Mummy: The Guild

Hi, gang. A couple weeks ago, we introduced the concept of the decree — a personal polarity that defines the core of a given mummy’s soul — and then last week we offered a sneak peek at the cults of the Arisen. Beyond these differences, mummies also organize themselves into guilds: circles that teach Arisen … Read more

Mummy: The Cult

Hi, gang. Last week, we took five to dish a little on our design philosophy behind the Arisen. This week, we’re back to spoiling the hell out of our new game–in this case, cults. From a WoD design perspective, I wanted cults to fill the role filled in other games by elements like bloodlines (Vampire) … Read more

Magic: The Affinity

Hi, gang. Last week, we introduced the concept of the Utterance — the most powerful magic at a mummy’s command. This week, we take a look at a more common, daily-use type of power the Arisen call the Affinity. The radiant Sekhem within mummies anoints them with improbable good fortune and preternatural competence. This is … Read more

Magic: The Utterance

Hi, gang. Last week, we talked a little about the magical paradigm of the Arisen. This week, we delve even deeper to provide a look at the most powerful magic the Arisen can wield: the Utterance. The dark miracles that are the realm of Utterances could scarcely be considered “natural” by any right-thinking person. It’s … Read more

Mummy: Magic

Hi, gang. Last week, we talked a bit about how magic suffuses the Arisen, from their fleshly shells to the occult wonders they can work in the living world. This week, we expound on magic in Mummy. Magic as Lifeforce Wherever life exists—or even the potential for life—mystical energy bubbles up from the cosmic firmament … Read more