One Pack, Many Prey

Oh, that’s where you are! Why didn’t you say so? You did? Sorry, I was up past my ears in stuff for… well, other books being announced at GenCon right now. Anyway, the others are all there and I’ve got keys to the blog. David Hill’s around here somewhere, and he has comitted bloggeration, but that was in another timezone, and besides, the draft is red.

Yes, that’s the Jew of Malta in the opening paragraph. I don’t get out much.

Let’s start with some news. As revealed at GenCon today, the Idigam Chronicle is no more. It’s now Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition. I’m really quite excited about that. It’s the same great book I’ve been telling you about, but now the title’s not going to confuse anyone.

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Awakened Inspirations

Welcome back! It’s my last day at home before starting the Ohgod miles journey to Indianapolis and GenCon, but I think the poll on the last post is now comprehensively won by “Consilia,” and I thought I’d put the next post up. Speaking of GenCon, I’ve now had the working draft of Fallen World Chronicle … Read more


Beating the Orders out by a nose, Paths won the vote. Like I said last week, we’re not voting on next week’s topic – I’ll be at GenCon, so I’m going to prewrite a guide to Awakening’s inspirational media and publish it on Wednesday whenever I get within range of the internet on my very, … Read more

Be Accursed: The Followers of Set

One more chapter for Lore of the Clans before we get ready for Gen Con! Today I have the Followers of Set, written by Joshua Doetsch. Here’s the link to the Google Doc: Edit: Link removed now that open development is closed. Thank you! Joshua’s a couple thousand words under (mainly in the mechanics section), so he has … Read more

A lever and a firm place to stand

Welcome back to our tour of Awakening‘s Fallen World Chronicle. To the list of fora I’m now monitoring, we can add Penny Arcade’s tabletop roleplaying game thread. Hello everyone over there! So. What’s a “Yantra,” then? Put simply, when we were designing Fallen World Chronicle, wedecided to organize the spellcasting rules — every form of … Read more

Blood Will Have Blood: The Assamites

Next on the open development tour for Lore of the Clans is Clan Assamite, written by Alan Alexander. The link to the Google Doc containing his material is here: Edit: Link removed now that open development is closed. Thank you! Alan’s pretty heavily over his word count, so I’m pretty focused on where we can … Read more


. Revelations Many thanks to everyone who voted, and commented on the last post and in the satellite discussions on our forums,, SomethingAwful and 4Chan. And even the one person posting on Giant in the Playground (like the Eye, I’m always watching). It’s exciting to see how many people are taking an interest in … Read more