Onyx Path Publishing Announces They Came from Beyond the Grave! Tabletop RPG

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 9, 2020 — Rich Thomas, founder and creative director of Onyx Path Publishing announced They Came from Beyond the Grave! This new B-movie theme tabletop rpg is a tongue-in-cheek horror game employing the Storypath System. They Came from Beyond the Grave! draws from 60s and 70s horror films similarly to how … Read more

Release Retrospective: 2019

It’s been a big year for us at Onyx Path! To hit just a few of the many highlights: For our Onyx Path-owned games, we released Scion 2nd Edition (Origin and Hero) and Trinity Continuum (and Æon), the first games using our new in-house Storypath System. For our partner games, we brought you Fetch Quest … Read more

Onyx Path Publishing and DriveThruRPG Partner to Create Storypath Nexus

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Onyx Path Publishing and DriveThruRPG Partner to Create “Storypath Nexus”, a Community Content Program for Storypath System-powered Games August 1, 2019 — Onyx Path Publishing, owner and producer for the Scion 2nd Edition, Trinity Continuum, and They Came from Beneath the Sea tabletop game lines, is partnering with DriveThruRPG to allow independent content … Read more

Directorial Control [They Came from Beneath the Sea!]

Many features of our Storypath games contain similar effects, but go under different names in different contexts. For example, Scion’s Twists of Fate have characters calling on divine energies to twist fate in their favor. The Trinity Continuum’s Dramatic Editing has Talents subconsciously tweaking probabilities in the fabric of reality. I thought it might be fun to check out how They Came from Beneath the Sea! contextualizes the same thing: A Special Case: Directorial Control If you’ve activated a … Read more

An Introduction [They Came From Beneath The Sea!]

This excerpt comes from the Introduction chapter. There’s less than a week left on the Kickstarter for TCFBTS! You are about to land in a lonely zone of terror… on an uncharted atoll in the Pacific! You are part of The Second Scientific Expedition dispatched to this mysterious bit of Coral reef and volcanic rock. The first group has disappeared without a trace! Your job is to find out why! … Read more