Redlines and Anthologies [Mage: The Awakening]

Hello everyone! I’m calling a break on the blog for the time being, as Mage has hit the point of me writing up my redlines so that the authors come back from the Holidays and start the final draft. Those of you who came to GenCon saw the first stages of the redlines, in traditional … Read more

Anthology Ahoy! [Promethean: The Created]

Hey, sorry about the hiatus. Here’s all the Promethean news that’s fit to print: Last week, Michelle wrapped up editing of the Firestorm Anthology. This anthology is a little different from the ones for the God-Machine Chronicle and Vampire, and for the upcoming ones for Werewolf and Mage, because unlike those lines, Prometheans doesn’t have a surplus of existing fiction to draw on. Also, … Read more

Beasts Wild and Strange [Cavaliers of Mars]

Cavaliers of Mars is influenced by the kinds of older fantasy and historical fiction of various eras that I’m so fond of — you’ll find some Jack Vance rubbing shoulders with some Arturo Perez-Reverte, just for starters. From Vance and Clark Ashton-Smith, particularly, comes the haunted landscape of a dying world that’s more wistful than … Read more

The River of Death [Promethean: The Created]

Since the Wraith: The Oblivion Kickstarter launches in a couple of hours, I figured today would be a good day to talk about one of my favorite bits of Promethean – the journey to the River of Death. In Promethean first edition, Created characters could return from death once. The character’s Azoth would flare (and the trait dropped to … Read more

The Onmyodo [Mage: The Awakening]

As selected in last week’s poll, here is the full first draft of Tokyo in Awakening Second Edition’s setting chapter. Along with London, Tucson, Los Angeles, and Salamanca, it serves as an example of how Mage works in a specific setting, rather than the general terms we write most of the books in. Tokyo, as you … Read more

Playing at Humanity: Roles [Promethean: The Created]

No two Prometheans have the same Pilgrimage. The journey to the New Dawn takes a Promethean through multiple Refinements, and each of those Refinements has multiple lessons about humanity. Those lessons are called Roles, facets of humanity as expressed through the practical philosophy of a Refinement. A Promethean must master at least one Role in each … Read more

Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages [Promethean: The Created]

I took a class on Chaucer in college, and the prof taught us to read Middle English, which sounds more like German or Dutch than it does modern English. Chaucer’s most famous work is The Canterbury Tales, which, as you might know, chronicles the journeys of some pilgrims en route to Canterbury. A “pilgrimage” is a … Read more

Luminous Beings [Mage: The Awakening]

The people have spoken, and so Nimbus it is. Some supernatural beings in the World of Darkness are possessed of an “aura”, a spiritual presence that tells those so sensitive that the being is something else. Vampires have a predatory aura, werewolves have a powerful, feral mein about them. Mages’ souls are wrapped in the stuff … Read more

Nov 21 Open Dev Roundup

In case you missed any, open dev posts from the last week include: Werewolf: The Forsaken 2e: I Got Your Questions Right Here Mage: The Awakening 2e: Sophia’s Choice (Wisdom) Promethean: The Created 2e: Sunday Poll and Rambling about NPCs Promethean: The Created 2e: The Freaks Come Out at Night: The Centimani