye on the Dark Eras Kickstarter and try and create a groundswell of support to add that time period to the WtF section.

      • The Meiji Restoration was a period of great change. The industrialisation of Japan. The samurai as we know them in literature and movies were effectively disbanded. During this period the native wolves of Japan became extinct. I think these themes are interesting to contrast with the Forsaken…adapting to change and old ways being replaced with the new. I also like how forsaken oaths/honour/rage could be integrated into the Japanese caste system. The intricate etiquette rules masking the sea of rage that is a Uratha. The Japanese spirits could also offer a unique take on Forsaken and there are a plethora of shapechangers in their mythology that could be explored. And finally…yeah I love me some katanas.

  7. I am so spoiled already with all the amazing new books we got for Werewolf. Thank you to the team. I almost don’t dare ask for more. Almost 🙂

    1. A book that’s all about the animal born side of things for all the fera. How is it like to be born a fox, a spider or a shark? How is it like to go through the first change for all of those animals? How does a spider deal with having all her emotions out of whack during the metamorphosis when it never had any before? And what of after the metamorphosis, when they are gone for good? How does the vague memory of emotions affect her thinking when she manipulates her targets? How does the Red Talon do some rites that clearly require hands? Do they have their own versions of the these rites? (such as the rite of cleansing). I could go on forever.

    2. A book on Fera magic. Bastet, Uktena, Kitsune, Corax all have access to arcane knowledge and secrets. I think it could be very interesting to have books that expand on this vast notion. Exploring the “gifts”, “spells”, “rituals” and “artefacts” that such creatures tend to seek and gather. In my games, I’ve always just given them access to the possibilities from the “sorcerer” sourcebook from mage, but, it could be great to have something more specific to Werewolf to work with.

    3. I haven’t read BotW yet, so may be this is already covered, but if not: A book on BSDs. Expanding on hives, totems, gifts and rites. No need to be a player’s guide, but fleshing them out more can’t hurt. And some questions could be answered. For example, since their ranks are determined by how many circles of the labyrinth they’ve completed, a common conception is that they can actually reach rank 9 instead of 6. If that’s the case (which I’ve always considered to be so) how does that work in terms of power level, gifts and such?

    4. Novels! 🙂

    All my others ideas would be for games that are just now getting their 2nd Ed, so i can’t really expand until I know more.

    • BotW really was supposed to give you a ton of BSD stuff, so check that out. With fiction, first we need to push our anthologies out into further venues. Although, check out the progress of Mike Lee’s W20 novel above.

      • BotW: Great. 🙂 Then, I will consider my point moot. The only reason I haven’t read it yet is that I’m waiting for my deluxe copy. My eReader isn’t too keen on PDFs, unfortunately. But, no worries. I’m being patient. Reading Dresden Files in the meantime.

        Fiction: Do you mind me asking what you mean by “further venues?” Do you mean you need to have anthologies from other game lines sell as a proof that it’s a valid path or? As for the novel itself, I did see the update and was very glad I did 🙂

        Wasn’t there two WW novels? Wasn’t Eddy writting Houses of the Moon or did I get my wires crossed?

  8. I’d love to see more Dark Ages works.

    An update to the tech-based Traditions, as well as Iteration X, in the vein of the new Convention Books.

    • There are already a couple of tech-based M20 books coming based on the Kickstarter, so we really need to get past those first. Thanks!

  9. While I understand of course that it is exciting to start new things, please consider for a moment that progress on existing gamelines is really slow right now. For example, I have not seen a new rule book for Vampire: The Requiem since Blood and Smoke came out almost a year ago. Secrets of the Covenants has now been in the first draft status for months. For other books that were announced a long time ago developement has not even started (e.g. VTR: A Thousand Years of Night). Not one of the second editions of the NWoD was actually released in 2014 despite earlier announcements (other than Blood and Smoke, of course). And I would have bought every single one of the books I have mentioned here. Don’t you want my money 😉 ?

    • I very much do. Even the relatively minor change turning Blood and Smoke into VtR2 was something that necessitated putting other VtR books into slow mode, so I have a lot of confidence that Rose will be getting those new books out soon.

  10. I would love to see adventure paths for all the rebooted gamelines a la Transylvania Chronicles. Adventure paths usually sell to a small group, but they perform well for Pathfinder and I still play Tran Chron today. Adventures would also give developers a chance to establish a style of play for some of the harder to pin down games like Wraith and Mage. You could tie the adventures into what happened in between Revised and x20 or could stay away from that altogether and develop for the future. Maybe even spotlight some of the old developers. They would be a definite purchase from me, especially if one was released for Wraith and Mage.

    • I would like to see this as well. I think its challenging for newcomers to get their head wrapped around making their own campaign, and short one-off adventures don’t always serve as good examples.

    • Bear in mind that PF was built from the ground up to leverage the acceptance and use of adventures to their audience. The WW audience has been traditionally less interested in any sort of pre-written adventures. That’s not to say we aren’t looking for ways to enable new players to “get” how to play the WoD games, both the Storytelling Adventure System products and the more recent Chronicle books like The God-Machine Chronicle were designed to make it easier to get into the games.

      • I would just add by way of comment that while I did a lot of my own world building, I used Nightmare on Hill Tower to kick off my Hunter chronicle. By all accounts it went really well. I was also looking at the storyline from Tales of the ## Precinct as well but once I got things rolling, the natural consequences of the characters’ actions and the world building I’d done in the background have been sufficient. As this was my first time running a World of Darkness game and second time ever storytelling, having a prepackaged scenario was very helpful.

      • Maybe she refers to the 6+ powers archmages has. If so I second that for all the lines. Tough most probably won’t be as cosmic as archmages tough demons may be.

        • I was thinking something along those lines, yes. A set of guidelines and options for reaching higher levels (6+) of power and transcendence, for each game line. Each with its own set of challenges, with each challenge bringing along the promise of madness.

          The World of Darkness is so full of potential, that even a mortal’s lifespan is enough for our characters to be tempted to go down dark, metaphysical alleys. What happens when one reaches the end of said alleys? What happens when one takes a wrong turn? Or has a change of heart one turn too late? Even playing it too safe can have unforeseen consequences.

          A particularly thanatophobic Mekhet spent much of its Requiem making it through several millennia worth of nights. She slowly faded out of existence, lost somewhere in her own Obfuscation. Now it is Shadow, a goddess among the shadow people who would do anything out of fear of its powers.

  11. Do you got a link to the Reddit Eddy did?
    Maybe there’s been something more constructive?

    I for my self do wonder a bit about stuff like how’d “pugmire” would translate to German / which meaning was intended. ( pug-trouble? pug- swamp? pug-puddle? )

    How does one subscribe to that maillinglist you keep mentioning?

  12. A similar book as Lore of the Clans for the Tribes for Werewolf the Apocalypse.
    Updated Books of the Weaver and for the Wyld(Book of the Wyrm W20 set the bar really high but I trust you guys to match it in quality!)
    Updated Books of the Camarilla, Sabbat and finally a Guide to the Inconnu.
    A book expanding the Dark Kingdoms for Wraith
    A book on Traditions , on the Deep Umbra exploration for Mage

    A book on Cults, one updating Second Sight(and maybe if has espace throwing things like Skinchangers and in, basically about supernatural things a mortal can try to do), and also Inferno 2ed(finally also detailing how travelling to Abaddon is like)
    A book finally detailing the Methuselahs, a book updating VII and Belial’s Brood for 2ed and a book for different “species” of Vampires a la Wicked Dead for Requiem.
    A book about Abysal Mysteries and Lower Depths Mysteries for Awakening.
    A book expanding on the Hunt for the Uratham, a 2ed for the Pure, a book about the Shadow giving a lot of examples for Places that Aren’t for Forsaken
    Night Horrors antagonists book for Promethean.
    Cryptids and a book for Incarnations for Demon the Descent(they didn’t get love in the Player’s Guide and I want new merits and other things for them, not just one Embbed of they categorie they get)
    Mummy, Geist, Hunter 2ed of course!
    Book of Going Westward for Mummy, not just detailing the Judges, but also expanding information on the Cults, expanding on Duat and Ammut, and giving examples of different creatures Ammut can spawn, not Just Ankhata.

    I think that’s it LOL, thanks for giving the fans an opportunity to express what we would like to See Richt!

  13. My wishlist of books you should publish can be narrowed:

    V20: The Independent Clans
    As expressed within the creation of the Companion, and within the creation of the Lore book I really would love to see the Independent Clans getting a good treatment. It would enrich the game if the four independent Clans could be played as noteable factions next to the Camarilla, Anarchs, Sabbat.
    Specially the Giovanni

    V20: Necromancy
    After being kind off only scrubbed at the very surface I’d love a book providing more gaming and story material on Necromancy.

    For the far future, when Wr20th is released:
    A book providing maybe a bridge towards V20. As there can be a lot of interaction between Wraith going on.

    It might also be delightful to have a fleshed out overview showing the difference between Wraith, Spirits, Umbra-Things, Abyss-Stuffs and so on. It keeps confusing me.

    Another V20 adventure or campaign would be nice.

    That’s all. ^^;;;;

  14. I second the idea for a book on cults

    Also bestiary/generic NPCs (esp,, a Big Book of Spirits for nWoD – I really liked Predators and Antagonists).

  15. I’ll just wait here patiently for some love to be given to Demon: the Fallen. Does anyone know if there’s any plans to revisit the Sebettu? I would throw so much money at Demon20….

    I know it’s just Big 5, but I can dream, right? DtD and God-Machine just made me sad inside. 🙁

  16. I for one would love to see more Wyrm material,, because I loved Book of the Wyrm 20. Maybe something focusing on servants of the different three heads of the Wyrm. Oh, and I second the calls for new Books of the Weaver, Wild, and adventure paths.

  17. Honestly. I’d like to see Onyx Path “focus” a bit more.

    You guys have a huge number of game lines. I think more then any other RP company out there. I mean at a casual glance looking into next year you have 10 game lines in the NWoD, 5 game lines in the CWoD, Exalted 3rd Ed, Scion, Trinity, Mars, Pulgrim.

    That’s twenty game lines. That’s insane!

    Like another poster mentioned, having a lot of content is good. However, I think it also has you guys a bit spread thin. As someone else pointed out in these comments 1 book (sometimes two) of each line a year is about the average, unless a particular game line is receiving a focus (like Demon the Descent or Werewolf the Apocolypse did this year).

    Personally, I’d like for the current lines to get a little more focus and maybe for the writers pool to increase before more lines and/or projects are added.

    • Heh. I was just thinking about how I want MORE content from Onyx Path. More books, more supplements, more everything. lol.

      I think if the market supports it(which it looks like it is), then they should continue full steam ahead.

      Of course, I won’t deny your comment about the writers pool. More writers being added into the fold(which they very well may have already done) can only be a good thing.

      Since I’m not getting any Hunter the Reckoning material for another 5 years, I think my most eagerly anticipated book is the Beckett diary.

      So, I would love, LOVE to see something done with the diary to make it really cool. Also, did we ever decide that on the title for the new VtM book that serves as an update to the clanbooks?

      Is it Blood Diaries of the Clan or is that just a placeholder still?

    • We’re going to try and keep a good mix still, but yeah, it’s a very tough schedule to pull off because the first goal we had of rejuvenating the WW lines pretty much requires us to touch on the favorite lines of a fan base that not only goes back 25 years but is incredibly segmented. Look at the request for Demon the Fallen stuff above. We absolutely had to push crazy hard as fast as possible to get the word out that these lines were not only not dead, but were being treated with the love and excitement those fans feel for the games deserve.

      Hopefully, we got that message across, and we really are looking at getting caught up in 2015 before being much more aggressive in further years.

  18. It’s probably too early, but my wish list is mostly Changeling: The Dreaming related (surprise 😉 ).

    I’d love to see a Book of Nod style book for Changeling. It could an in character collection of legends from the War of Trees, Shattering, Interregnum, and even Resurgence. It could also have glimpses of insight into the current state of Arcadia, the Tuatha, and Formorians plus prophesies for the future.

    There are the obvious unreleased books for the line – KB: Boggans and Keys to the Kingdom. I’m curious about what might have been with Book of Glamour, but with C20 on the horizon, that one is probably redundant.

    I’d like to see a book on faerie politics. How do the seelie and unseelie courts interact? How do the houses compete for and balance their power in the courts. How do commoner factions navigate the dichotomy and compete for power. How is the Parliament of Dreams structured, and with a High King, does it have any real power? How does the Shadow Court infiltrate and subvert all of the above?

    I’d like to see a World of Dreams, something along the lines of A World of Darkness and Rage Across the World. The vast majority of the world has never been touched in Changeling sourcebooks. It would be nice to have an overview of what’s going on. Also, it would be a good opportunity to redefine Concordia, or maybe make the notation of the Empire of the Turtle have some meaning – make it global like the Camarilla, the Garou Nation, and the Traditions. That way, the major conflicts of the game aren’t limited to just North America.

    A big book about Banality would be nice. What is banality? What is it like to fall to banality? Any fae that doesn’t die young is guaranteed to lose themselves to banality, so what does the typical life cycle of a Changeling look like? What are the agents of banality? This would be a good opportunity to have something more compelling than a librarian as the default antagonist. How does a Changeling get corrupted by banality and become a Dauntain? Is there a Dauntain society, and if so, what does it look like? The Dauntain powers are in desperate need of an overhaul. This would be where it could happen. Finally, why are the Fomorians and their agents immune to Banality?

    • Adding on to my thoughts about a World of Dreams sourcebook. Changeling: The Dreaming is basically a post apocalyptic setting that is only just now starting to recover with the Resurgence. That would be interesting to really delve into – lost freeholds waiting to be rediscovered, long forgotten treasures of immense power, and the barren, banal wastelands that stretch between places of glamour.

      • I like the tension between past and new that you’re pointing out, PookaKnight. Dreaming is kind of post-apocalyptic in a way. The worst has happened, and now it is a new world. Parts of the old world have returned, but Dauntains are creatures of the new world.

        You pose the question of how Changelings are corrupted by the Dauntain, but an equally valid question is how the Dauntain are corrupted by the Changelings?

        Maybe that goes against the grain of the World of Darkness, but sometimes I wonder if the God Machine (a NWoD construct I realize) illustrates something to us. It takes energy to maintain the world just the way it is. Change makes fools of the children of Light and Darkness equally.

    • Y’know, a proper Sidhe kithbook would be nice, giving them a good revision (since Nobles: the Shining Host was released in the first year of Changeling’s existence), and reappraising them with all their Houses now revealed.

      It occurs, regarding the idea of A World of Dreams, that Changeling only had partial world coverage. C20, one way or the other, offers the opportunity to fill in the missing space on the map – what are the fae of South America, Africa, Australia and India like?

  19. Don’t get caught on ebay looking for a Wraith20 book 18 months from now. Go and pledge at the Wraith 20 Kickstarter now to reserve your copy. The kind of Horror one can produce in a Wraith the Oblivion chronicle is exquisite. Don’t miss out

  20. Hi all,

    Don’t know if this was already mentioned, or if that’s even possible, but I’d love to see a follow up to the Weinberg books.
    Loved reading the Masquerade of the Red Death.
    Was pleased to find out some characters were back in The Horizon War.
    Would love to catch up with Madeleine Giovanni and the others guys.

  21. We should like the idea of a Book of Oblivion to serve as a companion to the W20 Book of the Wyrm and M20 Book of the Fallen.

    The idea sparked today (12/9/2014) over in the Wraith20 Kickstarter comments.

    • I would love the Book of Oblivion. Maelstroms, Malfeans, Spectres, Shadows, Risen Spectres, the Labyrinth, Pasiphae, A Treatise on Angst, etc.

      I have faith in the team to make a wonderful book about the abstraction of Oblivion in Wraith to help explain the nature and ways for STs to use Oblivion as the big bad.

      potentially a little cross over parallel as well. things like Oblivion vs Wyrm, Magic and Oblivion, Oblivion and the act of being Soulless, etc.

        • +1 on the Oblivion book.

          And heck, I just thought about this but, there’s something else I really would love to have a book about even though it would probably be a bad idea to expand on this. In all the books, through all the years, I don’t think any image from the cWOD has ever captured my imagination more than the Kraken that can be found in the tempest. What IS that? It’s such a mystery on a scale that has far reaching repercussions in terms of… well, everything. It makes you think… is there something else? Beyond the tempest, beyond Malpheas and the far shores? Beyond Oblivion or even transcendence? My mind is blown as to the contents of a book that actually goes there. Where ever that is.

  22. Cryptids and Cults for GMC Chronicles / 2nd Edition nWod.

    Obviously primarily for Demon, but all the splats could benefit from this information if they’re taking place in the GMC. Make it a blue book.

  23. Firstly, can we get some acknowledgement when our pitches get picked up? Even if it’s just a message from the Dev Team, or better yet, some dialogue, that would be awesome. Anyway some ideas:

    1. Updated Thaumaturgy rule books for Masquerade and Dark Ages. Preferably separate from the Clan Books.
    2. A consolidated and up to date book of lesser to mid level playable templates (Skin Changers, Immortals, Changing Breeds, Psychics, Thaumaturges, etc), ideally Corebook size, with more focus on where to place these archetypes in a game.
    3. A supplement/side game for Ex3 dealing with Warstriders and Warstriders-scale combat, especially for Exalts and other supernatural characters that generally don’t build or use Warstriders but can still compete at that scale (i.e.: Lunars, non-Ring-aligned Fair Folk, Essence 6+ Alchemicals, etc.)
    4. A supplement on dealing with and telling stories involving Cryptids, ideally with rules for building viable Cryptid characters (balanced for players or not), as well as discussing where they fit in the different lines (especially want support for customized animal ghouls, for example).

    Lastly, I’d like to second the idea of books about Fera Magic and Beast-born characters for Apocalypse, Powerstat 6+ sourcebooks for all the Greater Templates (although Demon and Mummy are kind of problematic for that kind of supplement, for obvious reasons), and yes, updated antagonist faction books for M20 and W20.

    • Our process with the writers and Devs is enough of a mish-mash of suggestions, ideas, all kinds of fragments of ideas combined with pieces of concepts that pointing to any given suggestion as belonging to one participant is pretty hard to do. So we don’t put much emphasis on that for our schedule so much as making sure creators who are interested in a project get to work on it, which most of the time means they get to work on their idea. For community suggestions we’d be going counter to our process if we specifically called out credits. Plus, note the number of times “Cryptids” has been mentioned. Do you know who mentioned it first? Somebody here? On Facebook? Did Rollickin’ Rose in a meeting about Demon two years ago? It’s just a rabbit-hole we can’t go down.

      Lot’s of excellent ideas there, thanks!

      • Understandable; seeing how busy you folks are, we’re lucky to get this.

        Cryptids were a fluff element in the opening fiction for the first World of Darkness Core Rulebook, IIRC, then got hard mechanics first in M:tAW, then more in other lines, until Demon came out, and gave a baseline update to the rules in Mage. The reason I like them as a subset of Antagonist is that they are a good catch all for monsters that overlap the PCs mechanically, allow some of the larger elements of the shared setting to come through, and that they are mechanically distinct from humans, other player templates, and from the various ephemeral beings already in the game. Also, one of my favorite Classic WOD supplements was The Bygone Bestiary, which I thought handled characterizing non-human seeming creatures well, and made micromanaging familiars and Hellhounds a lot of fun.

  24. Night Horrors: Enigmatic Cogs
    A book about the horrors of the world of darkness in general.

    Mortal Cogs: Cults and the human followers of the God-Machine. Something like the ‘Sanctum Apparatus’; the Order of the Holy Gear, a cult whereby the human followers will become part of a machine that, according to their believes, keeps the city running. It is their greatest fear that the machine will stop functioning, for than the city will cease to function.

    Dreadful Enigma’s: Creatures that don’t fit the existing lines; unique horrors ancient and new, failed/lost creations of the God-Machine.

    @Eddy – Will Pugmire contain horrors (bestial, humanoid, or something completely different)?

  25. Well, as I am STing VTM at the moment.

    1. One book id really like is some sort of updated supplement for Elysium the Elders way covering well Vampire Elders but addressing two ‘needs’ as I see it. First Methuselah which can be plot elements, maybe even PC’s – who maybe need their own supplement if its to be PC’s but I feel deserve more looking at and additional advice or ideas in order to more effectively integrate them into a chronicle – maybe even lost cultures to represent them, such as Scythians to be given in detail. The secondary need I feel when examining elders is their politics outside of the Camarilla given the Counsel of Primogen book, we have inklings of this in the VTM book Archons and Templars, and I would argue the Hidden Lair book but no say Consistory book (As far as I know).

    2. Id really like to second or third the idea of cult and cryptid books. On that or maybe in the same line for cryptid’s, nWoD had a book I really love called Night Horrors for VTR which covered monsters like Mnenovores – and I really liked that book, and I would truly love to see another book with strange monsters in the night.

    3. I brought it up once before, but I really think an ancient times or antiquity based supplement might be really nifty. We have dark ages, and that’s been done before, we also have the lovely white howlers book. But the burning of Carthage and the Punic Wars with Rome seemed a central event that might be nifty to see deeper examination as a period. That and I admit, ghouled war elephants? To ensure the other clans get love, the ongoing successor conflicts in the remnants of Alexander’s empire might be worthy of similar examination. You have the setites with the Ptolemy dynasty, the cappodicians dealing with the Seleucians, the celts being thrust out in favor of the Dacians under Rubobostes for the Tzmische. or the coming collapse of the Mauryan empire for the Ravnos. If it included other splats, namely Werewolf you could examine the movements of celtic tribes in this period, the White Howlers close to a zenith, how the Black Furies are dealing the with breakup of Alexander’s empire, the Fianna in Gaul. And for Mage, I could be wrong but I think the splits between what would eventually become the Order of Reason – then Technocracy, and what would become the Traditions have their roots in this time period. IIRC the Cosian Circle grew from the Verbana and eventually became the Progenitors with the split happening around the time of the Punic Wars. If this truly was ideal, id include accounts for how things might happen with the growth of the roman republic and later empire, with a selection of what ifs for the storyteller chapter similar to the Salubri apocrypha of the clans, concerning what if Hannibal wins the wars, someone unites Alexander’s empire or if especially daring split points for bloodlines or say a Mage in the Cult of Mercury precursor to the Order of Hermes tries to do what Tremere did earlier.
    The TL;DR version I guess: WoD: Antiquity, with tools so you can make history going forward.

    • So, just briefly: 1) I think upper level or Elder game material makes a lot of sense with many fans playing characters they’ve developed for over a decade. 2) See my mention of Night Horrors above. 3) I don’t think we’ll dive into another historical project right away, but love the Carthage setting for one if we want to do another. A Brujah playing friend of mine suggested a couple of years ago and it sounds better everytime someone else brings it up. Thanks!

  26. My pitch idea. Owod 4th edition. Or third depending how you view the progress on the lines lol. Pretty sure I brought this up before though.

    Regardless keep up the amazing work guys. I <3 Onyx path.

  27. I may be in the minority, but I really want to see Geist 2nd Edition. The game has a great concept and mood, it could just benefit from a second pass to tighten up the themes, story and powers.

    Otherwise I’m loving everything you guys are doing. Thanks! 🙂

  28. This is not a pitch or request but a question about books that I thought were hinted or being written, but can’t find mention of anymore. I like to keep track of what is or will be released.

    Making of the Art of Werewolf, Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution: Were these books on the schedule? Were they written? Did I miss their release?

    I thought once that a Demon Translation Guide had been announced, but haven’t seen more about it. Are more Translation Guides (Demon, Wraith/Geist, Changeling, Hunter, Mummy) planned?

    • Mirthful Mike is working on the Changing Breeds Making of the Art book, and once he is done we’ll use the format he has created for the W20 one. I did the Children Art Book, and we just about have that ready for general release- backers already got their PDFs of that. Thanks for remembering!

  29. Agreed on the Book of Oblivion.
    A book on magic items for Mage: the Awakening 2nd ed, to finally clarify the rules.
    A companion book for the Traditions along the lines of theTechnocracy Reloaded.
    An Umbra book for Mage, updating the changes since the Avatar Winds.
    An Ascension magic items book.
    A guide to money in M:tA. Satyr has already mentioned an idea for “The Rich Bastard’s Guide to Magick”. The Syndicate shouldn’t control all money anymore than the Technocracy controls all technology. VA tech oligarchs, SOE startups, House Tytalus and Jerboen venture capitalists, Akashic megacorps and more should all be possibilities.
    C20 with the possibilities for creating any fae character as in DA: Fae.
    Demon: the Descent 2nd. ed.

    • “A book on magic items for Mage: the Awakening 2nd ed, to finally clarify the rules.”

      No need to request that – it’s already been approved for a year, was announced at GenCon, and I’m working on the outline. Awakening 2E’s first supplement will be about magical tools / imbued items / artifacts / soul shenanigans / Supernal verges.

      • Hey Dave! Might I ask for a favour, could you guys make some passing mention as to what happens if said artifacts fall into the hands of non-Mages? What could a vampire/hunter/geist/etc. do with a small piece of Supernal magic?

      • In the converse of Stylanski’s suggestion, could we have rules about mages using other supers’ magic items, such as fetishes and Changeling tokens? Spirit and Fate Arcana might let them be used more effectively than regular humans can.

  30. I would like more shifters for NWoD second edition.

    Not entirely sure if I want it as an offshoot to Werewolf or it’s own thing. But something new and unique.

    • Yeah I really would like another take on Changing Breeds, really disliked that book, I would like it to be more on the vein of the War Against the Pure shifters.

    • I’m cool with the unified social system in CB, and the Build-a-Bear approach to designing your own breeds, but I could do with more Gift Parity with Werewolf, and less of a grab bag with Aspects. In fact, I’d rather see Aspects and Breed Boons get folded into Breed-specific Gift Lists. And let’s completely Discard Numina and Beast Magic; too much dabbling, not enough balance.

      Homebrew when WtF 2.0 comes out?


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