[Legacies of the Earth] Earth Crossings

Legendlore art by Gunship Revolution

Matthew here with some Legendlore: Legacies of Earth teaser text! We’re closing in on this book’s release, and thought it would be an excellent idea to show off some of the flavourful content within.

Much of the Legendlore gaming experience surrounds the nature of the Crossing. How did your characters reach the Realm? How are they going to get back? Do you even know the route, is it guarded, and do you need to fulfill set requirements in order to activate your Crossing? Your entire story can be based around finding the right key, defending a Crossing point, or anticipating what might pass through.

In this blog entry we’ll be looking at Earth Crossings, being Crossings that originate on Earth and take characters to the Realm.

The 13th Hour

On a dark and stormy night, while the characters are at a friend’s house watching a scary movie, an old grandfather’s clock strikes thirteen. Suddenly, the lights go out and a night creature starts hunting the characters. At this point, each character has already, unknowingly Crossed into a small shadow realm, and have all their starting abilities. When the characters defeat the night creature and/or escape the house they find themselves in the Realm proper at a location of the GM’s choosing.

We especially recommend using the 13th Hour for horror one-shots set in the Kingdom of Thorin, Ardonous’ Plague Cathedral, or Nightland.

The Conference Room in the Basement of Preus Library

Campus tall tales and undergraduate legends abound. One that’s true is the tale of the conference room in the basement of Preus Library on Luther College Campus. Every ten years, the door of the conference room becomes a door to the Realm. The exit appears in the Enchanted Forest, with the Disk of Mylnon waiting nearby.

If the characters go through and let the door shut, they can’t return that way. The GM rolls a d6 after the last character exits the room and every ten minutes after. On a 1, the door attempts to close even if propped open with an object. Characters within 5 feet can attempt a Reflex DC 25 to stop it each time. The door will not close if a living being stands in the threshold. If characters go back into the conference room, and do not exit until morning, they will be back on campus as if nothing happened.

Enter the Realm: Escape Room!

Enter the Realm: the Escape Room is the newest, most talked about feature of this year’s Comic Con. A fully immersive experience, the characters are encouraged to come dressed up as their favorite role-playing characters. The GM should provide a series of riddles or physical challenges equal to the number in the group to make up the escape room, and hand out coin tokens for each successful challenge.

Upon reaching the last room, the characters are faced with two doors where a mysterious figure in a hood appears. The figure offers the choice of the door to home, or the door to further adventures in the Realm. If the characters choose to go into the Realm, they can pay their coins (one per character) to the hooded figure to immediately gain a character level.

The Jester’s Eye Costume Shop

The Jester’s Eye Costume Shop has just opened in town, on the end of a quiet shopping street and the characters decide to go check it out. While searching through the amazing array of costumes, the characters find a box marked ‘clearance’ filled with unique masks. The shop clerk knows little about them, only that the owner decided they are damaged, and are offered at a discount rate.

When the characters put the masks on, they are instantly transported to the Realm and remain there as long as they wear the mask. If they take the masks off, they reappear on Earth. The GM decides where the masks first take the characters, but subsequent visits always start from where the characters last left. The mask disappears if a character should die in the Realm, even if the character is revived, leaving that character trapped in the Realm to find another way home.

Each mask bestows a different advantage to the character. These benefits only apply while the character wears the mask. If they take it off, or lose it, the advantages go with it.

Nostradamus’ Plague Doctor’s Mask — This mask is one of two plague doctor’s masks in the box. While wearing the mask, the character is immune to all diseases including Terrorek’s death plague, and gains advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) rolls.

Charles de L’Orme’s Plague Doctor’s Mask — This is one of two possible plague doctor’s masks in the box. While wearing the mask, the character is immune to all diseases including Terrorek’s death plague, and gains advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) rolls.

Kitsune Mask — The mask of the kami kitsune, the white fox spirit. While wearing this mask, the character is able to cast minor illusion three times per long rest. At level 3, they gain disguise self, two times per long rest, and at level 7 they can cast major image, once per long rest.

Guy Fawkes Mask — This smiling mask symbolizing anarchy and protest, and bestows its wearer with a Fighting Style, from the Fighter class, of the player’s choice. If the character already possesses a Fighting Style, they may select a second Fighting Style.

Igbo Freedom Mask — Carved by an unknown Igbo from a piece of the slave ship they overthrew and confiscated, wearing this mask gives the character advantage on all grapple and escape checks.

Mask of Tonatiuh — This turquoise-covered mask is the twin of the Aztec Mask of Xiuhtecuhtli. Wearing it grants the user resistance to fire and fire-based attacks and bestows the firebolt cantrip.

Missing Lewis Knight Chessman

The Isle of Lewis chess pieces were discovered in the early 1800s and are the most famous chess sets in the world. Of the four sets recovered, only a handful of pawns and one knight is missing. The character finds the missing knight in a pawn shop, or on an old aunt’s curio shelf, though only a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check reveals its origins.

If the character plays and wins a game of chess using the knight, and the knight makes the winning move, the character is instantly transported to the Realm. They also gain the White Knight as a construct companion.

The White Knight uses traits for a Skeleton Knight, with these changes: Replace command undead with command pawns, as the White Knight may summon 1d6 White Pawns per day (use Skeleton Minion for traits.

There’s even more to be found in the upcoming book, as I’m sure you can guess! For now we’ll leave you with this, but if you want more Legendlore content teased here, please comment below!

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