Scarred Lands 24 hour Warning!

Fewer than 24 hours remain on the Scarred Lands Kickstarter for Pathfinder and 5e! Less than 200 years ago, the world of Scarn was home to prosperous people. The inhabitants of the world toiled the land, hunted the beasts, and built civilizations. But all this was in the shadow of the world’s most awesome inhabitants, … Read more

Release Roundup: January 2016

Here’s what we released over the last month: Demon: The Descent’s Demon Storytellers Guide in advance PDF Exalted’s Tales from the Age of Sorrows in ebook and print-on-demand Chronicles of Darkness Condition, Numina, and Dread Power Cards in advance PDF Werewolf: The Forsaken 2e Condition Cards in advance PDF Scarred Lands’ Gauntlet of Spiragos Adventure for … Read more

Now Available: Gauntlet of Spiragos 5e

Now that Wizards of the Coast has announced the 5e OGL, we’re delighted to present the 5e version of our free Gauntlet of Spiragos adventure! For centuries, titans bestrode the world, colossal heads and shoulders lost in the clouds, carelessly smashing and crushing all beneath. When the youngest of them had enough and declared war … Read more

It’s Black Friday!

The PDF of Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition is 50% off for TODAY ONLY! If you’ve been uncertain whether or not to check out this new edition of Vampire: The Requiem, now’s the perfect chance. Correction: This blog post earlier stated that the price was $4.99, which is incorrect. The $9.99 currently listed on DriveThruRPG is … Read more

Day 19: Hollowfaust

Onyx Path’s Month of Nightmares features games, stories, and more to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Count down the days with us by reading our excerpts, participating in the discussion, or by taking advantage of our special offers leading up to a haunted Halloween. “These are the gates of the Free City-State of Hollowfaust. Beyond … Read more

Day 2: Gauntlet of Spiragos

Onyx Path’s Month of Nightmares features games, stories, and more to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Count down the days with us by reading our excerpts, participating in the discussion, or by taking advantage of our special offers leading up to a haunted Halloween. I wrote this adventure across several months of weekends while my … Read more

Onyx Path Saturday at Gen Con 2015: featuring Exalted & More

Saturday at Gen Con 2015 in glorious Indianapolis! If you come by our booth at 1103 in the convention center, we are giving away an Exalted collectible pin, and a card that you can use as a Willpower bonus during your game! We’re only giving these out today, and will have different pins and cards for the rest … Read more