Preview: Human Touch

Nobody wants to be alone. We don’t just need food and warmth to live… we need companionship. We need people and things that remind us who we are, that there’s a reason for survival beyond survival’s sake. True for us… and just as true for the dead.

Over on the White Wolf forums, we’ve had a couple of questions about Touchstones, a new Kindred trait that ties directly into Humanity and Willpower. Have a look at the hand that keeps you from falling… and the weight that drags you down.

<Click here for the development draft of Touchstones.>

6 thoughts on “Preview: Human Touch”

  1. I’m going to toss this one out here before running it past the Storyteller (our entire group is on the edges of their respective seats waiting for Blood & Smoke because everyone wants to play a Vampire game right now).

    My character had a dog in life. A nice big Russian wolfhound (or huskie, or german shepherd, or something like that). Both he and it were in their prime when he got Embraced. One of the first things he did was turn it into a Hellhound.

    Would this work as a Touchstone?

    Yes, it’s a semi-undead monster but it still eats, sleeps, breathes, and will be in a world of trouble if it runs out of Vitae after another decade or so. So, I have to take care of it just like a pet.

      • To elaborate a bit more: a Touchstone is a tie to the mortal world. Typically, that should be someone mundane, because something supernatural is still a part of the creepycozy nightlight world. But a Touchstone isn’t a supernatural effect — it’s a mechanic that reflects vampire psychology. So there’s no “laws of physics” that prevent the Touchstone from being supernatural.

  2. Do touchstones still provide -1 dice for every detached touchstone as listed in the Humanity spoiler? I very strongly hope not, as this causes higher levels of Touchstone to literally never be useful.

    If the modifiers are only those listed in here though then this is great stuff.


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