Miracles of Modern Science

So, I’m sitting here writing this up on my new tablet that I went with instead of a laptop (for those regular readers who remember my indecision on that subject a bunch of months ago) because my cable and Internet are both down and that inevitable eventuality is a big part of why I got … Read more

One of Us was Sick, the Other: Tired.

Monday Eddy was sick, so we didn’t have our meeting. Tuesday, he was OK, so we did meet over lunch, but then I, overwhelmed by a wave of post-Exalted 3rd Kickstarter whoop-ass, just lagged out. I’m pretty sure the after effects are over, but boy, a month of that crazy Kickstarter really just drained me. … Read more

And Just Like That, It’s June!

How did we get here so fast? So many projects- we need to warp time to cover them all. Like a Time-Lord even. Look at me, the king of segues- so Eddy and I talked about Dr. Who at today’s Monday Lunch Meeting, and as we’ve discussed in the past we’re both kind of “meh” … Read more

Thanks for Waiting

Seriously, thanks for waiting until I had both time and head-space to get the notes together. Eddy and I talked on Memorial Day, so I was treated to seeing him in his study as he had the day off from CCP. We talked a lot about the Open Dev Process, which he was diving back … Read more

A PDF and a PoD Walk Into a Bar…

Today’s Monday Meeting Notes are going to go in reverse order of how Eddy and I talked today. No reason except I want the meaty bit to be all together near the Updates, but we actually talked about it first. Eddy convinces me to give Elementary another chance, based solely on his enthusiasm. We confer … Read more

Short, Sweet, and Upbeat

Sorry this goes out later Monday/early Tuesday, but while we had our Monday Meeting, I couldn’t get to the notes because of the follow-up meetings and phone calls. They all got pushed to Monday after the massive madness of the launch of our Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter. If you haven’t heard, that went OK. … Read more

Adios April-

This week, what I can relay about our Monday Lunch Meeting is pretty limited in that Eddy and I had quite a bit to cover, but most of it was behind the scenes or stuff that’ll be talked about soon. Nothing we can really blab about as yet. Which leaves the twenty minutes we talked … Read more

All Things Are Better With More Arms

Before getting to the Monday Lunch Meeting Notes, here are a few thoughts that have arisen based on some emails I received last week (although we did talk about these at lunch too). I got an interesting message from one of our Mummy: The Curse Kickstarter backers where they let me know that they didn’t … Read more

A Taxing Day in the USA

In more ways than one. First, here in the US April 15 is the deadline to send in our income tax to the government. This year was the first year I did it for Onyx Path, and so it was a tad stressful and complicated but ultimately it was nice to know that the company … Read more