Editing, ho! [Werewolf: The Forsaken]

The big news? Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition has gone off to editing. I’ve compiled everyone’s final drafts, incorporated playtest feedback, and cross-checked as best one person can that everything lines up. It’s taken a while, not just because of little things like the W20 Book of the Wyrm kickstarter, but also things going on offline. Anyway. That’s all sorted and the book’s hit a blood great milestone.

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One Pack, Many Prey

Oh, that’s where you are! Why didn’t you say so? You did? Sorry, I was up past my ears in stuff for… well, other books being announced at GenCon right now. Anyway, the others are all there and I’ve got keys to the blog. David Hill’s around here somewhere, and he has comitted bloggeration, but that was in another timezone, and besides, the draft is red.

Yes, that’s the Jew of Malta in the opening paragraph. I don’t get out much.

Let’s start with some news. As revealed at GenCon today, the Idigam Chronicle is no more. It’s now Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition. I’m really quite excited about that. It’s the same great book I’ve been telling you about, but now the title’s not going to confuse anyone.

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The World of Darkness, Second Edition

Hi, folks. Rose here. 🙂 Today at Gen Con, we announced something big: the second edition of the new World of Darkness. This is an exciting move for us, something we’ve wanted to do for years. (UPDATE: The wrong draft of this post originally went up. We’ve now put up the correct draft, which clarifies a … Read more


Forsaken Friday’s back, everyone! And it’s a long one, to make up for what I’ve missed.

As you might have noticed, I’ve been a bit busy — both with the Deluxe Book of the Wyrm 20 Kickstarter, and with finishing redlines to pass back to the writers. Let’s get started!

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