Cavaliers of Mars Gen Con demo kit! [Cavaliers of Mars]

Tomb Stalkers attack graverobbers near Chiaro
Tomb Stalkers attack grave robbers near Chiaro

(Update: An earlier version of this post lacked the actual link. Oops, and fixed!)

Hi, folks! I ran demos of Cavaliers at Mars at our booth throughout Gen Con, and the Wrecking Crew did the same thing in our game room. We had a blast playing the game with folks, and I thought I’d share the short demo kit I was using in the booth.

The rules packet covers the core resolution system and the combat engine, trimmed down from the latest playtesting documents. The included characters show a range of careers and traits, but there are even more in the full game. And those come together in the scenario, an action scene where you can go blade-to-blade with the Princess Invincible herself.

Click here to view it.

Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

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