Trinity Continuum: Aegis? Good Gods! [Monday Meeting Notes]

That’s right! The Crowdfunding By BackerKit campaign for Trinity Continuum: Aegis starts tomorrow, Tuesday the 25th at 2pm Eastern US time!

The furthest backwards in time that we’ve gone in the Trinity Continuum, TC: Aegis is set roughly in the Bronze Age Collapse/Early Iron Age eras, with enough notes and suggestions to run your game during the full Bronze Age and/or around the Trojan War (for those inspired by the body of media around that!).

Most importantly, while the classical European Bronze Age-ish locations and myths are the center of focus, there is much more going on in the world that the book touches on.

As for how one Trinity Continuum era can contain such a wide range of times periods and locations…well, you’ll have to read it!

And you will be able to read it before the campaign is over, as, just like all of our crowdfunding campaigns for years, we’ll be releasing chapters of the text to backers throughout the course of the crowdfunding. We’re really looking forward to your comments as each section of the book is released!

To get everybody prepped and ready to crowdfund, here are some thoughts from the writing and development team!

Ian Watson (TC Content Guru):

Did you know, Aegis was one of the original proposed names in 1997 for the space game before Æon was settled on? The idea of the Inspired in ancient Greece has been teased for over 20 years now, since Adventure! and the Aberrant Players Guide back in 2001. So it’s had a long time to percolate among the minds of the fanbase, and I’ve had a long time to think about it.

We’re calling back to the past in a lot of ways with this release, and I’m thrilled that we’re finally here, presenting something wildly different to any previous Trinity Continuum era. Lauren and her team did an amazing job bringing Aegis to life. We hope you like what we’ve put together. And I hope the Setting Secrets chapter fires off some ideas for you about the future of the Continuum.

Lauren Roy (Developer):

When I say I’m excited about everything, I genuinely mean it. The team did such an amazing job throughout the whole book, from giving us an overview of the ancient world, to providing new mysterious places to explore, to introducing a whole bunch of cool monsters and nuanced antagonists. The colleges have a little bit of something for everyone — scholars! explorers! inventors! adventurers!

The writers really leaned into themes from mythology and classic works, delving into how fate interacts with Dramatic Editing, and what Super Science looks like during this time period. They put a lot of thought into the Inspired characters and their Gifts, offering up compelling reasons to play each type and cool powers to wield. AND there’s excellent advice for Storyguides on what kinds of stories you can tell, how to dial the degree of godly involvement in your characters’ lives up or down, and what to do if your characters change history as we know it.

I’d love to gush about all the awesome reveals in the setting secrets chapter, but this ominous-looking thundercloud just started forming over my house, so I’d probably better heed the omen and stop typing…

Stephen Tasker (Writer):

“I’m most excited to see our reader’s reactions to how we translated a setting traditionally associated with fantasy into science fiction. In writing Gifts, it was always in the back of my mind that each ability needed to have an explanation for how it worked not only mechanically but also how it worked within the constraints of the world.”

Kim Godwin (Writer):

I’m excited for Aegis because the mystery of the setting combined with the real world mysteries of the Bronze Age collapse lend themselves well for game play. Searching for lost cities and fighting off giant beasts that roam the dark forests or delving into caverns to the Underworld are all things people can do with Aegis.

Travis Legge (Writer):

Working on Aegis was a delight. I had the great privilege of writing several of the Colleges which allowed me to explore what was going on in the world of antiquity through the unique lens the setting provides. While Aegis, like all Trinity Continuum settings, is firmly rooted in science fiction, exploring the sci-fi elements of the setting through the fantastical perspective of the people of the era was a rewarding and joyous experience. I look forward to seeing what the audience thinks of what we’ve crafted!

Eddy Webb (General Troublemaker):

I didn’t work on Aegis, but I did interview Lauren and Ian for the Pathcast (coming out this Friday!), and honestly the game sounds amazing. It’s a fantastic blend of sci-fi and historical that made Aether so exciting, but it’s got a dash of fantasy vibe without being fantasy. If you think clockwork owls are cool in ancient settings, this is definitely a game to check out!

Which is my cue to let y’all know that this coming Friday’s Onyx Pathcast provides a great opportunity to find out even more about TC: Aegis as Eddy interviews Ian and Lauren about the project! Pathcast blurb!

And here‘s a blurb about catching tomorrow’s TC: Aegis Writers’ Discussion at noon EDT on our Twitch channel! Even more of a chance to garner more info and insight into our newest Trinity Continuum era – straight from the writers, themselves! And as always, this discussion panel will arrive on our YouTube channel in just a few weeks – plenty of time to view it there and pledge! Twitch blurb!

Crucible of Legend art by Tham Hoi Mun


This Friday, the 28th, is Friday Night Game Night With Onyx Path at StartPlaying.Games! It’s possible you can even sit in on a TC: Aegis game, although the other Trinity Continuum games are more likely! Check it out here:

TC: Anima art by HIVE Studios

Matthew Dawkins continues his repartee and discussion about armor in The World Below with last Thursday’s Blog.

Not only does the post cover issues such as scarcity of items in the underground, but also what materials are available and how are they harvested/made? Now, bear in mind that this is a fantasy setting, so these questions can have some pretty interesting and unique answers!

The World Below Ashcan Edition PDF has reached Electrum Seller status on DriveThruRPG! If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, please do so as it’s chock full of info all about The World Below: enough to get you started playing, in fact! If you have, please leave a rating and a review! It’ll only take you a minute.

Scion Dragon Jumpstart art by Digital Art Chefs


Folks, just a reminder that Onyx Path, as a game-creation company, did not work on the 5e editions of the World of Darkness core books. We didn’t consult, see them ahead of time to comment, nor have any involvement in their creation. How and why decisions were made is as much of a black box to us as to you.

Some very few of our freelancers were involved as freelancers, but not Onyx Path as a licensee of Paradox. In the early days of V5, we created a series of supplements under Paradox‘s approval, which we think were damn fine work across the board, but we’ve as yet created nothing for H5 or Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5e.

We still have a lot of fun creating 20th Anniversary WoD books, though – in fact W20 Howls of Apocalypse came out on DTRPG just last week! – so our love for WoD does indeed have a place to shine, and we continue to work with Paradox on those (and the CofD books in the pipeline and Exalted3e).

Along similar lines of concern, Onyx Path‘s own, unlicensed, game lines continue to strive for inclusion and cultural respect. We don’t hit that goal all of the time, and regret those times we don’t, but we do keep trying for it.

With our game lines that were once owned by White Wolf that is no more, we have taken those elements that long-time fans have loved, and done our best to listen to our creators and when necessary change those elements first created over twenty years ago into games our current teams can be proud of.

It’s not always easy, and not everybody agrees every time with exactly how to handle updating, expanding, rewriting, or even excising material. And like I noted, as a company and as individuals, we do make mistakes as we try and travel this path we’ve chosen. But we gotta try.

Not going to do a pithy or silly segue into our motto; we’ll just let it stand as it is this week.




Coming up TUESDAY July 25th at 2pm Eastern US it’s Trinity Continuum: Aegis on BackerKit!

Here a link to the BackerKit campaign landing page!

Onyx Path Media!

This week:

Eddy talks with Ian Watson and Lauren Roy about Trinity Continuum: Aegis!

As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue!

Onyx Path Media now has its own blog on Tuesdays! We’ll continue posting our highlight of the week here, but Tuesday will be the day to visit if you want to catch up on actual plays, interviews, deep dives, and other assorted Onyx Path media!

Please check out our attached media schedule for the videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!


The Old Ways Podcast are two episodes in to their They Came From actual play, It Came from the Eye of the Storm! What’s more, the show is doing a giveaway of the game! Check out the first part right here: 

The Onyx Path News discusses recent and upcoming releases! You can find it on our YouTube channel (click the bell to be informed when we go live!) but if you missed the last episode, here it is:

Virtual Tabletop!

We have several items on sale in Roll20‘s X-Mas in July Sale:

They Came From Beneath the Sea! on Roll20 VTT!

Here are some more shots from the They Came From Beneath the Sea! Compendium!

And there’s also the Scion Jumpstart, all ready for Roll20 VTT fun!

More news and links when we have them!

The Scion: Origin and Scion Hero Compendiums are now available on Roll20!

Scion is just the start! They Came From Beneath the Sea! and other
Onyx Path RPGs are in development for Roll20 virtual tabletop!

The first of our official Scion sheets designed for Foundry VTT are
now available!

Direct Link:

Looking for more virtual tabletop resources? We have a selection of
Tokens, Encounters, and more available now at DriveThruRPG!

Get ’em here:

Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Studio 2 has a few of our traditional printed books and screens on sale until the end of the month:

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link!

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at!

DTRPG‘s massive X_Mas in July Sale is NOW LIVE.

Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

five fiction books

Check out Melody Through the Mirrorshade Lens and Facets of Truth , as well as Trinity Continuum: Terat and The Hollow Courts on Kindle in the Kindle store!

On Sale This Week!

This month’s Tasty Bit is for TC: Aberrant and it is focusing (much like many brooding superheroes) on Rooftops! PDF available this Weds on DTRPG!


As we are slowly returning to attending conventions in person after the current COVID-19 outbreak, keep an eye out here for more physical and virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!

GameHoleCon (Oct 19th – 22nd) has updated their Exhibitor list, and we’re on it!:

We’ll be part of the Studio 2 booth at PAX Unplugged (December 1st – 3rd):

Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at Start.Playing is THIS Friday the 28th! Come play some Trinity Continuum in celebration of the Trinity Continuum: Aegis crowdfunding! (But any of our game lines are welcome all day long!)

Please spread the word about GMing games as much as
possible. Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in
the FAQ:

And now, the new project status updates!

Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out June’s full list report here:


Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:


Branch Riders – Branch Riders

  • Eddy: The Branch Riders team have made all their adjustments and corrections. I’m going to give the whole thing another top-to-bottom review, and then I’ll get it ready for Rich’s review as the Bodhana team prep for the crowdfunding campaign!

Manuscript Approval

Scion – Titans Rising (was Titanomachy 2)

  • Matthew: I am having a lot of fun reading through this book. Amazing work from the team! I can’t wait for all of you to see it.

Post-Approval Development

Scion – Scion: Divine Inspiration

  • Matthew: The team on Divine Inspiration came up with some fantastic designs for how to present accessible story hooks, so keep your eyes open, Storyguides.


They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave! – They Came from Witchford Academy!

  • Matthew: Back from approvals and ready for editing goes Witchford Academy, shooting through inboxes on a broomstick.

Exalted – Deeds Yet Undone (was Exalted Essence Adventure Trilogy)

  • Danielle: I said if you blinked you’d miss it, and here we are at editing.

Tasty Bit – Scion: Dragon: Library

  • Eddy: The bookwyrms have been removed from the books, and everything is catalogued correctly as we send it off to be carefully filed and edited!


In Art Direction

  • SCION Titans Rising – Tweaking the cover notes….
  • TC Aegis (KS) – Tomorrow!
  • W20 Icons of Rage – KMJ doing the remaining portraits.

In Layout

  • SCION Once and Future – Welsh symbol done… and is a beauty.


  • TC Assassins VTT Adventure – Working on fixes… there’s a bunch.
  • M20 Lore of the Traditions – At Paradox for approval.
  • Legendlore: Legacies of Earth 


At Press

  • TC Anima – Errata incorporation… next day or so.
  • TC: Adventure! – Sending press cover over to printer.
  • TC Adventure Storyguide Screen and Booklet – Quoting with Printers.
  • Exalted Essence – Quoting with Printers.
  • W20 Apocalyptic Record – Quoting with Printers.
  • W20 Apocalyptic Record Screen & Booklet – Quoting with Printers.
  • Ex 3 Crucible of Legends – Advance PDF prepping.
  • MtAw Tome of the Pentacle – PoD proofs on the way.
  • The World Below Ashcan – PoD proofs on the way.
  • Tasty Bit – TC: Aberrant: Rooftops PDF available Weds on DTRPG!

Today’s Reason to Celebrate!

On Friday, the 28th we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the publication of the Creature Collection 3.5 Edition, the Player’s Guide to Fighters and Barbarians, and the Player’s Guide to Wizards, Bards & Sorcerers – all for Scarred Lands. Plus, on Saturday we celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Strix Chronicle Anthology, and the 8 year anniversary of V20 Dark Ages! The best part is that all five books were laid out by our own Mirthful Mike Chaney!

12 thoughts on “Trinity Continuum: Aegis? Good Gods! [Monday Meeting Notes]”

  1. Way back when, Ian let it slip that they were doing a setting called Aegis, I was intrigued. Excited. Tantalized by this concept. I am a HUUUUGE fan of Ancient Greece and I usually back every TC book at the highest level possible. This one will be no different. I cannot wait to devour all the information.

  2. A big “Thank you!” flutters towards Eddy Web for mentioning the clockwork owl Hephaestus built on Athenas behalf … the Ray Harryhausen – vibes make this setting even more interesting.

    Furthermore Aegis being a SciFi-Setting in this ancient world sounds very intriguing. This startet me dreaming about a TC-Meta-Setting using a kind of time/reality-jumping “ship” and its crew. This prototype The-Aeon-Regulatory-Division-Infiltration-Ship (short T.A.R.D.I.S) gets to get the inspired people of the Society to times, places and parallel universes, where they are required to correct events that might damage the continuum. Maybe the ship hat some kind of chameleon-effect, but that was damaged while they visited ancient pompeii and now looks like an ancient roman sentry box.

    • That’s right. The MMN blog progress report shows each week when there’s some sort of progress as judged by the devs and Mirthful Mike. When Ian posts the monthly wrap-up or round-up, that’s when the list of everything we’re working on regardless of movement is shown. Thanks!

  3. Rich,
    I’m sorry to see you still have to post things like the “Some Reminders” section of this blog. After all these years I hoped the word had spread. Thank you and all the freelancers for continuing to try your hardest to make everyone feel welcome at your table.


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