Going to Press/ing Needs [Monday Meeting Notes]

Pugmire OPP logo

Thought I’d share this cool version of our Onyx Path logo customized for Pugmire by our own Impish Ian Watson.

Ian points out that five years ago when I started Onyx Path Publishing, I made a bunch of game line versions of our logo just for the fun of it, really.  But with a lot of our focus being to introduce folks to Onyx Path these past several years, we used the “standard” OP logo in order to build that recognition factor for the symbol. But I’d like to see this game line style be used more now.

What can I say? I’m part of the MTV generation and was studying design and corporate identification when they were playing fun games with the MTV logo.

So, if you look below to Mirthful Mike’s part of the updates, you might note that we have a lot of projects in the “To Press” category right now. This, for us, is a good thing. It means that a lot of the projects we’ve been nurturing are in these last stages before they get to you.

But let’s break that down for these projects, because “At Press” means different things depending on the project:

At Press

  • Pugmire Early Access- The Mirthful One is putting the PoD files together for this and we’ll be looking at getting PoD proofs. It’s “At Press” because the files go through a review after we upload them to DTRPG, and then the PoD printer also reviews the files and gets the proofs out to us.
  • M20 Deluxe Edition- Truly “At Press” in the same way Mirthful Mike and I have delivered hundreds of books over the years as it is with the traditional printer we use for the Deluxe books, and is finishing up gilding of the pages as the last part of the manufacturing process.
  • Chronicles of Darkness Cards- The PoD proof versions have been ordered, so we just need to OK them. So, “At Press” in that the press would be ready to roll once we OK the proofs.
  • Gauntlet of Spiragos 5e- Mirthful Mike has these files prepped to post on DTRPG, so a bit early for “At Press”, but finished in every other stage.
  • Forsaken 2 Condition Cards- The PoD proof versions have been ordered, so we just need to OK them. So, “At Press” in that the press would be ready to roll once we OK the proofs.
  • Chronicles of Darkness- The PoD proof versions (both Standard and Premium Color) have been ordered, so we just need to OK them. So, “At Press” in that the press would be ready to roll once we OK the proofs.
  • Demon Storyteller’s Guide- We discovered one small error and this book needs that fixed even though I already ordered the PoD proofs. So even “At Press” we can make some fixes.
  • Beast Screen- We’ve sent the traditional printing files for this to our Screen printer. They have had some questions, but not returned their approval proofs to me. So not really “At Press” in the sense that they are not literally on the printing press being printed yet, but are in the first stages of that process. We wouldn’t want to have them just print our files without checking that they have interfaced with their printing tech. So traditionally printed “At Press” for us has always been for us the moment the files left our office.
  • Truth Beyond Paradox- With one correction, this can be prepped for PoD.
  • Lore of the Clans LtD Edition- Files sent to the traditional printer, we need proofs from them as above.
  • Lore of the Clans Screen- See Beast Screen. To elaborate, that moment of passing our files to the printer was one of exquisite pleasure, particularly back in the day where it might have involved chasing the FedEx guy with our package of files (before DropBox and FTP sites). Sometimes we “chased” the FedEx guy by blocking his truck into our office park with our cars as the artist or designer finished the last pages in the files. Good times.

Those are the details of “At Press”, but the big picture is that it represents a lot of projects on the cusp of going live to all of you, like I mentioned before. These were “pressing issues” for us, as are the projects at every stage in the Updates. You can see times where books leap forward, or settle into a stage for what seems like a really long time, and that ebb and flow is vitally important to us.

Some of that pulse is because we are at the stage in Onyx Path’s growth where we are adjusting our processes and personnel, and honestly we are still dealing with the new work processes necessitated by the purchase of the WW IPs by Paradox Interactive, now the new White Wolf Publishing.

While we’re bringing our projects forward, we’re also extending what we can do with our projects starting this year with the C20 Deluxe dice set, and the dice sets for the rebooted Scarred Lands and for Pugmire. We are looking at getting Chronicles of Darkness character sheets on Roll20, as well as sheets and NPC chits and maps for Scarred Lands and Pugmire up there, in order to enable our players who play online.

As is typical for our Kickstarters, we continue to have fiction (both novels and anthologies) being created, and now Pugmire is bringing a new element to our fiction by including an already passed Stretch Goal for turning one of the stories into an audio drama like the little dramatization at the beginning of the KS video.

Even further, we just revealed a Pugmire Stretch Goal that would enable Eddy to work with his cohorts at EarPlay to create a Pugmire Interactive Audio Drama, including founder Dave Grossman who has done some amazing work in the computer gaming area like Return to Monkey Island. This is an amazing step in the direction of getting our worlds into more media – which I believe can greatly enhance the fun for gamers who this week, let’s say, can’t get a group together but can enjoy their favorite setting via other media.

Which is an important part of all of these tendrils we are putting forth; we always come back to whether this new direction, whatever it is, can enhance and build on the tabletop gaming experience. Now you, as an individual, might not be into audio stories. But you might love online tabletop RPG gaming with a group of friends now scattered all over the world. Or you’re not into that, but love some dice. Etc, etc.

This is going to be a really exciting year for Onyx Path, between new releases, long-awaited releases, and our experiments into different media with our worlds. Thanks for walking it with us.





Pugmire Dog Face logo

I might have referenced this above: it’s the Pugmire kickstarter! Pledge to enable us to create a beautiful full color, hardcover, 180+ page, 7″ x 10″ core rulebook that we can also get into game stores. We’re doing lots of great stuff with this Kickstarter including both a fiction anthology and turning at least one of those stories into an audio drama. Backers can download the Pugmire Early Access PDF and get playing right away on the basic version of the game so check it out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/pugmire-fantasy-tabletop-rpg

And here is a very in-depth interview that Eddy Webb had with The Gentleman Gamer where Eddy also answers all sorts of questions about Pugmire, Sherlock Holmes, his work with EarPlay, and Vampire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ePtKD54Bg



Starting today and running for two weeks, there are twin Werewolf: the Apocalypse Bundle of Holding Sales going on here: https://bundleofholding.com/presents/WerewolfApoc1 and https://bundleofholding.com/presents/WerewolfApoc2 There are some great deals on these classic PDFs, and 10% of the profits of these sales go to The Bodhana Group to help promote RPGs as counseling tools.


We are waiting for the PoD proof for the Chronicles of Darkness Core Rulebook, and if we get them in time we’ll get the PDF and PoD versions up on DTRPG this Weds!

CofD Front Screen Res


Gauntlet of Spiragos is a 5E D&D adventure for the Scarred Lands and is now available free as a PDF. Just like the Pathfinder version of Gauntlet of Spiragos, this one will eventually have a physical copy Print on Demand version as well. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171523/Gauntlet-of-Spiragos-5E-OGL-adventure

Spiragos 5E


Condition Card PDFs for both Chronicles of Darkness http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171574/Chronicles-of-Darkness-Condition-Numina-and-Dread-Power-Cards and Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171573/Werewolf-the-Forsaken-2nd-Edition-Condition-Cards are now up dealt up at DTRPG, with PoD cards soon to come!

CofD CardsWtF 2 Cards



The Demon Storyteller Guide has dropped its cover and is on sale as an Advance PDF on DTRPG! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/170165/Demon-Storytellers-Guide

Demon STG Front

M20 How Do You DO That? is now available at DTRPG in PDF and PoD versions! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/162241/M20-How-Do-You-DO-That

Pages from M20 How Do You DO That (Final Download)




If you are into the Pugmire KS, here are also six Pugmire posters available as free PDFs or $.99 physical posters, suitable for framing:

Start spreading the Code of Man!




Gen Con 2016 planning has started.


And now, the new project status updates!

DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):

First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)

  • M20 Book of Secrets (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • CtL fiction anthology (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
  • Ring of Spiragos (Scarred Lands)
  • EX3 Backer Charms (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • DA Tome of Secrets (Vampire 20th Dark Ages)
  • VtM Endless Ages fiction anthology (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Mummy Fiction Anthology (Mummy: the Curse)
  • Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Cavaliers of Mars
  • Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes (Beast: the Primordial)
  • Dagger of Spiragos (Scarred Lands)
  • EX3 Quickstart (Exalted 3rd Edition)

Second Draft

  • Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
  • Scion: Alpha (Scion 2nd Edition)


  • W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • V20 Lore of the Bloodlines (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • W20 Shattered Dreams (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Beast Ready Made Characters (Beast: the Primordial)
  • Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
  • W20 Kinfolk (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Beckett’s Jyhad Diary (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • V20 Ready Made Characters (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Shattered Dreams in-book stretch goals (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Dark Eras Companion (Chronicles of Darkness Dark Eras)
  • WtF The Pack (Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition)
  • CofD Hurt Locker (Chronicles of Darkness)

Post-Editing Development:

  • V20 Ghouls (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Secrets of the Covenants (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
  • Scarred Lands Player’s Guide: Ghelspad (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
  • V20 Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Beast: the Primordial Core Book (Beast: the Primordial)



In Art Direction

  • V20 Ghouls
  • W20 Shattered Dreams 
  • Promethean: the Created Second 
  • Scarred Lands PG
  • Dark Eras Companion
  • The Pack
  • Secrets of the Covenants
  • Necropolis Rio
  • W20 Kinfolk


In Layout

  • Mage: the Awakening Second
  • Dark Eras 
  • V20 Black Hand
  • Dreams of Avarice



  • Ex 3 core book – From RichT: Sent review notes on the fixed PDF from the Devs to Maria for what we all hope is the last pass as they caught very tiny things this time, working on getting an index for it.


At Press

  • Pugmire Early Access
  • M20 Deluxe Edition
  • Chronicles of Darkness Cards
  • Gauntlet of Spiragos 5e
  • Forsaken 2 Condition Cards 
  • Chronicles of Darkness
  • Demon Storyteller’s Guide
  • Beast Screen 
  • Truth Beyond Paradox 
  • Lore of the Clans LtD Edition
  • Lore of the Clans Screen


Special- projects on hold in the art and production area until an external factor is resolved

  • Wraith 20 – Can’t go further until art notes come in, still being developed by Rich Dansky.
  • Pentex Employee Indoctrination Manual – Some added and amended text needs to come in.


TODAY’S REASON TO DRINK: On the weekend, to sweethearts everywhere.

72 thoughts on “Going to Press/ing Needs [Monday Meeting Notes]”

    • I think in some capacity, but we are still discussing it with By Night. I’d love to Grand the Masquerade again in New Orleans, so hopefully we will.

  1. Ran a game yesterday with my advance version of Pugmire. I’ve gotta say, I love the mix of traditional fantasy gaming, White Wolf design sensibilities, and goddamn cuteness. There’s parts here that can be horrific (Cult of the White Mice, much?) and I love CoD/WoD, but we know you guys can do dark well. Pugmire is a refreshing change of pace and I hope you guys continue to take risks like this every now and then.

  2. Feels like OP has been in a bit of a dry spell lately in terms of releases.

    I know a lot of those items are “at press,” but I’m pretty sure I already have most of them.

    I know the Kickstarters are going great and all, but I’m specifically speaking about the titles that have been on the schedule for years now.

    Maybe I’m alone in thinking this. I don’t know.

    Either way, I sure hope some of those books that have been in development for what seems like a really long time finally get off the back burner.

  3. I am so stoked for Pugmire. That Kickstarter just keeps growing and growing with amazing Stretch Goals. Thank you for giving the Free Access PDF to backers – it helps us get excited for the final book!

    • Fantastic! Glad it’s working for you. Eddy and I agreed that for something so different and new, we needed to have some form of the game ready for the KS backers so it could be tried out. It’s not like Pugmire has twenty years of fans. Yet.

  4. Rich,

    I know this could be a whole article unto itself, but I have to ask anyway. Can you give a boiled down version on how much difference it costs to get a book run (say M20 deluxe) printed in China vs USA? I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it is cheaper to print and ship a book from China -> USA than to just have it made here, though I am sure it is true.

    Know you are busy, but hey, you don’t ask, you don’t learn. Thanks!

    • Well, I don’t have any real numbers for you, as none of our recent books have been printed in either place. In general, based on our printing experiences with China and the US, is that US printers are simply a lot more expensive but more flexible with providing ideas and suggestions. Just like any manufacturing situation, China can offer incredibly low prices because of the nature of their economy, but you must be absolutely specific in the details and provide those exact details to your rep. They aren’t about providing ideas, at least the ones we worked with. We’ve found that Canada gives us the best prices and quality and printers who have lots of ideas to improve our ideas, which I like the collaborative nature of.

  5. Awesome work Rich! Totally stoked with the unique things that are happening with Pugmire, and hoping that it may give you some proof of concept to talk Paradox into doing the same with CofD! Either way, the love you and Eddy put into this game shows, and its just fantastic.

  6. Hello Rich,

    In regards to the Mage 20th Deluxe, i have some concerns in regard to shipping…. none of that concern is directed at Onyx Path (none at all, you guys are great) but rather the incompetent and ridiculous post office in my area. They have lost / misplaced two packages (and the address was correct both times) within two weeks. One of the packages was delivered to another apartment two units over from my place (no idea why).

    Needless to say, i was hoping i could possibly have my deluxe copy of M20 shipped elsewhere, perhaps to a relative’s house two towns over.

    Also, will there be any kind of tracking numbers with the shipping and do you know off hand if it will be shipped by the USPS or Fedex or anything like that?

    Thank you in advance for the response, and as always, I’m looking forward to future Ony Path releases.

    • The shipper uses whichever service has the best quality/price ratio at the time of shipping. If you’ve had trouble with delivery but have a better place to ship to, then follow the directions in your Update to change your address to that better one. Just make sure the folks there know it is coming for you.

  7. Sorry if this has already been addressed, but looking over the Chronicles of Darkness rulebook PDF, I can’t find any mention of the consequences of Integrity hitting zero. I mean, for other game lines it’s clearly spelled out (Vampires go berserk, Werewolves are stuck in the Shadow, Demons are exposed & likely to not survive the hour, etc…). What about bog-normal humans? Do you lose your soul, given that it partially reflects the soul’s health? What happens when a Human goes from Integrity 1 to Integrity 0?

    • I’m not official or anything, but IIRC there is nothing specific that happens at Integrity 0 other than the sheer number of Conditions you’ve likely had to deal with.

      • That’s why you have something called copy/paste 😉

        Well, it made me raise an eyebrow since that’s probably the supplement I’m anticipating the most right now. Guess a name is just a name, but going back from the “Guide” name to a “Dirty Secrets” name seemed to go against the intentions with the supplement David talked about when development began. So it kinda made me a little worried.

        • Well, don’t worry. Mirthful Mike (and I for that matter) post our progress as we can. Sometimes our shorthand gets through, and if you want to know what’s happening you need to roll with that.

          • Quite understandable. And I think these monday notes are awesome. Gives us customers an insight and updates I don’t know any other company can compete with. So keep on rocking!

    • We made a bunch of them. We changed the ones I wanted changed this time around, which is a tad subjective but then that’s art for you, plus the ones that we felt needed to be changed because of too much reliance on reference material.

    • “Storypath” isn’t a product, it’s the core rules for Scion and the Trinity Continuum. So it doesn’t have to go through layout or art direction or editing or whatever. It’s just an internal reference document.

    • StoryPath as a basis for the rules for Scion and the Trinity Continuum is at enough of a state to move into the game lines themselves. You’ll be able to see how it works with Scion Alpha first, and later the roll out of the TC. No worries.

  8. Products I want:

    Player Screen, actually I wish some of the things in the ST Screen were in the player screen to make room for other things in the ST Screen (e.g. experience costs, I’d be better served with list of experience providers, also social maneuvering, and investigation rules on ST screen). A Player Screen doesn’t have to be a full screen, or maybe it does, cheat sheet.

    I’ve said this once, but poster sized artwork prints. Should be able to PoD posters right?

    Tilt Cards, Item Cards.

    More fiction, I love the anthologies, bought all the vampire novels from a while ago.

    • We have the posters from DriveThru, but are looking at the heavier, non-folded, larger ones other PoD services offer. It’s a very scattershot sort of project category though, with the WW catalog of images alone being hundreds if not thousands of choices, so not a huge priority.

      Fantastic to hear you’re enjoying the anthologies! Do you read them via electronic media or printed or both?

      • Electronic, strangely I like print of things I will reference again. I’ve rather determined that novels and short stories are not really of this sort. I really want an e-ink (non color just text) reader for reading those kinds of things. I think this decisions comes down to, I move so much things I’m unlikely to reference again I don’t want to move (and I think I’ve moved ~10 times in 10 years. At the same time I don’t really like the UI/screen/glow/etc of most laptops/pads for leisure reading.

        cool on posters, if you do DSG cover art is top on my list.

      • So my thought, and maybe it’s too much work, would require more people…

        After releasing the first handful of supplements (Say where Demon is now) release a 2nd anthology with more fiction, perhaps covering additional examples of things and rules that have come out since. Maybe things people are saying are weak. using Demon as the example, a story that has a more heaven/hell feel than a techgnostic one, stories about making pacts, A story set a long time ago. A story about an Angel, that later falls (or something like that). Just an idea.

        • A second stage like that really needs us more engaged than we are in the other sales venues for fiction we’re aiming at now. Then we get more sales numbers that can justify another anthology. I know talking sales isn’t much fun, but throwing out books and hoping they might cover their costs is like throwing seeds into stone, so it’s important we provide fertile ground for the books to grow an audience for.

          I might have gone too far there on the whole metaphor thing. 🙂

      • In Bloodlines: The Chosen, it said that there were several bloodlines that even though they didn’t get into the top ten, they were still worth releasing, so they said that they would release it in a PDF.

        But so far nothing has happened.
        Is it ever going to get released.

        • Bloodlines: The Chosen came out back in June 2007, and production probably started before November 2006, so it’s been through two corporate changeovers and is nearly a decade old. It’s unlikely that those files are still available anywhere we have access to.

        • That book was published nearly ten years ago under what amounts to a different company. I…wouldn’t hold your breath, is what I’m saying.

        • Oh, OK. Not our project. If those files still exist, we don’t have them, and we have no idea if their quality was truly worth releasing as I have heard differing opinions from folks who read some of them. But ultimately, with Requiem 2nd now out, I don’t think any of them would fit into the 2nd Edition without some serious rewriting.

          • Ah.

            I didn’t play the New World of Darkness until about a year before the 2nd edition came out.

            Just wondering if it was still there.

          • Certainly could have been the case, and it is an interesting blip on your professional journey to see the progress. From fan submission to writing to…? I thought the Pugmire interview was excellent, btw.

  9. “In Layout” with no further comments is such an ominous thing to see.

    Is the plan still to release Dark Eras before Mage 2e, or is whichever one gets finished first the one that comes out?

    Counting the days until Dark Eras comes out…

    • Well, it was obvious that the fuller notes just caused more aggravation than they were worth, so production now matches writing and editing. Generally, we expect to release books as they are ready. Thanks!

    • I rather doubt it, in retrospect. Well I say that – I believe Ray Fawkes (developer of the time) referred my submission to Ken Cliffe at some point, because I was then asked to contribute to the (cancelled) Vampire: The Masquerade Trivia Game. My section was 100 questions of Malkavian-related trivia.

      In any case, my bloodline was an expansion on the Beni Murrahim, who in Requiem 1st edition were cited as a Ventrue bloodline originating from Persia. If I recall, I styled them as a bloodline suffering a Circle of the Crone curse of some variety, preventing their practice of Dominate. To compensate, they developed their own Discipline allowing them to make physical marionettes of victims, so a form of body control rather than mind control.

      Eh. I’ve written better.

      Thank you for the channel love! It’s nice to be back. I’ve been so busy writing over these past couple of years, the channel faded in importance. I’ve a renewed interest in it currently, though I still recommend to anyone who likes my work that they check out Sothis Ascends – my first contracted work with Onyx Path, and a real labour of research and love for me.

  10. Has Onyx Path considered the possibility of a more permanent partnership in the future with the company that made the Changeling dice for the Kickstarter campaign? As in setting up an online way to buy the sets of 10 d10s custom made for each game with the awesome pouches from back in the day? Also are the Zippos a possibility of returning eventually?

    • First step is to see how they do with the C20 dice. If things work out we’d love to keep going. I haven’t seen them offer dice pouches, did I miss that? There are all kinds of possible things we could do in the future, not counting anything out.

      • Awesome! No I meant like back in the day when you guys had stuff in gaming stores, there were these amazing dice sets with custom pouches. I still have a Demon the Fallen pouch and a Chronicles pouch from back then. Would love to see that stuff return at some point.

  11. I can imagine special dice for the upcoming ABERRANT relaunch. They’re transparent with gold lettering or iridescent green lettering.

  12. I noticed you would try to make something happen for Roll20. While I would love to play more CoD games online with my friends, I won’t be using that platform. It’s just not for me.

    What I was wondering: Have you ever considered delivering official material for Fantasy Grounds?

    I never thought I would throw money at D&D again, but the official material was so good and the platform is so so so much better than anything else out there. Well. At least I think so.

    Just curious.

    • Well, Roll20 came to us and started the conversation, so we’ve looked at them as a venue. I’ve also played both Pathfinder and WoD games via Roll20, so I know some of what we need to create to be able to use it. I’ve heard some good things about Fantasy Grounds, but have never tried it.

      • I will highly recommend that you look into it. What Smiteworks have made regarding official products for D&D is great. And there is a new Unity version of FG coming out this year with a lot of new features.

        Right now Storytelling games are not that well represented, but if official products become available and people know about it, then that might change.

        Anyhoo… thanks for the reply!

      • I highly recommend it too. Fantasy Grounds rulesets work really well to GM/play a good amount of games now, not just for online gaming and very useful for campaign management too. I use it for my Pathfinder campaign management, and I cant GM now without it 🙂
        An official ChoD FG ruleset whould be really awesome.


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