V20 Dark Ages Necromancy

As I ramp up development and turn words into final drafts, I plan to share more and more content. So here’s a good way to start: Necromancy. This is just the paths. It’s a pretty big chunk of wordcount, though. I felt it deserved a lot of attention, so did Thaumaturgy. Because, you know, Cappadocians, … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Lamiae

Hi everybody! Right now, we’re closing in on a lot of drafts of V20 Dark Ages. Many are in editing. Some are getting some last-stage polish. In the mean time, I wanted to share one of my favorite V20 Dark Ages bloodline writeups: The Lamiae. We have about a dozen bloodlines, and a few transitional … Read more

V20 Ghouls: An Outline & Inspirations

Back in September I shared the V20 Ghouls Outline Panel Recap, and since then I’ve hired a team of writers. This post gives you a quick version of the outline that we hashed out from the Outlining Panel, and what we’ve been working on since then: Prologue: Opening Fiction 5,000 Words – Monica Valentinelli Introduction … Read more